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Everything posted by Demonland

  1. MAGIC BY THE BAY by KC from Casey The honour of tossing the coin to start the much anticipated Round 7 match up at between VFL neighbours Frankston and Casey at SkyBus Stadium was given to former Melbourne star Brett Lovett who coached at both clubs and whose son Jake played with Casey before joining the Dolphins this year. And for the game's opening 15 minutes, it seemed as if Lovett had put a magical spell on the home team which played as if inspired by the occasion. The Dolphins were back in the competition after a year’s recess, they were winning games having already taken scalps in North Melbourne and Coburg and they were running rings around the Demons. But for their inaccuracy – they led 1.6.12 to 0.1.1 with a slight breeze at their backs – they were seemingly in control of the game and on course for one of the season’s biggest upsets to date. It was at this point however, that Casey’s strong marking forward, Cam Pedersen, stepped up to the plate and, with two goals in the space of a little over two minutes, the Demon train was back on the rails and the Dolphin resistance was over for the day. Frankston fought manfully but it simply didn’t have the fire power. The stand alone team was virtually cobbled together in the off season and even contains a handful of former Casey listed players who moved across to Kars Street in search of a senior game after the abolishment of the Development League at the end of last year. They were always going to struggle against a Demons' team with 15 AFL listed players, and that’s exactly what happened with Casey kicking 19 goals to three after quarter time. The win was set up by a seven goal unanswered second term in which Pedersen and Tom Bugg were dominant and the rampage continued into the second half, rounded off with an eight goal last quarter that ended with Pedersen (6), Bugg (5) and Angus Scott (3) as Casey’s multiple goal kickers. Frankston was held to its lowest score of the season and even that was helped by a late goal in junk time just seconds before the final siren. Pederson was simply unstoppable, booting 6.1, taking ten marks, effecting eight crunching tackles, picking up 21 disposals and labouring as a backup in a losing ruck. It was a dominant display, almost matched by partner in crime Bugg who had the same number of touches and booted five majors. Despite the weak opposition on the day, Casey can point to a team performance in achieving its big win. When the team was under pressure early in the game, the defence stood firm and hustled the Dolphin forwards into error, contributing to their inaccuracy. There were winners everywhere with Sam Frost, Jayden Hunt and Jeff Garlett shining and youngsters Oskar Baker and Harry Petty showing great promise for the future. Mitch White, Jay Lockhart and the ever-reliable Angus Scott were all major contributors on the day with the former relishing his role around the ground and finishing off the game with a goal. After two wins in a row, Casey is back in the running for a top four placing and have a big game coming up against Port Melbourne at Fortburn Stadium on Saturday afternoon. PETER JACKSON VFL 2018 Casey Demons 2.2.14 9.7.61 13.8.86 21.13.139 Frankston Dolphins 1.6.12 1.7.13 3.8.26 4.9.33 Goals Casey Demons Pedersen 6 Bugg 5 Scott 3 Baker Balic Garlett Lewis, Lockhart Munro White Frankston Dolphins Fordham Grace Rich Williams Best Casey Demons Pedersen Frost Lockhart White Garlett Hunt Frankston Dolphins Fordham Pierce Scagliarini Gill-Renouf McCarthy Mock Statistics Oskar Baker 1 goal 7 kicks 14 handballs 21 disposals 4 marks 3 tackles 80 dream team points Harley Balic 1 goal 1 behind 8 kicks 7 handballs 15 disposals 3 marks 3 tackles 65 dream team points Tomas Bugg 5 goals 12 kicks 9 handballs 21 disposals 5 marks 9 tackles 139 dream team points Jake Di Pasquale 1 behind 4 kicks 1 handballs 5 disposals 2 marks 2 tackles 26 dream team points Lachlan Filipovic 1 kicks 5 handballs 6 disposals 2 tackles 11 hit outs 27 dream team points Sam Frost 7 kicks 4 handballs 11 disposals 5 marks 44 dream team points Jeff Garlett 1 goal 1 behind 7 kicks 11 handballs 18 disposals 4 tackles 63 dream team points Jayden Hunt 18 kicks 6 handballs 24 disposals 7 marks 81 dream team points Dion Johnstone 3 kicks 1 handballs 4 disposals 1 mark 3 tackles 20 dream team points Declan Keilty 6 kicks 2 handballs 8 disposals 5 marks 1 tackles 41 dream team points Jay Kennedy Harris 1 behind 10 kicks 10 handballs 20 disposals 3 marks 10 tackles 99 dream team points Mitchell Lewis 1 goal 7 kicks 5 handballs 11 disposals 4 marks 5 tackles 69 dream team points Jay Lockhart 1 goal 4 kicks 10 handballs 14 disposals 5 tackles 55 dream team points Goy Lok 2 behinds 10 kicks 4 handballs 14 disposals 6 marks 3 tackles 70 dream team points James Munro 1 goal 6 kicks 10 handballs 16 disposals 5 marks 7 tackles 79 dream team points Cameron Pedersen 6 goals 1 behinds 15 kicks 6 handballs 21 disposals 10 marks 8 tackles 8 hit outs 165 dream team points Harrison Petty 8 kicks 6 handballs 14 disposals 5 marks 2 tackles 57 dream team points Angus Scott 3 goals 1 behinds 13 kicks 6 handballs 19 disposals 12 marks 4 tackles 120 dream team points Joel Smith 6 kicks 10 handballs 16 disposals 5 marks 5 tackles 73 dream team points Billy Stretch 1 behind 4 kicks 13 handballs 17 disposals 2 marks 6 tackles 63 dream team points Corey Wagner 10 kicks 4 handballs 14 disposals 3 marks 7 tackles 75 dream team points Josh Wagner 14 kicks 5 handballs 19 disposals 1 marks 4 tackles 71 dream team points Mitchell White 1 goal 1 behind 12 kicks 3 handballs 15 disposals 2 marks 8 tackles 5 hit outs 92 dream team points
  2. Someone asked me that on Facebook. I can't find anything online.
  3. I need a holiday or a win.
  4. Demonland has left a trail of servers in it's wake over the years. How many is that now?
  5. If you go to sleep who will be riding the exercise bike that runs Demonland?
  6. Running this site is punishment enough.
  7. Thank you to those who have contributed. I'll make sure Nasher is looked after too.
  8. Nobody is required to contribute especially if you are hard up yourself (pun intended).
  9. You can donate securely using a credit card through PayPal (without signing up to PayPal). If you want to donate via direct deposit then PM me.
  10. http://demonland.com/forums/store/category/2-subscriptions/
  11. Believe me the thought has crossed my mind.
  12. Thank you. We continually try to improve the look and feel and ease of use. Unfortunately of late we've had some hiccups and in hopefully adding some muscle will improve the experience.
  13. Let me know what the process is or if it even re-invoiced you.
  14. I've made an update. Let me know if it reinvoiced you to continue as an Annual member. Actually let me know what the process is. It shouldn't automatically charge you but let me know if it does. In fact let me know what happens as I'm not exactly sure of the process. I think it gives you a grace period and then if you don't pay by that time it puts you back as a normal member.
  15. It used to alert you when your yearly sub was coming up and then if you don't pay by that time you get downgraded back to a member but I think there is a issue with the system and there is no renewal so effectively you have been an annual member since Feb 2016. I'm looking in to fixing it but I will manually downgrade those Annuals that are no longer in their year of subscription. You'll probably start seeing ads soon. sorry about that.
  16. The thought has crossed my mind. ?
  17. I've updated the donation target on the side (or towards the bottom of the pages on mobile).
  18. I'd keep him on for another year contract but on a lower salary in order to have room for some younger guns. Still getting a game and still in best 25 at the moment. Edit: obviously wait until end of year for final decision. No need to rush a signing now.
  19. That's like asking which of my children I like better. I can't not say Allen Jakovich for obvious reasons.
  20. We get revenue from the ads on the site. The costs vary but have grown exponentially as the site has grown.
  21. If you PM your old username perhaps I merge your current account with the old one and you do not have to double dip. Your original donation is much appreciated so no need to have to pay again.
  22. Migration is apparently taking place at midnight tonight. It shouldn't impact the game unless there are complications. ? Thanks to all those who have contributed. It is much appreciated. Follow us on social media to stay updated with the move. Like Us on Facebook Follow Us on Twitter Follow Us on Instagram
  23. Shortly we will be migrating to an upgraded plan for the hosting of Demonland. We are hoping that this will alleviate the instances where Demonland has crashed alot recently. I won't bore you with the specifics but the change will of course take Demonland offline for a little bit. Hopefully it is only for a short time but I am not certain when it will be done or how long it will take. Hopefully it does not impact discussion of this weeks match. Unfortunately this is going to more than double what we already pay to get Demonland online so if you are keen to help us out (and it's certainly not mandatory that you do) you can do so in the following ways. Take out a Demonland Subscription - not only are you helping Demonland out but all the advertisements that a littered throughout the site will disappear. Donate to Demonland - If you already subscribe to Demonland and want to contribute something extra you can help us out this way. Purchase some Demonland Merchandise - look cool and help Demonland out in the process. I don't like having to put my hand out and I and the site will survive if you don't but if you enjoy Demonland and want to (and can) contribute those are the way you can do it. Hopefully this will solve the constant issues that we have been having and you can continue enjoying this site without further interruption. As always all funds will go towards paying for the hosting & the annual forum software fees and if there is anything left over I always like to pay it forward to Nasher whose help is invaluable. Go Dees. Andy
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