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Everything posted by SFebes

  1. Yes Karl did say that mate, which was strange as he said Jesses mum enjoys flying to Melb a few times a year, when she actually lives in Victoria anyway. To my knowledge, there are a fair bunch of incompetent journos in WA from what I've seen over the years.
  2. Tim Gossage just said Hogan adamantly doesn't want to go to West Coast.....(and West Coast don't know why)
  3. Thank god it wasn't 186 minutes.
  4. 4/5 + Brayshaw is a big win IMO, I'd be happy with that.
  5. Hogan spent 4 hours at Fremantle facilities apparently. **Doesn't take that long to look at things, contract negotiations IMO
  6. Tim Gossage reporting Jesse toured Fremantle facilities today.........
  7. His brain fade in the pre-lim wouldn't have helped but I think he was a long shot anyway, thanks and seeya.
  8. I'd be happy with Freos pick 5 or 6 plus next years first rounder, fair for both parties, we get what we want and Freo get an early pick in the draft plus Hogan. Swap of picks or Langdon and we walk away happy.
  9. As I said in my post above, it's not about this year for WCE, Freo now know they are interested and it'll force Freos hand to do a trade this year as next year is unknown, who knows WCE may trade up and release players to gain Hogan next year and Freo may only have a single first round pick say pick 8, that's why Freo will want to get Hogan right now as they know they can trump the Eagles picks 20 and 21. Game on.
  10. It also means that Freo will now have to do a deal this year as next year is the unknown and they won't hold better cards than they do now, it's a good situation for us right now thanks to Eagles interest.
  11. KK is definitely an elite talent, I'm unsure why the Suns would give him up for nothing when they are clearly a basketcase. With Lewis near done, this guy will slot in nicely.
  12. To be honest I have never heard so much uneducated and poorly researched shizen dribble in years than I have on TradeRadio this week, it's actually a disgrace. Switched off.
  13. Another positive would be Petty can now develop until May finishes up also.
  14. Oh, but I thought he had been playing his role......... ?
  15. Good for starting the fire on a cold night..
  16. Yes they do on Twitter mate, there is also a message for each topic. Go to AFLTradeRadio, If I see it I'll put it up for you
  17. So we don't have any money for May, but have been chasing Gaff all year........I think there is more to come as that sounds like BS to me.
  18. Agree, I think Joshy has a few tricks up his sleeve and I wouldn't be surprised to see 1-2 decent names as well as May here. And to think we had been chasing Gaff so what are these rascals up to, hmmm............
  19. Just renewed membership and Jesse not an option for the membership card - GAWN!
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