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chook fowler

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Everything posted by chook fowler

  1. From Tony Shaws comments it looks like HL has burnt his bridges at the Pies
  2. If you live cheek to cheek with45 testosterone driven males things will be said that you don't like. Sometimes it makes sense to pick your battles. I hate racism, homophobia and sexism but I also dislike self righteous dogmatists that try to force change with a sledge hammer. athey only seem to entrench people in their positions as is happening here.
  3. Thankyou Demonsterative, you have said it all. Well done.
  4. Not too many players have changed clubs in the same town. Would be difficult in a place like Adelaide I reckon.
  5. Dr Gonzo did say we have a long history of racism - my point is so does every other country, often much worse. Lumumbas approach to making his views known is heavy handed and it seems not in the right time or place - team tactic meetings. Wouldn't be surprised if the poster graffiti was designed to wind him up rather than an homophobic slur.. Doubt he is very popular at the club. To imply that he is in an unsafe work place is ridiculous and should ring alarm bells for our club. Seems he has an overblown sense of entitlement. Still maintain that Brock McLean will end up a far more effective change agent than Heretia.
  6. That's why I want him to go to Geelong. Schadenfreude.
  7. Really like John Ralph's piece in the Sun. Represents my views perfectly.
  8. If you want to see real racism at work go and live in the Middle East, as I have done, and see how itinerant workers from India, Pakistan and the Philipines are treated. Or Africa and the tribalism there. I'm not defending the problems we have here or our past history with Indigenous people but to suggest we are somehow worse is ridiculous. Racism, Homophobia, Sexism are a world wide problem and in many ways from a global perspective we are much more inclusive than most.
  9. I haven't noticed anyone on this forum advocating homophobia. The question is about the best way to change attitudes. I would suggest over-reaction and self righteousness will alienate the very people you are trying to reach. I don't agree with those who think he would be a problem in the locker room or that he doesn't have anything that would benefit our club.
  10. You only have to read this thread to see how decisive this character is. Not doing his cause any good at all. Think as a footballer he is being underestimated here. Ridiculous to put him the same basket as Robinson and Bootsma. Know who I would rather have.
  11. Maybe the half back line will now be Malceski, Frost, Lamumba
  12. We are in good shape off field with the administration and football dept. Now it's all about the list -making good choices, developing them properly and keeping them healthy. Simple really!
  13. Good article by Susie O'Brien in the Herald- Sun. Summed it up beautifully.
  14. I doubt Brock would take a self righteous stance like Lamumba. He has been very effective in drawing attention to homophobia in a much more low key way and good on him for it. I get the feeling with Harry it's all about him - he sulks and becomes outraged and embittered and much more likely to put people offside.
  15. wankerosis maximosus or plonkeromegaly Quote from the Chookasaurus
  16. Heretia Lumumba is a pathogen acquired by swimming in the Lamumba river, a tributary of the Zambesi. Those afflicted suffer from Grandiosity, Hypersensitivity and Proctalgia fugax. There is no cure. Quoted from the Chookopedia.
  17. 3 of the top 5 new to the club. Credit to the recruiters.
  18. I'd have Heppell, but only with a haircut.
  19. What designer dress is Georgiou wearing?
  20. Apparently Frawley was wanting a top 10 place to help his coin. How's he doing?
  21. Probably Julie Goodwin from MasterChef - assistant coach of the canteen.
  22. Thinking more of the Richmond and Gold Coast Martin but Stef is going OK as well.
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