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Everything posted by Emerald

  1. Same problem as usual,too many VFL players in the line up.The sooner they are culled from the team,the more matches we will win.
  2. Hoping the likes of Brayshaw and Hogan make today's game more entertaining to watch than last years game.
  3. Listen to MMM tomorrow morning to hear Eddie's excuse.
  4. or maybe they got a bad batch of it from a new source.
  5. It took a while but finally the Bombers are coming down off the drugs.
  6. Only if he brings Bec dressed in a devil outfit for our new mascot.
  7. I noticed a TV camera filming his talk to the players,does anyone here know when this will be televised? I would love to hear what he said,by the sounds of it he could have been a comedian as he had the Melbourne players in stitches.
  8. Best witches hat in the team.
  9. I really hate this thread but can't stop reading it.
  10. Don't worry,we have the Prince who will have the last laugh and is gifted.
  11. That was the most self mortifying thing I have ever read,but thanks for the effort DV.
  12. Grinter had more balls than our current list combined.
  13. I hope the Prince lives up to his word and has the last laugh on Monday.
  14. "Love thy neighbor" Jesus."Power consists not in being able to strike another,but in being able to control oneself when anger arises" Muhammad. "Hatred is never appeased by hatred,it is appeased by loving kindness" Buddha. If we listen to these three guys there would be no racists,no anti racists and this thread would be a lot nicer.
  15. I haven't watched Home and Away since Revhead was sleazing on Alf's stepdaughter but after seeing the pic above I might have to start tuning in again.
  16. The coaching department and the players need to analyse how triggers like Watts dropping sitters and Dunn's barrel that result in opposition goals lead to a complete meltdown for the remainder of the game.
  17. This is getting more depressing than the Jack Watts threads.
  18. If a 33 year old man was going off in the street at a 13 year old girl who had called him an ape and the cops happened to drive past,he would have been arrested for child abuse.
  19. If Darwin's survival of the fittest theory applies to football,we're farked.
  20. For every action,there is an equal and opposite reaction.It seems every team knows about Newton's laws but Melbourne.
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