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Posts posted by Spaghetti

  1. The pressure will be there regardless and unfortunately, he will be looked to as the saviour.

    And to people who say they are not sold, haven't seen him play.

    That's just it though, I would say a good number of people on here who praise him have not seen him play. I'll admit I have not seen him play in person, but I sure hope people are not basing their thoughts on highlight reels they have seen of him, because everyone looks good in highlight reels.

  2. It wasn't our home game right? So we don't receive any less money?

    Also, if they really want us to turn up STOP GIVING US SUNDAY GAMES! A Saturday arvo, or either night game would make for a better turn out, and as someone on 'ology said, I'm kind of glad we voted with our feet... or lack thereof.

    Pathetic response. This is EXACTLY why we are known (and rightly so) to have fickle supporters!

    Sunday game did not stop 80,000 going to Carlton v Collingwood. Sunday games don't stop other teams drawing big crowds on Sundays.

    Yes, Sundays can be annoying, understandably, but to continually use it as an excuse and to say you are glad we didn't show up?!? Well you wont be so glad when the club goes under. Why the hell should the AFL grant us prime time game slots when we don't show up for such lame reasons?

    It's nothing short of embarrassing that Melbourne supporters "don't like Sunday games" or "don't like going to the Dome"... Statements like these really get me going and back up what opposition supports think of us.

  3. I thought they were only going to produce the game in either collingwood or carlton edition, depending on the winner this weekend?

    Cause I heard them say hopefully its a draw so that both teams can get a copy?

    Didn't see the whole segment though on TFS

  4. Well both Neitz and Yze were on the veterans list so only half their salaries would be on the cap and Holland would be on minimal salary anyway. White is certainly one which would free up a lot of room in our cap though.

    In saying that, no need to throw money at a trade target for the sake of it. Would rather front load some contracts than waste money on some big name we don't need.

  5. I have a question that hope can be cleared up;

    If the first 5 are being given away to new teams, and we win less than 5 this year and next (which i don't think we will), does that mean we get picks 6 and 7?

    If so, this isn't such a bad result, and we'd still be in the market to trade older players for other draft picks.

    Thats a good question. If I had to guess, I would have thought our priority pick would still come in first, giving us 1 and 7. But who knows

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