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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. I'd be unbelievably surprised and terribly disappointed at the same time if we had any interest in Dan Hannebery. Not what we need at all. Not only that, we have no high draft picks, so this seems strange to me. In fact, I find it extremely hard to believe.
  2. If anyone sees this tonight and can give a quick run down on what is discussed it would be greatly appreciated.
  3. It's SWYLs birthday, Moonie. OD is 10 years behind him.
  4. And you keep hanging your hat on a complete non issue, as if it has anything to do with composure or the development of our game plan.
  5. No. It's the greatest non-issue in footballing history. Did it matter when we won 6 on the trot? Of course not. It doesn't matter now either. Composure around the ground and improving our game plan has nothing to do with lugging a brick up a hill.
  6. You forgot: - the camp - going to the AFLPA instead of the coaching team - Jack Watts - Norm Smith curse - Jack Watts - Dom Tyson - Oscar McDonald - Jack Watts
  7. I don't think that's a fair analogy. Of course we would be playing better with Clarkson in charge, but so would pretty much every side in the comp outside of Richmond. It's like saying would we be better with a prime Norm Smith in charge. Clarkson won't coach anyone but Hawthorn, so wondering if we would be playing better with him at the helm is pointless really. Goodwin has done pretty well so far, even though we can see some clear deficiencies in his gameplan. However, many current successful coaches (outside of Chris Scott who inherited one of the best lists ever assembled) have taken years to get themselves into premiership contention, Clarkson included.
  8. Well said Steve. The way in which we use our forward entries is not conducive to someone like Jesse who prefers it on the lead or one out deep in the forward line where he can use his strength. Kicking it to him when there are 6 other blokes around doesn't exactly give him a chance to play to his strengths.
  9. I know mate. It's not one of my best qualities when it comes to how I support the club. I'm too old to change now!
  10. A key forward kicks goals - he has 47 for the year and you would expect he gets 50 by the end. He can take marks - he has taken 125 of these throughout the year which is very high for all key forwards in the comp. He has a great tank, which allows him not just to play deep, but to also play further up the ground. He is also an excellent field kick. I readily admit his kicking for goal still needs work, but this year he has been much, much better, as his 47.23 suggests. We are vastly underrating the bloke and his value to our side.
  11. Where do we draw the line though, Moonie? Does Oliver have a couple of shockers and we start talking trades on him? I just think even considering trading a key forward, who is capable of 50 plus goals a game, when there is no one out there to replace his goals and his output, is a little short sighted. And BA's suggestions might sound good on paper, but they make no sense for us, nor would GWS or GC really entertain those at this point.
  12. For me, there is no chance the Giants trade away either Coniglio or Whitfield. Whitfield I guess is a chance as he is Victorian, but Coniglio is turning into a star. Why would they trade him away? Not only that, with Cameron, Patton and Lobb, they would have no interest in also adding Hogan to the mix. Also, they are in their premiership window and would have next to no interest I would have thought in going back to the draft. Plus, the Suns just lost Tom Lynch. I highly doubt they would be willing to give up another tall as well Bottom line is that there is not much out there. I don't really want picks either, but then I have zero interest in trading a 23 year old key forward who is capable of kicking 50 plus goals a season. I think we are focusing in the wrong places in terms of how we could improve our list, and this is Exhibit A.
  13. Who is this ready made player, who is actually available, that will improve us going forward? Who is going to cover the 50 odd goals that Hogan has kicked for us this year? I look forward to your suggestions. Remember, I'd like to see players who will actually be available and that we need to trade for. Gaff doesn't count because we can get him without trading.
  14. Spot on. Hogan isn't helped by our obsession with just bombing the ball in long either. He's better when we move it quick so he can play one out, or lead up to the ball. Dropping it on his head constantly so they defenders can converge on him doesn't help his cause, which is what we are much more guilty of against the better sides.
  15. Which part is hyperbole? The cold, hard stats or that I'm worried for some of our supporter base? You could make an argument that every player has a price. If someone went overboard and offered ridiculous amounts for Oliver then the club would still consider it. But you don't trade 23 year old key forwards that have just kicked 50 goals in a season. Okay, if he gives a hint to the club that he wants out then you consider it, but right now he's going nowhere.
  16. I'll retract the alcohol one, but you mentioned Jones possibly being 'tired' from being at the engagement party, which to me alludes to the fact he was out later than he should be, something there is no proof of. Again, you're the one who brought it up, so you can wear the responsibility for that. I'll retract the other comments.
  17. You made reference to the engagement party first, as if it impacted on their prep for the game. So what have you got to back that up? You must be alluding to something if you're bringing it up.
  18. Do you have any proof that players got home really late before the game? If not then I'd stay away from peddling a rumour that it impacted on their prep for the game.
  19. Jesse has had 365 disposals, taken 125 marks and kicked 47 goals so far this season playing both as a deep forward and up the ground. But nah, let's trade him and put our faith in a kid that hasn't really done a thing at senior level. I worry for our supporter base sometimes.
  20. In the first half of the game he was one of our best players. Alright, he missed a few easy shots on goal, but he was working his arse off up the ground to get into the play and make himself a focal point of our attack. When he got injured he wasn't the same, but got back out there and had a crack anyway. Talk of trading a potential 50 goal a year forward is complete madness.
  21. Take out the 6 goal run in the second term, which was done in 15 minutes, and the Swans only kicked 7 further goals for the rest of the game. Again, it came back to our inability to put pressure on the scoreboard when we dominated the first quarter and a half. Kick straight and turn that 3.7 into 7.3 and we are 6 goals up and cruising. The Swans took their chances when they were presented with them and we simply couldn't do the same. Our composure needs some work, not just in front of goal but around the ground as well, but after a good night of sleep I've woken up this morning knowing that while we are solely to blame for the loss yesterday, we are still well and truly in the finals race with a few rounds to go. No reason why we can't make it.
  22. What's the point? You love the club my friend. I've found over the years, and this is just from my own experience, is getting upset/angry/frustrated etc only makes me feel worse for longer. If I take a few steps back and look at the game a little more objectively, post a little and then move on, I find by the next morning it doesn't hurt nearly as much and I'm ready to focus on the next game. Plus, some here absolutely lose the plot and it makes me feel better knowing I don't make that much of a fool of myself after a loss. That doesn't mean that losing doesn't hurt and, like everyone here, I've poured my heart and soul into the club for over 30 years. But I'll keep coming back and continue to keep the faith in my team because that's all I can do. Cheers.
  23. I saw Gus Brayshaw jingling his keys as he walked to his car after the game. Clearly too happy after the loss. Drop him.
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