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Ethan Tremblay

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Everything posted by Ethan Tremblay

  1. Hawks were 6 senior players down and they won by a few kicks, convincing? I have hope of a win, however can't see us being able to kick enough goals
  2. Are you talking about bringing Prestia in for 2017 after his contract ends in 2016? He's loving the Suns and going no where.
  3. Sooooo...GWS...pretty crappy aren't they...
  4. Frawley is a backman all the way.
  5. They have no backline, anyone expect them to throw massive $ at Frawley?
  6. Come on.......haha. No worries. It just seems some on here are very delicate. I'll make note that you're not none of them.
  7. I didn't feel it were right to correct your mistake in front of everyone. It looks quite silly making spelling errors when the point of your post was to laugh at others errors. Next time I'll post for all to see.
  8. A short-term depressive illness? Honestly... What's sillier than discounting it is speculating about it.
  9. It was re-played on SEN, it wasn't a live interview so not sure where it originated from.
  10. Just heard Roo's himself on the radio state 3 years as coach then stay at the club in "some capacity," obviously stating not a coaching role
  11. His hair is amazing. It's almost as good as my permanent. If he coaches half as good as his hair looks, lock him in.
  12. He added a laughHe's a kid who has an injury, let's not start with the mental health thing everytime a player has, what's deemed, a long term injury.
  13. His attitude is terrible and exactly what the team has been working at to eradicate. First Sylvia then this. This thread has gone loco...
  14. After living in Perth then moving to Melbourne and now back in Perth I can tell you without a doubt I would much rather be back living in Melbourne, hope Jesse feels the same! Thanks for the report
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