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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. A slightly sensationalist headline there, pitmaster. It sounds like he won't return until Round 3 not because of a setback to the injury, but because they want to get some game time in before he does so to ensure he's ready to go. It's not ideal, but hardly a 'worst fear confirmed' scenario.
  2. I totally agree re: the vibe of it. I think some previews, weekly wrap ups and a bit of banter makes things much more fun. Not to mention everyone logging in regularly to check if their are trade offers on the table. When I played a few years back I would offer a trade or two and find it sitting there three weeks later which was frustrating. I've got my Sunday night free so hopefully we can organise the draft for then and get things underway!
  3. If @Krazy Jaeger O'Smeara was doing them last season and wants to continue then I'm fine with that, I don't want to step on any toes. If he's happy to pass on the baton then I'll be happy to do them. Might even try and fit in a season preview as well.
  4. I might be able to get a mate to join but I'll have to double check. Hopefully @poita pops by soon to confirm the date of the draft!
  5. I just noticed the club announcing a podcast of its own. I wonder if they've taken the idea from you guys a little....? They should have just gotten you guys to do it for them!
  6. There are a number of posters on this board who provide insightful, worthwhile and interesting training reports and photos, and it's incredibly disrespectful to say that we rely on 'one poster' to get them. I, for one, appreciate what the others are able to bring to the table over the summer and we should be thankful we get them. So, thanks to the others who go along, give us a huge training report and answer all questions without bias. It's always appreciated.
  7. I'm the eternal optimist at the best of times, but if we miss finals this year then the season, as a whole, will be nothing but a failure. Unless we (knock wood) have to deal with a plethora of injuries to our key players, then not making the finals will mean questions are asked of the coaching department and of many players on our list. On the flip side, I just don't see that happening this year. I expect us to play a great brand of footy and finish anywhere from 5-8. I think finals and possibly a win in week one of those finals is the goal, then Top 4 in 2019.
  8. Doing 3 word comparisons now, joeboy?
  9. It sounds like the market was very cold for Jack, and we added in a bit of incentive to get the deal we needed.
  10. The interesting part for me, and it may have already been said, was that we paid a small percentage of Jack's contract to ensure we got Pick 31 and not Pick 47, which was originally being offered. West Coast were very keen on Fritsch and, with Pick 31, it allowed us to get in ahead of them.
  11. Paging @poita - sorry to be a pest mate, but the draft is still set for tomorrow night and not this coming Sunday night. Hopefully you'll see this and can get it changed! Cheers in advance.
  12. Swanny spends the whole of his prediction talking up his mate Dusty and sticking the Pies in second. The ganja has fried his brain. 15 predictions of finals is fair and reflects the expectations for the season ahead.
  13. Clearly nobody passed the news on to SWYL. Poor fellow.
  14. It feels as though the injuries to ANB, T Mac and Harmes are only very minor, and they should have no difficulty in being ready for Round 1. Our injury list (touch wood) actually looks very good for this time of the year and we should have our best side, minus Viney, available for the opener against the Cats.
  15. Me either. All I know is that Josh Kennedy isn't playing and the Eagles have no idea what they're doing without him.
  16. The Eagles are missing a couple of players, but they look absolutely putrid tonight. Freo are making them look like a local league side at the minute.
  17. The fact you feel this way means we made the right decision in moving him on. You're like the canary down the mine, picket.
  18. If I get the time I'm also happy to do a write up of how each match up fared over the weekend. I did this a few years back the last time I played and people seemed to enjoy it, so I'm happy to have another crack if I get the time once the season is underway!
  19. I've joined - sorry it took me a little bit of time to get around to it! @poita - thanks for setting this all up! The draft night is set for this Wednesday but needs to be changed to the 18th of March if you see this before then!
  20. I hate this line of reasoning. We have a list full of blokes who are professionals, great guys and great clubmen. Why does Jack get held on some sort of pedestal while others aren't? As PD mentioned above, he still couldn't turn up to pre-season training in good nick or with the right dedication to the cause in his 9th season. How many more chances did he need? He had run out and the right decision was made for all involved.
  21. There once was a boy named Jack Who sometimes copped a lot of flack He kicked 6 one week And the trolls they did seek To act as though they'd snorted some crack.
  22. I wasn't trying to bait, LH. It's a no win situation on here - the moment he plays a ripper it will go one way, when he plays poorly we'll get it the other way. No need to stoke the fire. It seems unnecessary. And I agree with your last line wholeheartedly. I really do hope he plays well for Port, but on the flip side I believe the trade was absolutely the right thing to do, not just for Melbourne, but for Jack as well.
  23. If we're going by his press conference, he made reference to the fact that he has some very, very tough decisions to make in the coming fortnight. To me that says Fritsch is no certainty to be picked Round 1.
  24. It will also be a long year if you take subtle swipes at the coach for 'not knowing how to use his abilities...' every time he has a decent game. It works both ways. I'm genuinely happy for Jack. I'm also very happy with the trade, the acquisition of Fritsch and how well we are going at the moment. At this very early stage it's a win for all involved. But, our focus should always be on us. Be happy for Jack, but never fret when he plays well. WE are building a premiership list, WE are playing ripping football and WE are the ones who will be pushing up the ladder. Enjoy it.
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