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Everything posted by dieter

  1. I played cricket for Sunshine at the Preston Ground.
  2. You don't say????I used to work in an old dilapidated building just before it in FLinders Street Extension back in the mid 1970's, dropped and picked up sailors there when I drove taxis from 1988 to 1993...
  3. They used to have a chapel at the end of Flinders Street, past Spencer Street, I think it was called The Seeman's Mission.
  4. Judging by some of the total rubbish posted on this topic it's no wonder some of us just wipe our brows with our elbows and mutter, Oi Fu..ing Weh.
  5. If she's your real wife it won't be nice for long...
  6. Binman, all in all, W.Coast were simply a better team on the day. Their kicks went mainly where they wanted them to go. You have those days. The Demons have been having too many days, though, where their kicks go straight to the opposition. It also didn't help that when Hibberd kept the long, markable kicks into the forward line, West Coast marked them. Brown and Tom were not effective. All in all, what can ya do? It is what is is. Or, It was what it was...Che sera, sera...
  7. My old man used to say, Don't worry about hitting your ball into the sh.t, you find a lot of golf balls there.
  8. Send a message anytime you want. I'll be glad to reply. Seen tough days meself....
  9. I watched very little, unable to bear repeat offence. Impressions? Gawn wasn't fit. Hibberd needs a good f..king talking to. Spargo is a liability. There were good reasons for Essendon allowing Brown to walk. I would hate to be a forward at the end of the bullsh..te delivery they received today. The rest is history repeating itself. Then again, we are making history and we shall see what we shall see.
  10. And you'll be exempt from mass meetings because Scomeo will legislate it. Or, you just mozzie on down to Crown Casino, still open. Daniel Andrew was gonna 'ask' them to close it, FMDead....
  11. Why, Daisy, cos we don't regurgitate the Bulldust the media spreads? I know, you are way above this, you 'know'. Give me a break, admit for once, you are like all of us, you know NOTHING.
  12. Exactly. It will never stop. The world has learnt nothing, the same carnage and mass murder continues. Somehow, 'we' are always in the right, the 'other' is always to blame.
  13. Yawn. I want something done about the greatest terrorist threat to the world, namely the USA. Sorry, but you show symptoms of a very brainwashed racist.
  14. Fantastic reply. I work in the business, I'm 69, would have retired if we didn't have a 22 year old daughter, we won't mention the dog, and the stories of remaining faithful to the origins of the 'folks is heartwarming'. My 'Folks' on my mother's side came from Northern Serbia, Ethnic German who were ethnically cleansed in 1944, they were vignerons. They lost everything in one swell foop, as they say. I'd love to have tasted the fruit of my grandfather's labor. Not to be. He was murdered, along with all the other ethnic German men when Tito's men arrived after the Soviet soldiers cleared their path.
  15. How many potties have you drank or smoked? Your post only makes sense in cuckoo land.
  16. What's your plonk of choice tonight? I've sampled a 2014 Hunter Sem, a 2017 Margaret River Chard, a Coriole cabernet 2013, a 2017 Beechworth Wine Estate Sangiovese and a Mr Riggs 2018 Coon cab.
  17. One man's poison... So you're sane, sober and not bonkers. I shouldn't question this, it's bleeding obvious
  18. It would be interesting to put your notion of humility on a scale. Ditto your advice about invoking a healthy dose of scepticism on your prejudices.
  19. Most of the 'nefarios' come from the mouths of US politicians and their underlings, I.E. The Colon, Phials of Weapons of Mass destruction.
  20. Showing your true racist colours. Do you by any chance have a mental illness sky rocketing as we speak?
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