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Mazer Rackham

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Posts posted by Mazer Rackham

  1. 14 hours ago, cantstandyasam said:

    One of my all time favs - wish we had of given him more support. I'm not saying we didn't just wish we had a good mentor to guide him and maybe an emotional tie like a gf at the time.

    There's bugger-all we, a city-based football club, could have done. Unfortunately Liam was born under a troubled star. A long term AFL career was not his fate.

    • Like 1
    • Sad 1
  2. 58 minutes ago, mauriesy said:

    Britain will apparently spend huge sums of money changing all the EIIR insignia to CIIIR.

    I'm wondering whether the British Post Office will become CIIIPO. 🙂

    To kill your joke (sorry), I believe it will be just CR, not CIIIR.

  3. Many years ago, I stayed in a B&B in Edinburgh. The patriarch of the host family liked to have breakfast with the guests. Somehow the conversation came around to Liz. (Quite possibly a frequent occurrence in that house.) "Ayyyyye. The second of *England*. But the fust of Sco'land!!" The sheer contempt in his voice. This goes all the way back to James I. (I know the general enmity goes back further than that.)

    Diff. with Ireland is that the conflict is still in the living memory.

    Echoes of ill-feeling toward the retreating empire linger all over the world, even in its own backyard. It's only to be expected that this moment has roused them to new life.

    On a related note. Respect for "the monarchy" is constantly conflated with respect for the persona of Elizabeth II. For many people they are one and the same. We see this in the pro-monarchy movement here in Oz: "but the Queen is such a stalwart lady who commands the highest respect. You want to get rid of HER?" It's a different ball game now, and people are going to see that there is the institution of monarchy, and then there's the sitting monarch, whom you may not like. Two different things and the latter may lead to a re-appraisal of the former.

    That's why we have seen the pro-republic movement more or less sit on its hands for the last 20-odd years. It's an unwinnable debate as long as the Queen reigned.

    • Like 2
  4. I get that he's young, and inconsistency goes hand-in-hand with that.

    Unfortunately, a trend that has emerged is his seeming inability to take one-grab marks. That's a trait players either have by the time they get to AFL level, or never acquire. It's one thing for a midfielder, but definitely not great for a ruckman/forward.

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  5. Hird should have been run out of town on a rail, but there he is, still in the AFL coaching system. Given that that's not going to change, the best use of his talents is back at his spiritual home, running them into the ground and setting them back even more years.

    Heard on the radio a theory that "someone" at Ess might be sabotaging their bright and shiny coach selection process to ensure that all the other viable candidates are discouraged, leaving only one man standing ....

    • Haha 2
  6. What's more concerning was the complete lack of movement when we had a kick to inside 50 after mark or free. Everyone was standing around watching like teenage boys at a dance.

    3 minutes ago, deelusions from afar said:

    Don't normally rate Ross Lyon's analysis but did find his segment on us and Sydney Footy Classified quite interesting.  He highlighted some of Sydney's inside 50s.  We were well setup for most of them and yet they managed to fake kicking long and pull the kick at the last moment which caught us off guard.

    Cool tactic, but we had it in our power to neutralise it with scoreboard pressure. Instead we went retro with "mark, stop and kick" to guys who spend so much time practicing goal kicking from the boundary, they think that's where you have to do it from.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Demon Disciple said:

    In a world of UHD and 4K cameras, the AFL seems happy to stay with 10 years old technology. Surprised that the pictures aren’t published in black and white

    They should go off court room sketch artists' drawings of the scoring attempt. Would be more accurate and possibly faster.

    • Haha 4
  8. 2 hours ago, DubDee said:

    Libba out of finals. Doubt they beat Freo

    This is indeed a blow. Who else do the Dogs have who can dive on the ball while simultaneously scooping it with two hands to a nearby teammate? I hope they have been training this "skill of the game".

    • Like 2
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  9. This actually a pretty decent normal distribution. It's weird in that it has occurred in such a small population.

    Calculations: mean 0, standard deviation 35.8. Dogs are getting out to near 3 standard deviations from the mean.

    Chance of "scoring" 91: 0.04% (this is about the same chance that someone is 6'4" in a human population)

    Chance of "scoring" -81: 1.1%

    It looks extreme but it's not unreasonable, from a purely statistical sense.

    The problem with the "Bulldogs favouritism" theory is that it also has to explain why Richmond gets such a rough trot. I think the latter is because the Tiges try to play "unsociable football" and either get it wrong (too far over the line), or are playing "unsociable football" according to a bygone era (ten years ago) and umpiring standards have changed. Players like Riewoldt continually moaning and groaning may also get the umps offside; they are only human after all.

    Now for the Dogs. Pure favouritism (in the sense of Margetts/WCE) doesn't seem to be what's going on. I think it is that Dogs have found a chink in the armour. They are coached to play in a way that the current umpiring fashion is prepared to overlook. Throwing, dropping ... the blatancy with which they do this is inexplicable, unless the explanation is that the umps are directed to overlook it. We now see players from other teams (even our own) trying it on. Cripps in round 23 tried it in the last few minutes of the game ... "oh, I'm in trouble .. I'll just let go of the ball and cause a stoppage". He'd done it all game, but the umps chose that moment to pay holding the ball for the first time! And C'wood scored a goal.

    There seems to be a direct line through a "champion of the game" (Selwood) getting away with it, the Dogs' industrialisation of that exploit, and the current blight of players from all teams trying it on. All in the name of making more entertaining a game that through dint of its crowd sizes manifestly does not need that.

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  10. On 8/10/2022 at 5:06 PM, Demonstone said:

    From the early 80s in fact but I'm rolling down the stair's, too drunk to fight.


    On 8/18/2022 at 5:57 PM, Jumping Jack Clennett said:

     " Dead Kennedys" was a slightly irreverent name, I alway's thought!


    On 8/18/2022 at 5:59 PM, Demonstone said:

    Slightly?  It's up there with the Harold Holt Swim Centre in Glen Iri's for mine!


    1 hour ago, roy11 said:

    Omac not being offered a new gig at Carlton, poor lad had a horror run of injuries whil'st a blue


    1 hour ago, binman said:

    Is that the woke ver'sion?


    Come, on guy's, get it together

    • Haha 2
  11. 16 hours ago, layzie said:

    Damn, all the good jokes are already taken.

    There's still one good one left, about the Pope, the President, a Scotsman, and a blonde.


    15 hours ago, Queanbeyan Demon said:

    I'm not the only one who has internal practices matches it seems. 

    Everyone does it, but no-one likes to admit it.

    • Love 1
    • Haha 4
  12. 3 minutes ago, Jaded No More said:

    Is anyone else really enjoying the pre finals movie titled “Windy Hill: dumpster on fire”?

    It's a great curtain raiser, fills in the week of no footy beautifully.

    Hopefully there'll be a sequel to keep us amused over the summer.

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  13. On 8/22/2022 at 2:10 PM, Dante said:

    He was over the moon that we pursued him and that we offered him a long contract, I doubt he'd leave.

    On the other hand, he's mad as a cut snake, so who knows what he'd do if they put an offer in front of him.

  14. There is a bit of a wait "in the queue" but if you sit tight you will get through.

    A bit more detail: well before 9AM I pre-logged in to ticketek with "keep me signed in" (although to do payment I found I had to log in again anyway). "Joined the queue" at 8:55 and at about 9:05 was able to do the ticket selection. I also pre-entered/saved my credit card, in case something went wrong in the entering of them and I got timed out and had to join the queue again. But nothing went wrong! On ticketek!!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  15. Ticketek site currently says ticket on sale at these dates/times:

    MCC members: Tue 23 Aug 2022 9:00AM (AEST)

    AFL members: Wed 31 Aug 2022 9:00AM (AEST)

    Club members & general public: Wed 31 Aug 2022 9:00AM  (AEST)


    It seems a bit odd but don't shoot the messenger.

    • Shocked 1
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