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A dose of reality


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He wasn't traded or drafted, but taken after the trade/draft period was finished as a replacement for Broadbridge

Remember he was taken from the delisted/retired pool so I wasn't expecting that much.

Skills, you know me better as Korean Demon, you were pumped about us getting Shannon, he didn't do a huge amount in his first year, but we gave him a pass due to his fitness. Give him a preseason you told us, speaking him up so much you had me sold.

DW and yourself were right re Scully, but odd example to use when you say no-one gets it right. You'll find half a dozen posters here who do follow the youngsters and are some of the few to pay attention to at this time of year. I'm also learning to really like the ignore function as it gets a lot of the hysterical posters and those who post 20 times in every thread while saying nothing, makes the board easier to read


This is all about what a club becomes after so many years of lack of success and so much failure.

I can recall as a youngster when we were the strongest club in the land, you weren't really concerned about who came in and who went out of the club. We were the champions. We won premiership after premiership and we had an aura of invincibility about us. Imagine a time when you would wake up on Saturday morning and you knew your team was going to win. There was the occasional loss and you took it hard but you knew that next week, you'd win and it would roll on and on and you thought it would be that way forever ...

Please Jack, stop it. I was there too, well for some of it anyway. It's just too painful to remember given everything else that's happened since.

When does nostalgia give us a warm inner glow? When do the nightmares stop?

Sorry, forgot the medication.


I got the gist of what you were saying, but you paint yourself into a corner when you make extreme statements such as "nobody gets it right" and by your own admission there is some value amongst the posts, you need to look hard for it.

For a get one wrong, I can vaguely remember suggesting that Serhat Temel was worth a rookie pick, after I had seen him a couple of times.

As far as draftees go I haven't had a lot to say on any I haven't seen. I was surprised that Tom Rockliff wasn't drafted until the rookie draft and very surprised that Josh Walker got through to Geelong as a rookie. I also rated Harley Bennell very highly and really liked Matthew Watson.

Yes a bit of hyperbole there. Perhaps it should be , not many get it right.

You are one that actually knows what they are talking about and I appreciate that.


Skills, you know me better as Korean Demon, you were pumped about us getting Shannon, he didn't do a huge amount in his first year, but we gave him a pass due to his fitness. Give him a preseason you told us, speaking him up so much you had me sold.

DW and yourself were right re Scully, but odd example to use when you say no-one gets it right. You'll find half a dozen posters here who do follow the youngsters and are some of the few to pay attention to at this time of year. I'm also learning to really like the ignore function as it gets a lot of the hysterical posters and those who post 20 times in every thread while saying nothing, makes the board easier to read

Yes I know KD where are you now? Last time that I know was in Coffs.

I didn't realise that I was that happy re Shannon but the at was a few years ago.

There is some trickery going on between old age and memory.

BTW I think ology is doomed, which is a pity. Land is home now.


You're right re 'ology being doomed, but will always consider it home, thankfully this is and always has been a great alternative.

Had an 18 month stint up in Mission beach, back in Melbourne (well the farm just outside) while doing some exams then looking for a new place to hang the hat - probably Brisbane / Cairns or Darwin (your old joint is appealing but for the cost of living there). Guess it depends where I get my next job, but they are most likely bases.


Good to hear KD.

Yeah Darwin has changed a hell of a lot since I was there and got expensive too, but the footy is still good.

On my last trip visited my sister for a whole in Bridgetown WA and the whole of the SW corner is simply magnificent.

Well worth a look.


What I mean is that picking up a Rioli or a Motlop gives you a greater chance of getting an handy player than previous methods and the reason I say that is because they are names that are among the best each week.

It seems to me that the first 20 picks should all be capable of being regularly mentioned in the weekly best players but it doesn't work out like that.

Kennedy is a good name too.

Kenedy is a good name only because he's very quick, small, but agile & quiiick.

Thats why he's spoken of, because he has the weapons.

1st Rnd picks need to have the weapons. They're specialties that others don't have.


No I meant that the name Kennedy appears quite regularly in the weekly bests, which means that by drafting a Kennedy means you increase your chances of getting some one who will become a good player.


I just find it cringeworthy when people get excited about picks every year and then say how good these players are gonna be, then bag them eventually and then they move on to the same game each year. I'm finding it hard to get as excited about high picks knowing the choices we've made in the past. I have very little interest in who we pick until they are actually picked, for now they are just no names. It'd be great to get Viney of course but there more than likely will be 2 other players who will go on to be champions far better than him


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