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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. I wonder if he is playing full game?
  2. He is being played forward.
  3. Recommend following Box Hills twitter account for updates. They're even mentioning Majak Daws two goals so far. The Casey Twitter feed is an absolute [censored].
  4. Well this was their last updated tweet....
  5. Who knows mate because once again our club is pathetic in keeping fans informed on what the hell is actually happening.
  6. Did anyone know this practise game was on tonight? Once again the Melbourne football club media department fail once again in letting fans know and keeping us updated. Absolutely useless is this footy club. Stole this from box Hill Hawks Twitter account
  7. Casey have a practise game tomorrow? Hence why there maybe a few players missing on the track.
  8. Frustratingly true. Do half of them even give a [censored]? Does the jumper mean anything anymore.. I think its all about the instagram likes and fame unfortunately for these blokes. Start by canning the Gus Gawny podcast. Nothing but open bullying to Ben Gibson.
  9. It was evident when Josh Mahoney was interviewed at the time that he mentioned we were only slightly interested, but was more so going to back in our current system.. that's a clear as it gets. After missing out on Smith Mahoney again ruled out going for anyone else and again reiterated that we were going to back in the likes of Bakers etc. I have seen enough of Baker to know that this is already a fail. If we badly wanted him we would have got him. Collingwood traded him for a pick in the 60s and it's going to be proven to be a solid pick up for the Hawks.
  10. You sure about that.. Gus and Gawny said he was due to play the VFL game against the doggies. It actually sounded like he did it in the doggies game.
  11. I can't stand the [censored], but he's not wrong on this one. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.
  12. Anyone notice Goodwin giving Pickett a big hug in thr background as they were all high five each other?
  13. What's his speed like Reader?
  14. I've seen enough of Carroll to know he'll play games this year and have a solid career. Carroll was close to BOG in their practice match last practice game. I watched Rosman last week and he would have been lucky to touch the ball 5 times throughout the match.
  15. Salem by far is the obvious choice for me for that wing spot. But get why is needed down back.
  16. Yeah look I'll admit I was disappointed with this pick. Jack Carroll who I was a big fan off and had a proven junior record for two years in the WAFL colts as a wingman/half back was ripe for the taking and yet we went for the athlete over the footballer. This to me just seems like a Liam Hulett pick all over again. Rosman doesn't excite me one bit. The comparisons to Isaac Smith is simply laughable.
  17. We put all our eggs in thr Isaac Smith basket and the moment we missed out, we simply had no plan B. It was well documented that Phillips was being shopped in the open market and every footy journo and media outlet said that it was the perfect fit for us. And it would have been. The arrogance in this football continues to amaze me.
  18. If Petty and Kozzy get through full games next weekend then they're absolute locks for round 1 imo.
  19. Watched Tom Phillips rack up 30 touches for the Hawks and provide great drive through the midfield. Still 24 years of old and was traded for pick in the 60s. When we missed out on Isaac Smith the club came out and said that they'd put the trust in the current players on the list. So in other words we had no plan B.. this was perfect opportunity to change the dynamic of our midfield up and we just didn't bother at all. I then see Nathan Jones back on a wing yesterday and was absolutely gobsmacked that we've seen 0 improvement in this capacity over the summer. Baker is not the answer. Ordinary footballer who goes missing for about 3 quarters.
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