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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Reminds me a little of Ben Kennedy. I'd have him if he came super cheap, though.
  2. If this is all it was, then why did the leadership team feel the need to pull him up on his second half of the season? Why was he dropped? If he was playing injured then you could assume that they would have let it go, much like Viney at the end of the season, but you are just making excuses. I'm a Watts fan and always have been, but if we want to be a finals side then certain standards need to be met. As a senior player he has no excuse and I'm happy the leadership group stepped in and ensured that he knew about it.
  3. I bolded the bit above but it also relates to your earlier post (didn't want to quote too many and fill up the page), but what other senior players should have been held accountable like Jack? The only other player I can think of is Bernie Vince for his on field discretions, and from memory it was discussed in public how he needed to lift his game as a senior player. Do Jones, Viney, Lewis etc all fall off in their application at training and on game day? No. I'd like to know which other senior players needed to be dressed down in public for their 'out of hours' activities or their application and dedication to the club as a whole. Jack was dropped and from what we can gather the leadership group were not happy with him - maybe he didn't put in the hard yards to get over his injury properly? Jones didn't divulge that info, but it's clear they have set a standard and Jack didn't meet them.
  4. I highly doubt that - Jones goes on to say in the interview that he has been part of the AFL system for longer and should know better. The fact that he is still doing some of these things would frustrate the players no end. With the younger players you could argue that they need to be educated and understand what it takes to be an AFL player. I'm sure we handled the Oliver situation differently than if it had of been a senior player as they should already know better. I don't see it as picking on Watts, so to speak, just our leaders ensuring that the standards that are set are met by ALL players, and they are standards that should not be broken and be clearly understood by senior players more than anyone.
  5. Cheers, Lampers. The main bit I got out of this is how much Petracca loves the Dees and will play his career here with us. Love it!
  6. My suggestion wasn't to take anything away from this aspect, just gives you a little more background as to where it has come from and how reputable it is.
  7. I'm not angry by it and I'm surprised you've taken it that way. I just thought it would help separate the good from the bad in terms of what is likely to be true and what is BS. If you have time to deal in all of that then go for it, I just put forward a suggestion. Nothing more. Hilarious. I'll remember to overlook your posts more often than you change your username in the future.
  8. You know what we need? We need a Tier system. What I mean by that is when a trade rumour is posted it needs to have a 'Tier' attached to it. For example, if someone who has a good track record in the media of putting forward good information, then they are given a 'Tier 1' rating so we know that it's pretty legit and worth discussing. Jay Clark, while some get annoyed with him, is normally pretty spot on with the stuff that he puts forward, so when he posts on Twitter or in the paper then you can be pretty sure it's legit. On the flip side, if it's a rumour from a click bait site or one of those twitter accounts just fishing for some likes, then it can be given a 'Tier 3' rating so posters know it's pretty much rubbish and not worth our time. The 3 way trade that included Hogan is a prime example of one of these, or the Twitter account that claimed it had the 'Jake Lever' decision and then, of course, had absolutely nothing. Posters can also be linked to these as well. Chook in Perth would be a 'Tier 1' as he has a good track record, GNF might get a 'Tier 2' as he has got a few and missed a few, while Brayshaw Self, who hasn't gotten one right yet, might get a 'Tier 3'. I've seen other sites use this system and it helps to eliminate some of the stuff that is just silly. I'm not saying it can't be discussed, but it allows us all to see the rumours for what they are. At the moment it seems anything can be posted and some people will just gobble it up without even thinking. Anyway, it's just an idea. Not sure how it might work here but it's something to consider.
  9. Let's have a look at this post from earlier: The reasons you are trying to come up with to justify why we should chase him are laughable. 1. - If others partied just as hard and did the same things as the other players then they would no doubt have gotten the same treatment and been asked to leave. Clearly that's not the case and whatever it is he has done is far, far worse as he's been the only player asked to leave. 2. - If his life started to simply fall apart due to post natal depression then the club would support him in every way they can. They wouldn't push him out the door. It's like you are his helicopter parent who is making excuses for his behaviour, rather than getting him to take full responsibility for the way he has acted. It's not often that players get asked to move on, but this has been the case here and that puts up red flags all over the shop. It's all a moot point anyway as we aren't interested in him.
  10. Davey Dee is so desperate for us to chase Stringer that he will literally ignore anything he has done to get him.
  11. That article he posted is from a rubbish site looking for clicks. Not only that but it's already been posted, so 'passing on what he has heard' is him just copy and pasting an article of no substance. I wish people would check this stuff out before posting. It would make life so much easier.
  12. I can't believe you are giving any air time to such a ridiculous rumour. Hogan is going nowhere.
  13. I wouldn't trust anything from that 'site'. Making stuff up for page hits.
  14. Hasn't it been said already that Sporting News is complete trash?
  15. Meh. Can get a bit of the footy but strikes me as a player who doesn't do anything damaging with it. Doesn't hit a target as often as he should and doesn't put in the hard yards defensively.
  16. With Priddis and Mitchell now retired, you can bet your bottom dollar Gaff won't be going anywhere. He has made no indication he wants to move and all we've got to go on is a flimsy rumour. He's had numerous chances to come back to Victoria and has spurned them all. I can't really see it changing now.
  17. Lang has one thing we need - pace. Whether or not he is talented enough to play long midfield minutes and make a consistent impact on a game is up for debate, but he might be someone worth looking at.
  18. You could argue that this still means it was leaked. Even when it was reported that Lewis was on his way out of the club, it was quickly clear we were the destination. Think back to even the Dom Tyson trade - we knew we had a deal cooking with them well in advance, it was just unclear what the players were. I feel as though if we were heavily into Stringer then we would know something about it. We don't generally play our cards that close to our chest, although I wholeheartedly agree that we don't put too much out there in the media, or allow it to happen as much as other clubs. However, we have not been mentioned anywhere, and it's clear that Stringer has put both the Cats and the Bombers at the top of his list. I think this takes us well and truly out of the equation.
  19. Convenient you left out the clear fact that we have not been linked to him at all. I'd say we have little to no interest in him.
  20. Why do they want to offload him, then? He has gone against the culture of the club through his preparation, his willingness to work hard to get over injuries and other off field issues. The Dogs feel as though he doesn't fit their culture, hence why they are being so open about offloading him. For the record, I'd be happy to have him at the right price and plonk him inside our forward 50 with Hogan, but it's pretty clear we have little interest.
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