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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. The length some people will go to to get out of going to Ringwood. Am I right? I'll see myself out. Apologies to anyone from Ringwood. Never been there. Probably a lovely place.
  2. Had to dig it out of the Recycling Bin to be honest.
  3. Lol. As if I would be sharing tens of dollars with @binman
  4. I've often half joked on the podcast about getting the soapy water out at training to assist in training for wet conditions and i've often wondered whether training at night to simulate playing at night would be a benefit. The Hawks did just that in the lead up to only their 2nd night game this season.
  5. Welcome to Demonland Jack Silvagni & Brodie Kemp and farewell Christian Petracca.
  6. How Fox Footy wants us to Trade for Trac
  7. Pretty sure you can see that information in a person's public profile.
  8. Just a reminder to all, and that is not to say that your mail or your claim is bunk @The Backyard Charizard, to take any nuggets of intel you read on the internet from anonymous people with a grain of salt. There are some posters that have runs on the board but just be wary. Again not taking a pot at you @The Backyard Charizard. It's just a Public Service Announcement for any readers (and we have a hell of a lot more readers than posters).
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