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Mazer Rackham

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Everything posted by Mazer Rackham

  1. Yes, Hird for example ... a giant of a man ... after holding his sword aloft for so long, finally fell on it, for the good of the players. That's what Tracey Holmes said. I think it was "sword". Maybe it was "prong". Something like that.
  2. When clubs pick up guys like Crameri & Monfries, and then we pick up Melksham ... maybe some clubs are stupid but not all. They would want some assurance that they're not just playing one short ... And who would they go to for assurance? Essendon? Of course they'll give a thumbs up, who would trust them? So they go to the AFL. "Tell us we're not setting ourselves up for a fall." "No worries. It's sorted. We're taking care of it. They may cop a guilty but there won't be any missed games. No probs." This could backfire on the AFL big time. There'll be a queue of angry clubs.
  3. Because the entity that is best placed to nail them to the wall seems anxious not to upset them ... for some strange reason ...
  4. "Like this" Maybe he already did and Essendon shredded that one too, by mistake! But he is so dodgy that if such a document emerged, no-one would believe it anyway. And if he did give them saline, there is still to be explained how the players got so big in 2012.
  5. It could be a sign that the only info worth spinning is still damning even in its spun form.
  6. Come on! Johnny Farnham! The guy who used to turn the sheet music pages for Beethoven!
  7. So the guys who shared information did nothing wrong, but the guy who revealed the not-wrong-doing got punished. Well done AFL. You've still got it.
  8. If they said it was daytime you'd look out the window to make sure.
  9. Come on now! Didn't you read where the player said he didn't do anything wrong? His supplement was "infected". And he didn't know what it was anyway. Fair go! On the other hand, his name doesn't sound too "Aussie" ... hmm, maybe he did do it after all ...?
  10. Dees2014, when you say "I have no doubt", are you inferring from what is publicly known, or do you have information that we plebs are not privy to?
  11. "As a Swiss arbitration organization, decisions of the CAS can be appealed to the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland. Appeals of arbitration decisions are generally not successful, and no evaluation of the merits is taking place and the evaluation is mainly based on whether procedural requirements have been met, and whether the award is incompatible with public policy. As of March 2012 there have been seven successful appeals. Six of the upheld appeals were procedural in nature, and only once has the Federal Supreme Court overruled a CAS decision on the merits of the case. This was in the case of Matuzalém, a Brazilian football player."
  12. As I said, I think the players knew, and deserve to go, but if the outcome is that they get off and the masterminds get the book thrown at them, I won't cry into my beer.
  13. If it turned out that the players got off lightly, or with no punishment, but the book was thrown at the perpetrators .... isn't that what we the people have been asking for all along? Although I think the players knew what was up, and deserve their whack, the real bad guys are the ones who devised and put into practice the drug regime, and the ones who really deserve punishment. I will sleep at night if the players get off PROVIDED the ringleaders are dealt with appropriately. (Also Jobe has to hand back Charlie.)
  14. I think leaked information, if any comes at all, is going to be several days behind. EG. Instructing solicitor representing a player goes back to chambers, tells colleague what went down on day 1, colleague tells his mate the lawyer from another practice, who happens to be a source cultivated by a journo ... So what we hear, if anything, will be days behind and probably garbled. And mostly it will be slanted against WADA as the word is they will maintain radio silence until it's all done and dusted.
  15. I think it's possible that subpoenas have been issued and Dank & his merry crew have ignored them to date, as they have every other "invitation" to testify. But they will get a nasty shock if it's real this time, and they really are subpoenas, and not just "invitations".
  16. Dunno why anyone's paying too much attention to ol' ringsau. He jumped the shark aeons ago.
  17. The new TB4 test is of such youthful pedigree and dubious value that I can't see how it can be used as "proof". It will only be used as corroboration. Sourced from China, stir fried by the pharmacist, injection regime supplied to Dank ... and lo and behold, actual traces of TB4 in the players.
  18. Yep. If he's saying this kind of stuff in 12 months time, then it's time to panic. But not before.
  19. With Skeletor in charge they have to imagine how actual humans would feel.
  20. Translation: "tell us what you think you were given, and if it's harmless then we'll agree that we gave it to you. Otherwise we'll lose the paperwork."
  21. What's the bet they "co-operated" and "agreed" the same way they did when they "co-operated" with the joint AFL/ASADA investigation and then "agreed" to the AFL sanctions? As in, negotiated them down. Problem for Essendon is if ANYTHING sticks from the WS investigation, even a $100 fine will set off all the litigation lawyers in Victoria. Article in yesterday's paper with one of them quoted as saying (paraphrasing), as soon as EFC are officially guilty of something/anything, it's open slather as the case has virtually already been run for them.
  22. My doc said if you have to choose between being a smoker and a drinker, be a drinker. He said that while injecting himself with something out a of a spoon but I never got to ask him if being a druggie was even better coz he passed out. Last laugh was on him as I left without paying for my tatt!
  23. Please, drink responsibly. Mow lawns responsibly while you're at it too.
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