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Everything posted by Gunna’s

  1. I preferred the 21 prelim final. Much easier on the ticker (and dog)
  2. Fritta. And a big apologies to my dog.
  3. And the [censored] [censored] umpire was right there. Tell me Gawn is treated the same as every other player
  4. Wilson!!! (this is to payout jobe Watson )
  5. Gawn a lovely glare at the umpires. He is sick of being infringed
  6. In his back and without it. Play on. You are [censored] umpires (all 4)
  7. Why are we slipping over now? JVR twice now
  8. Gave him an eternity before calling it. [censored] yeah petty
  9. Langdon>sparrow?>trac>fritsch>goal 🍆
  10. How [censored] bounces? Plus there was a shocker not recalled.
  11. Max loves [censored] Geelong!!!!
  12. Midfield starting to tire. Not doing the extra gut runs. Cmon boys.
  13. I’ve seen them paid htb cause he didn’t get it out???
  14. Another cats player runs over the mark.
  15. Booing clear vision. Geelong people 🤦‍♂️
  16. Should be fifty. Geelong player gave to wrong player. Useless maggots
  17. He runs he fights he [censored] and he kicks straight.
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