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chook fowler

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Everything posted by chook fowler

  1. There is a real sense that something is going on of significance. Have the feeling a big fish will be landed from left field.
  2. I think we should get BBO to entertain them both.
  3. Yarran - NO. Don't need another lazy front runner
  4. I'm sure there would be happy endings
  5. Goodwin would know a lot about Myers and probably would be behind any moves to get him.
  6. Howe in recent weeks looks more switched on and exuberant in his interactions with his teammates- wonder if that means he's made the decision to stay.
  7. I think Maxxy is pretty committed to the Dees. Would be surprised to see him go.
  8. I assume you mean misinformation.
  9. Hate people getting stuck into first years players. He was not the problem today.
  10. Trouble is Jimmy is going about as well as the Greek economy. Next contract may be in drachmas.
  11. I think Roos rates Garland, as do I, so I would surprised to see him go.
  12. Far more confident in our list management these days. Happy to accept their decisions - if they want Prestia it will be for good reasons. The recruiting so far under the new regime has been impeccable.
  13. No - I think it was Robert Menzies
  14. Carlisles kicking will certainly fit in.
  15. We'd be lucky to get a Morton for Dawes
  16. We progress through good development and stability. I think the fundamentals are now in place to allow that to happen. There will be some change anyway through retirements and delisting. Just don't want to see solid players traded without a clear benefit.
  17. I think garland is very under-rated and harshly judged. Currently he is playing very consistently and smart. Would hate to see him go. Likewise Howe is important to us and shouldn't be written off until he returns to the forward line. Saturday showed he has plenty to offer in that position. Would like to see us make minimal changes for next year - may be bring in one gun midfielder eg Prestia and a couple of young draft picks.
  18. I'll make a judgement after Hogan plays another 295 games
  19. like most things in life the truth probably lies between the two extremes expressed here re Connolly. He obviously did some good work for the club but I suspect he carries a chip on his shoulder about not being given the coaching gig and I doubt ever fully supported the coaches who were there during his time. I can't understand him buying in to the Hogan/ Freo thing without there being some angst behind it. He was only stating the obvious after all
  20. I'm not surprised or particularly worried but galled by Connolly's seeming delight in stirring up trouble. This combined with his behaviour when he was with us makes me think he was a white ant in a past life.
  21. Chris Connolly carrying on about Freo making a play for Hogan stuck in my craw - fuelled by massive sour grapes I would think.
  22. I seem to remember Jetta being offered a contract mid season after being elevated off the Rookie list.
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