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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Some hadn't done that. Would have been a long draft that would have taken days. If you're still keen to take part tonight my mate will be happy to step aside for you, I talked him on board to make up the numbers on the first league but I'm sure he will understand.
  2. Couldn't agree more, OMR! Short term pain for long term gain! Thanks again for doing this, Matt. How do we contact all involved? We should probably aim for 10 players if possible.
  3. Not only that but I don't even think the Galah's, who have first pick, have shown up either! I don't mind if we lose a few players in the next 24 hours as I feel as though those who do will be all over this year and make for a great league.
  4. He logged on and posted in a thread on Friday, and by that point we had tagged him in numerous posts asking him to either hand over admin duties or at least fixing the draft date. He ignored them all. Hopefully we can change to tomorrow night.
  5. If you create it now then I'll be happy to quickly sign up and get it going. Can we contact everyone else? If Poita doesn't sign up then I'll let my mate John know that we won't need him after all so we have even numbers.
  6. @poita - the draft tonight is set as a slow draft, not a live, 60 second draft, so I'm throwing out a late hail mary in the hope you log on here before 8pm tonight and you can change it. Cheers.
  7. It's a danger game for sure. We have played poorly against a horrible Brisbane side for the past few seasons on our home deck. Their improvement and the fact it's at the GABBA represents a tough game.
  8. The club didn't say this, Gil did. How is that us drinking our own bathwater? For what it's worth AF is right. It's nothing more than another click bait article in a week full of them before the season starts. Matters little.
  9. That would be annoying for you for sure, but in the end, having a league that works is better than not having something at all. The picks in the draft, I believe, are entirely random. Before John joined I had around about Pick 5, now it's 10. That's life I guess. I agree though that we need to get things sorted earlier if possible, although that's easier said than done. Bottom line is we have a league, and I'm happy to contribute a season preview, weekly reviews etc to get a good atmosphere going!
  10. As if this wouldn't fire the players up before a game!
  11. Hey all, My mate John has just signed up to the league, so now we have 12 players! He's never played before but he loves a bit of fantasy footy and is keen to have a crack. So everything seems to be clicking into place nicely! Bring on the draft!
  12. Darkthrone? Edit - Damn, just saw Beetle beat me to it!
  13. Yes, you're right, Doc. I think I was playing with a few cards short of a full deck last night. Cheers.
  14. No it won't. Journalists might get a kick up the bum, but fan sites? Unless it's horrible nothing is going to happen.
  15. Let me clarify - is it 15% over 2 years (eg paying 7.5% each year) or do we pay 15% of his wage each year? That's different.
  16. 15% is what PJ said we are paying over two years, unless I misinterpreted it wrong and that we are paying 15% each year for two years...?
  17. Wrong. We are paying 15% over the next two years of his contract. So that's 7.5% a year. That's nothing. By doing that we got a slightly higher pick for very little in terms of payment towards his contract. It's a drop in the ocean and freed up hundreds of thousands of dollars for us over the next few years.
  18. He did have something to do with it, even if it was indirectly. Getting Lever on a large contract meant that something had to give - we still have a number of players to sign and the salary cap will probably be tight. We obviously wanted to move Watts on, but in doing so it freed up some of the cap room that we gave up to sign Lever. It will no doubt help in our quest to re-sign all the young players going forward, even if it's just in the short term. Keeping both Lever and Watts wasn't an option, so Lever played a role, even if it was small, in helping to move Watts to Port Adelaide.
  19. And nor should you, you're just on fire today!
  20. @Demonland - you trying to break the 'new topics in one day' record?
  21. I thought that, if they had a niggle of any sort, they were straight into the rehab group. So how come T Mac had a 'nuisance' injury but didn't go in to rehab for it? Seems strange.
  22. Nice work OMR! That's good news! I saw poita posting here a little earlier so hopefully he's seen the messages and everything is going okay!
  23. Is waking up without them a constant problem for you, Chazz?
  24. Good move, OMR. As you say, we need to get things off the ground and make sure everyone is aware of the draft date etc so the season gets underway without too many problems.
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