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Posts posted by KingDingAling

  1. Might be a good draft to have some picks, so keep them, don’t trade them. Back in Baker and/or Hunt to learn a thing or two from Langdon. Brown up forward, in addition to further improvement from Weideman and Jackson could see Fritsch play more of a wing role.

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  2. Plenty of spuds to chop to cater for a medium risk high reward punt on Smith. We need another winger desperately. Punting on Smith is a risk worth taking. We have many inside type players who are relatively slow and won’t be sufficient midfield time to justify their position on our list. As well as that, even if we drop some of these players back to the forward line, they aren’t doing enough in there to even warrant selection. I’m talking about guys like ANB, and to a lesser extent Brayshaw. Even Vanders. I don’t think these players are as necessary as getting a true winger. We really do need to start balancing our list out. In hindsight, recruiting Tomlinson now just compounds on a weakness for us. So we will need to ship out some one dimensional type players and recruit guys like Smith, who will balance our team out and improve it in key areas of need.

  3. Trade TMAC for Polec. Both are on ridiculous coin but we would get more value out of Polec, as we could put him on the opposite wing. Throw OMAC in the deal. North will need a both forwards and backs with the impending departures of Brown and Tarrant, and we need a quality wing. We get no value out of TMAC, he is done. Replace him with Hogan if we can get him cheap - which we should be able to.

  4. He has all the tools to become a great. There aren't many flaws. He is a player many clubs will kick themselves not taking. Great kick, above average balance, willingness to take the game on, good athlete, well coordinated, performs under pressure, makes the right decisions. I could go on. Kid is special.

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  5. May is good with the kick outs. He uses his brains and off loads to Salem, in essence, allowing Salem to gain an extra 20-30m he otherwise wouldn't gain if he taken the kick outs himself. Its brilliant by May. He makes the right call most the time. Not perfect, but its our best option in a long while.

  6. 6 minutes ago, dee-tox said:

    Spargo was great defensively all game.

    That is all we can ask. If he is doing something productive he isn't a liability, we have enough of those and they stand out. Spargo doesn't stand out, so he can't be doing much wrong. I got time for the kid.

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  7. Just now, 4_Kent_Watts said:

    Jones you been learning form Tomlinson you bloody donkey. Offs I cant stand this club. we are the worst side for giving away goals in the last two minutes. Useless

    I've been saying that for years. We give away goals in the last minute of most quarters. Its unforgivable. Costs us many games. We have some real talent at our club. But we have a coaching staff who selects absolute spuds, players who cannot kick and execute. As someone who knows the game, I find it completely baffling. We pay the price. Even as fans we hurt.

  8. Harmes has already proven himself in the midfield. He is a B grade midfielder and a very capable mid - good skills, balance, tenacity, he pretty much has it all as a midfielder (underrated). I think its the fact he has good attributes, that he is able to be tried elsewhere,  as opposed to Viney and Brayshaw, who can only be played in the middle. He isn't dissimilar to Hamish Hartlett at Port, who could play midfield, but due to Port's full time mids, he gets played off half back. Harmes is in a similar position now. So he will need to embrace his new position, and try and find a way to make it work, otherwise, he is trade bait. He may want to actually leave if he sees himself solely as a midfielder though.

  9. If we could land Hogan cheap, sure. I would love to see him injury free, and getting a run at it on the wing. He would be a nightmare match up, and can hit targets - which is a need for us. I would trial him on the wing, and if that didn't work I'd use him as a third defender. I don't think playing forward suits him these days, there is too much pressure, and you can tell by his body language that he takes it all personally. Terrific player. Hogan will only have a good end to his career if he plays in the red and blue. He needs the stability we bring. During his time at the club, in the latter stages it was difficult for him, yet he still handled himself really well - considering. I think we are the only fit. I'd take him in a heart beat. 

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  10. On 8/21/2020 at 8:17 PM, P-man said:

    I have memories of Roos saying he could be an A grade defender.

    But in saying that he was never exactly known for his defending ability. It’s hard to picture it.

    Played juniors as a defender. I saw him playing as a defender in the Nationals at some stage. I know this because I remember telling a mate he was the best young defender since Michael Hurley. 

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  11. If Gawn keeps up his form, he will go down as the best ruck in the history of the game. He is that dominant. Good player all around the ground. Good to see Jennings put him into the conversation with the greats. He isn't there yet though. 

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  12. Cannot wait till he fills out a bit. Will be a wrecking ball. Has a nice blend of hardness, explosiveness, with a touch of class. Plays on instinct. I can see why we gave up so much to get him. I personally wouldn't have, but it may be a really good outcome for us. Kid looks super, already compliments our side. It was a needs fit that is immediately paying dividends. He is our desperately needed Liam Patrick. 

  13. Pickett has far better defensive pressure. He is running blokes down out of sight, creating opportunities for us - his presence alone creates fear in backman, and can result in turnovers due to anxiety (that isn't a stat). We definitely chose the right bloke. Pickett is already a jet, and already makes our side better. Weightman is going to take time. Looks like a good pick considering where he was taken. Could be a player for the bullies. Doubt he will have a better career than Pickett though. 

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