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Posts posted by DemonFrog

  1. Whats the point looking back?

    Its all about the present and the future.

    The MFC football department has been turned into that similar to a first or second year Club or so MN keeps telling us.

    So why not change our name as well to be a truely new Club. Instead of the Demons what about 'The Easy Beats' or my personal favourite 'The Wooden Spooners'.

    Also the MFC could have a new team colour of White. I can see it now, all the White flags waving before each game. What a sight to behold and will surely inspire the players to achieve greatness!

    I think I can actually see MN vision for the Club and his recruitment decision and game plan is so perfect for this new and not so improved rebranded MFC.

    The MFC is being lead by true visionary people who will make any Collingwood supporters proud. Is so suprising that us simple MFC supporters find it so hard to understand this vision!

  2. Tell you what, when MN is gone I will make the trip East to watch a live game.

    I did join the MFC as a member for the first time last year as I was so annoyed by how the team was going and decided that was the best way to show my support.

    Otherwise I can not justify to the wife, think she a closet Collingwood supporter even though I told her she now supports Melbourne, the cost when I know the MFC will have a 100 point loss. I can see her now rolling on the floor laughing at me and saying the words "Losers" for even asking to go!

    Does anyone have a copy of the 1964 VFL Grand Final as I have a sudden need to see a successful MFC team!

    Oh the pain of it all!

  3. I like the attitude and some of the points. Not entirely sold on the players, but then I don't know that much about them. I also am not sold on sacking Neeld. I think it will look terrible for the club t do this again after they cut Bailey's tenure as well. Let the guy finish his three year plan and see if it works.

    Agree sacking coach is something to avoid if possible, but MN needs to go and needs to go now!

    I had sat back and suffered in silence as the MFC was getting slaughtered on the field right up until the 10 goal loss to the Sun's. Then I decided to UNLESH HELL as I seen enough and don't want to see the MFC average over a 100 point loss next season. All that happened with MN as coach is the MFC has gone backwards!

    Currently the MFC is a joke and no one should delude themselves about that fact.

    MN is not the only problem at the MFC but his replacement sends a message to the football community and current and future players.

    Lets make the MFC great again!

  4. The board do this almost pro-bono. If you went to any of the B&F's or Hero Foundation Dinners you would see they are among the largest donators.

    All of them support are care about the club. To suggest otherwise is pretty insulting. That's why they were asked by big Jim to join the club.

    Please show me how their egos brought this club to its knees? I am yet to see personal vendettas, bias and from where I am standing most supporters don't like DM because he isn't charismatic enough, not in the spot light enough, doesn't have an ego - too placid and quiet.

    These people know how to run businesses. Have a look at their credentials on the MFC website, and if you want to see this in effect look how they wiped out $5m of debt in 3 years during the GFC.

    I don't think any of them are treating this as a Sunday toy WYL. Please feel free to show me otherwise though.

    And after all this effort from the Board the MFC get smashed each week and is the laughing stock of the football community.

    As I said before the MFC is full of people with good intentions but with little experince and/or skill.

    If there is not an effort to correct this situation accross all positions at the Club them the MFC will go thought another 50 years without a premiership win (not sure the MFC can wait that long).

  5. Now hang tight just a moment. Without pointing the finger at individual posters here who have changed their tone now, it's common knowledge we all felt a coach with a harder edge was necessary. Mark neeld came with not only glowing endorsement from mick malthouse and several senior collingwood players and staffers.

    The board then put an invitation to Neil Craig to join under the role of general manager of sports performance.. Neil Craig had offers from Brisbane, collingwood and Richmond, yet picked the role with Melbourne as the most succinct, but also the greatest challenge. We then poached Dave mission as manager of elite performance. Add to that the array of experience assistant coaches and line/development coaches, its disappointing to sit here and read quotes from posters that the board is responsible for the current uncompetitive situation which the club finds itself in.

    There isn't a supporter who could currently say they are happy we are 1-8 with a average losing margin of 75 points and a grand total of 6 quarters won from 36. There isn't a supporter that would say they are happy with every article about the club containing words "pathetic, rabble and irrelevant". Don't sit here and think that players don't care, that coaches don't care, that anyone involved with the club on game day doesn't care that we are so uncompetitive at this point. Do many posters here understand the hours players put in just to make it on a list? It is a fallacy to think they would do that, just to get on a list and be content with 90 point thrashings. For all WYLs rantings its only because he is frustrated with where we are at, GNF for all his doomsday talk it is equally because he is frustrated with where we are at. Rhino, jaded, young dee, old dee; the list goes on. We are all frustrated that we aren't in the top 4, that we have been smashed on and off field this year, but we must hang in together. This club has had too many splintering factions over the past decades. We can't let

    Supporters and members leave the club or not go go to games in protest.

    I apologise for this post getting emotional, I'm as frustrated as the rest of you guys.

    OMG I final see the reason why the MFC is so bad! We trusted what Collingwood players and coaches were telling us the truth!

  6. i was amazed Schwab didn't go after 186 Rhino, but no i didn't want to kick Jimma as he was dying if that's what you are referring to.

    The club should have stood up in court last Christmas yes. May have put some faith in the playing list to fight. As it is they don't care.

    But keep punching. It's what you do.

    It was so disappointing to me that the MFC President just rolled over and accepted everything the AFL did.

    I want him to show the fighting spirit as I expected from the players!

    Wait he did show the same spirit as the players! Weak, gives up easily, accepts failure etc.

    Can we recruit the President as a player well as as he got the right stuff that the MFC looks for in any recruit, inexperience, lack of passion, no accountability and the ability to produce massive losses. He clearly would have the right stuff for us!

  7. I am prepared to donate something towards replacing Neeld!

    It is frustrating being a MFC supporter and seeing the floggings it is contantly getting with no real solutions being offered other then wait and see the players get more experience. Well losing is like a virus, it hard to get rid of once it become established.

    Who set the MFC up with a totally inexperienced players list with very few senior players to teach and mentor the younger/inexperienced players?

    What is needed at the MFC is a Coach that most supports can respect and show their support to, is that really too much to ask for?

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  8. In my opinion, Neeld must go.

    But without a change in the decision makers at MFC ie President, Board and others all that will happen is another inexperienced poor performing coach will recruited in his place (another Bailey to Neeld repeat again and again).

    It appears to me the MFC is full of people full of good intentions who lack experience and a understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

    Not sure the AFL taking over the running of the MFC is a good idea as all those guys are concerned about is making money and will not make decision that maybe in the best interest of the MFC.

    Has anyone else notice how quiet the President has been lately? I remeber him saying after the 148 point loss to Essandon that the Club would not be making changes and the next day asked for the CEO's resignation and then nothing else.

  9. Does anyone seriously think Mark Neeld will lead the MFC to the promised Land (Premiership Victory)!

    Surely most supporter of the MFC will have an opinion as to when Mark should go, either immediately or at the end of the season.

    Personally I would like to say to Mark "Don't let the door hit you on the behind..."

    In my opinion, the sooner that guy go the better it will be for the MFC!

    Although we all need to very worry about who will be making the decision as to the replacement coach, but that another story.

  10. When you look at MFC, asking how you fix is secondary to clearly identifying all the problems. By God, there seem so many issues.

    While I want Neeld gone ( and have so since round 1), the issue of finding a capable and competent replacement won't be easy. This should not stop Neeld be sacked tomorrow.

    The bigger issue at MFC is leadership....At all levels. IMO the 4 most important positions at a Club are President, CEO, Coach and Captain.

    Now we won't get a good coach until there is a competent full time CEO appointment. And we won't get a competent CEO until a functional and energised Board is in place.

    The soilution to the black hole MFC has dug itself is up to the AFL and how much they fear such a squalid outfit like MFC compromise the integrity of the competition. If they are prepared to right our ship then great

    IMO, the only reasonable path forward is the AFL to install a team of commissioners to run MFC (replace some or all of the Board) and then drive a revitalisation of the Club from there. As a starter would the AFL make it enticing for Jackson to take to role for 18 months to handover to a full time CEO then.

    The league must move promptly and then it needs to providing backing an security for a new coach ASAP. A top appointment with an early announcement may the best way to retain what few quality players we have.

    It's a really hard and difficult turnaround and MFC is not capable on its own to do it.

    Totally Agree!

  11. Oh Please Dr Mubutu! Don't quote players as a sign of support for any coach. Players never criticise their coach because he has the power to ruin their careers. [Macca posted great explanations for this 6 weeks ago]

    Neelds appalling people skills has contributed greatly to the lack of spirit/effort, and his poor game plan nous kills us too. These are the 2 main things a coach needs!

    Plenty else is wrong, but he's a useless coach who should be gone now whether we have a permanent replacement or not.

    You have my vote for the next MFC President!


    Despite all that has been said about Neeld, I refuse to crucify him based on what has been produced by this playing group.

    Unless we see week in, week out effort from this lazy as sin playing group, I don't think we can see what Neeld has to deliver.


    OMG was the coach not involved in 14 changes from last years players list?

    Let clear out the decision makers and recruits that gave the MFC the current players list. Because there no point changing the players list if the same type or worse players take their place.

  13. Most people's step 1 seems to be sack Neeld and get a better coach.

    Let's for the moment assume that, first, a better coach exists, and second, that coach agrees to come to Melbourne.

    What happens next? What is step 2? Do we commence a total clean out of the list, again? If not, and we try to work with what we've got, what has to be done? More emphasis on running? Fitness? Clearances? Marking? Tackling?

    Is it a case of, we have the list, we just need a decent coach to make it work? If so, what is Neeld not doing that a new coach will do? If not, what do we need to target?

    In your minds, what exactly does a potential new coach need to do?

    Then we get rid of the President, Board and Recruitment Staff!

    As if only the coach goes and other decision makers stay, MFC will be exactly where it is now, STUFFED!

    I for one would be prepared to donate towards the payout of the current coach. But not at this stage towards the recruitment of new player as the current leadership and decision makers will only balls it up again and again and again!

    That question is simple to answer a compent coach will WIN and the current coach only makes excuses.

    A new coach as with any coach needs to win and show that the team is continually improving.

    Please give me a coach I can respect and support.

  14. Average games per player:

    • Fremantle - 77.2
    • Melbourne - 58.5

    We had 11 players with less than 50 games. They had 8. We had 6 players with 100 or more games, they had 7 (granted, 4 of theirs are 150+ to our 1).

    Average age:

    • Fremantle - 25 years 3 months
    • Melbourne - 24 years 2 months

    With facts like that do you want to be our next coach?

  15. I for one believe the board or the 'powers to be' as I like to call them have alot to answer for. They appear to have alot good intentions but little understanding of how to run a successful (on field) football club. What value would they add here as they are more likely to just give the supporters simple spin and ot what we all really want to hear, THE TRUTH.

    Its time for not only a change of coach but also the board. Since the 10 goal loss to the Sun I have little interest in what the President, Board, previous CEO or Senior Coach has to say.However that may change if what they say is SORRY just before they resign or are FIRED!

    MFC has accepted second place for far too long. Lets take this opportunity to make a clean out in the club so the 13th premiership is just around the corner.

  16. Hope the boys read the Sunday times. If that doesn't fire them up nothing will.

    Whole page spread with Neeld, watts, trengove, jamar and davey's heads photoshopped onto the band 'the easy beats', with the title. ' the easy beats - one show only'


    I know there was a reason I did not renew my subscription to the Sunday Time!

    The place appears to be over run by Beagles and Shocker supporters!

    Go the Dees make them eat humble pie!

  17. The pressure will be on Buckley this year, particularly if they don't make final 4. The Malthouse decision will not be far from the mind of the supporters and media.

    Watters is getting some heat as is Voss.

    Hadwick will cop a lot more this year, I think his match day coaching is poor but he does have good personal relationships with the media so the blow torch is not turned up. Won't be too long though.

    Neeld, well..no, this chart shows nothing. We were supposed to be a team on the rise and we are going nowhere.

    We are on the move and not going nowhere! But unfortunitely its all down hill for the MFC.

  18. I am surrounder by Freo supporters (God my Dad was one!) I would have a great time rubbing it in to their supporters as I loath Freo only a little less than Collingwood.

    But really nothing would have changed for MFC as one win does not mean alot. It is continual improvement that is needed.

    Althought at least for a week I can again hold my head high as a MFC supporter!

  19. All this goes to show is statistics can show you anything someone to see.I only need to look at the MFC Senior Coachs wins/loss record and the way MFC has been losing. Personally I seen enough!

    Are you really suggesting the the MFC Senior Coach should be given longer to prove himself?

    I for one don't the MFC has the time or the energy for that!

    If he does stay I can hear him saying "give us time as the MFC is undergoing another rebuild and the players MFC has have all player under 50 games ....". When I hear this, all I want to do is cry due to wasted opportunity.

    The MFC needs to see movement towards success. Unfortunitely there only been movement to continued failure.

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