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Posts posted by Spaghetti

  1. A player with a bit more height down back might have punched a couple of those high balls that were crumbed goals right through for a point rather than allow them to stay in play.

    I believe White was down there for both of those. Poor defense let those become goals. If anything, Carroll being the smaller player should have been better at ground level.

  2. Not having a go at anyone here for not calling in, but this attitude of "He is not worth the phone call" is half the reason people think we have no passionate supporters! I listen to SEN fairly regularly, and it's almost depressing how few Melbourne supporters call in. Even when they spend 20mins talking about a big Melbourne topic, they get maybe 1 or 2 callers. Any other club and the lines are full.

  3. Here is what annoys me the most. Seems to happen with whoever we play.

    When we rebound from our D50... We're slow, indecisive and can only ever seem to find stationary 1on1s or leads where their opponent is still able to spoil.

    When other team rebounds, they go through the middle, their leads seem to be 5 meters in front of our player or there is string of unmanned players across the entire field. :angry:

  4. I can't believe people are wanting to replace the likes of Petterd, Weetra, Newton and McLean?!?!? And for Holland?!

    Weetra didn't do too much, but neither did anyone else in the team with infinite more AFL experience than him. He actually did a few nice things. Newton did enough to keep his position given the delivery coming into the forward line. Petterd will regain confidence with game time and McLean... not even going to bother justifying why he should stay in the team.

    OUT: Bruce, Green, Miller, Carrol, Yze, White, Robertson.

    IN: Rivers, Bartram, Dunn, Bode, Frawley, Meesen, Sylvia.

  5. gees they looked like donkeys looking down at the ground all the time reading from their 'cue-cards'

    Well they are professional footballers, not professional journalists :S

  6. I just cant believe some people are putting up there Round 1 best possible line-eps and they have him in it. Yeah, he could very well be a player in years to come. But he cant handle VFL level right now let alone the big boys. He's at least a few years off.

    Relegating him to the VFL aint gonna speed up his development though is it?

  7. After exams I might be tempted to hit-up another session at Trinity (which is much closer to me), with fellow reporter Coxy in tow if he's around. One question; is 'Trinity' the actual Trinity Grammar School, in the Kew area, or is it their Sports Grounds, near the Veneto Club around Bulleen way?

    As a former Trinity Grammarian I can say that it is in fact their sports grounds.

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