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Everything posted by FireInTheBennelly

  1. Have another look at the first bounce on the weekend. Who was the first player to get stuck into Sloane?
  2. Having watched the highlights again, I'm a little concerned by Clarrie TBH. In the last qrtr he changed handball options (in almost the opposite direction to where he was going) halfway through execution to find Kent in space who went over the top to Hannan for a goal. Is he human?
  3. There is nothing he cannot do. Freak
  4. I wonder how he'd go in the ruck
  5. I certainly hope the umpires that are incorrectly pinging him for throws pay him back with some Brownlow votes.
  6. Everything is so disgustingly one-sided, it really is a disgrace to the league management and media. I'd go as far as to say it's the best thing that's ever happened to the EFC. They'll end up dominating the competition out of this. They know they're untouchable, they can lie, cheat, steal, do whatever it takes (cough cough) and they know it will all be positive. [censored] off. If I didn't love my club I'd walk away. I don't know if it will happen but the other clubs should really get together and let Gil know all this [censored] needs to be toned down. He's obviously pulling the strings, with Ruperts help (or vice versa) and I'm sure other clubs supporters will have already walked away from their sport over this.
  7. With the club refusing to provide documentation on what was injected it's impossible to know what long term benefits these players have gained. I find it completely unnaceptable they've been allowed to remain at the instigating club, and rather they should have been farmed out across the league via some kind of mini draft mechanism or the like. The so called 'top-ups' from last year should've been the new list and they rebuild from there. It's simply not good enough to allow that club to reap any potential benefits from blatant cheating. Let's hope The Verve got it right and the drugs don't work! With their track record, I'd also guarantee their little compensation payouts have tainted the salary cap, so yet another leg up for the poor victim club. As for the commentary on last nights game, I don't think I've ever heard anything so sickening. The poor players who've been put through so much because of the drugs saga. It wasn't a [censored] saga, it was blatant cheating by means of an illegal PE drug injection program. They are not the victims, they are not heros, they are officially the cheats. The only reason it went on so long is because they tried to slow everything down and worm their way out one way or anoher. By contrast, have a look at the other club involved - the Cronulla Sharks. Cheated, take your medicine (pardon the pun) and move on.
  8. I can't understand how 'the dog ate my homework' never once worked all those years ago back in school.
  9. I had a bet on Cotchin at the odds of $110, but that's the only detail of the bet I can remember. Betfairs online history doesn't allow you to go back very far. I sent them an email early in the piece to ask for the bet details and what would happen but received an email undeliverable response. I didn't bother following up at that stage as there was still a lot to play out. If the Brownlow is given to them though I will definitely be following up and will report the outcomes.
  10. If it is going to be a 2nd rounder it should be next years. Considering we paid up front for Milkshake but were unable to open the box for 12 months, the favour should be returned and we get Hibbo now, they get paid their 2nd round pick next year.
  11. A player in the Swans vs Kangaroos game was just awarded a free kick by propping, dropping the knees, and launching himself backwards into a tackler for high contact. Any guesses which grub picked up on the cheats move of the week?
  12. If someone has twitter, it would be well worth adding that photo with a caption of: This is not an example of #beastmode
  13. If umps keep paying the frees there's only one way to stop it. Make sure you tackle him with full force. If he ducks he cops it. The only Demon to do that today was Vince, who really made him earn it. Eventually he'll work out that it's not the best approach. Maybe his former teammate Justin Clarke should have a word with him.
  14. I think you have issues (with your shift key)
  15. Agreed. Can't wait to see what Petracca can offer as well.
  16. I'm amazed that anyone could possibly be critical of that piece of play. Are you really suggesting that when under pressure from three surrounding opponents he should have noticed the two teammates directly behind him? Vision is a wonderful thing for a football player, but eyes in the back of the head? Then there was Jetta, who would most likely have been pole-axed as soon as (or very soon after) he received a handpass, directly in front of goals no less (remind me again how many goals we've coughed up by taking the centering option in defensive 50). That's not to mention that Jetta is not one of the preferred distribution options coming out of defensive 50, guess who is. And finally his technique was no good? I'd be considering it more of an improvisation personally. Highly unlikely he was thinking of each muscle movement under that pressure situation. Or were you referring to his technique in general? If so, I'm happy to back him in a similar situation over 99% of our team. History shows there are certain players that go beyond technique. They have a skill with ball in hand that makes other great players look second rate. He's one of them going by what we've seen. He's young, he'll make mistakes and he'll continue to develop over the next few years. Recent history should also tell you that we've been handballing two metres to the nearest player for the last 5 years, regardless of how much pressure said player is under. We have found a player who takes a good option, not simply the first. After all that, I think he summed it up spot on and took the right option, and executed perfectly. As did Salem, who may have had the benefit of Vince pointing Jones out to him. I'm excited about these two players in particular and there are others. I can't get the replay that I was after so I can't tell you at what time, but check out his tackle on Steven in the last quarter also. He was stalking two Saints on a fast break. Rather than commit early and provide them with a further overlap, he cruised - waiting for support to arrive. Once it was obvious where the ball was going he pounced and took down one of the better midfielders going around. He's a rare talent DS, I think you should get on-board and enjoy the ride.
  17. It's not just in traffic either. In the last quarter the aints were on a fast break and he was tracking 2 or 3 players, one was Steven I think, the others not sure. He summed it up beautifully by hanging back and not being drawn in too early. He knew who was getting the ball when, and when was the right time to step in. As soon as Steven received the handball Oliver accelerated and was on him like flies on you know what. BALL!!!!!!!
  18. He looks like he has it on a string at times, I noticed it in his highlights video as well. For the first time in a long time we look like we have a player that knows what a football is.
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