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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. 3 minutes ago, whatwhatsaywhat said:

    Is this actually longer than this time last year?!??

    The injuries may not be as bad as last year but [censored] we are back to our seasonal norm of 15 or 16. Can we just get a break from this stuff ever? It does make a difference over a season. Richmond has a couple of flags achieved in seasons when they had no more than 2 injuries at any time for a whole season! Imagine that. The Hawks were similar thru much of their three flags and Geelong before that. You need some luck with injuries but it alludes us year on year. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Leoncelli_36 said:

    Can the track watchers tell me how Melksham is moving at the moment? 

    Saw him in a rehab group on Friday at Gosch’s. Running multiple 100m sprints with TMac and Crossy. Looked to be moving freely. Later he did some free flowing ball work with TMac and Bedford and again looked to be moving well. Can’t be far off moving onto full training surely. Not sure what the issue is that is holding him back but glad they are taking things slowly. 

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  3. Not worth a new thread but for your information I swung past Gosch’s paddock this morning on my training run and found a small squad working with Daniel Cross and another trainer. It might not have been rehab but perhaps a voluntary extra session, no MFC training colours on at all. Cross was running repeat 100 m sprints with TMac and Melk while Brown and J Smith were doing longer, slower repeat runs of 200 plus. Bedford was doing agility stuff between cones on his own. TMac, Melk and Bedford then did some 30m kicking to the other player on the lead and practiced some high marking, all pretty laid back from what I saw but they could have going for an hour before I arrived about 9.40. They were finishing up when I left just before 10. I thought the main squad would be doing something today, maybe up at Casey? 

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  4. 25 minutes ago, Redleg said:

    You negative Nellies think we never win anything.

    Well according to a thread on DL, Kane Cornes said we have won the Pre Season.

    So you guys, how do you like them bananas?

    That reminds me Panama Disease has been detected in Tully Qld, potentially threatening 90% of Australia’s crop! It was reported two days ago in The Guardian which I know none of you would read. Thus the heads up. Better stock now. 

  5. Great training report. As a track watcher through most of last season I think the biggest challenge will be for the team to play how they train. Last year my opinion was that we consistently failed to play in a style that did not resemble how we trained. At training we moved the ball quickly but judiciously to a free target, switched across the ground to change the angle of attack, hand balled to advantage just like we all did at training in our suburban careers. However all I saw in most of our games was see ball, get ball and kick long to a contest and just keep bombing it long etc. we all saw it but as I said repeatedly last year that is not how we were training. Maybe that was all about lack of personnel, lack of faith in a constantly changing line up due to injury and form? May this season be totally different and we  play how we train and bring some subtle finesse added to a physical and brutal game plan.

    • Like 5
  6. 1 hour ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    You could not get a perfect example of a perfect tackling technique right here. Both arms wrapped fully around and locked on. 

    This is why Vanders is like an enforcer in our side. His physicality and brute power was sorely missed throughout 2019. Watch the first half of his 2018 game against West Coast in round 23 when he set the tone with his tackling.

    Great example and if the momentum of that tackle took them both players forward as seems likely, the maggots would pay in the back! That is why I believe tackles should be judged for legality on where they start, not where they finish. 

    • Like 1
  7. Good to see AVB in the thick of it and looking fit, also Joel Smith looking good early with the main group drills then was sent to the rehab group to do sprints when the match sims started. Joel looks super fit to me. One guy who caught my eye was Tom Sparrow he looks like a footballer now, Built up his body, is moving beautifully and has clean hands, disposal needs some work of course. He played a few games last year but then got injured. Any thoughts from others where he might fit in? 

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  8. 9 hours ago, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Instead of mocking my good taste in crockery and cars you buffoons should be sparing a sympathetic thought for our own @Earl Hood

    I've heard he’s suffering a severe attack of the vapours over the going’s on among our beloved royal family.  

    For heaven’s sake Uncle you know only too well that I have been in the Old Dart these past two weeks, not suffering the vapours but busy providing what little help and advice I can to our glorious Majesty. Oh what a tawdry affair I find at the Palace with that American upstart but the Prince is besotted so my counsel is futile, despite the fact as you know, Harry has always sought my advice in worldly affairs. 

    Really you expect me to be involved with your petty interests and concerns at the Manor or at that lowly Demonland site when I am busy providing solace to our very own Prince Phillip. God bless his soul. How much more [censored] can he absorb from this new generation of Royal ingrates. 

  9. 15 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    It's not looking good. He can't take a trick I'm  told

    Baker was in the rehab group on Friday. Struggled in the sprints and stood out of the agility drills. Can’t accelerate, can’t change direction? Saw him pointing to his groin muscles in discussion with one of the physio’s. I would venture a touch of osteopubis? Not a good sign on the first day back. 

  10. 1 minute ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:

    Thats good to hear.   Hopefully the playing/training surface is just as moist.    We need softer conditions that last years concrete. 

    Concrete might not burn, and may be easy to run on, but its just not great for the bodies limbs and back.

    It is interesting that the sprinklers go on before Melbourne Victory train, so the ground is soft and the grass wet. I have only been to a few soccer matches and they have had the sprinklers on before the game each time. Not sure what that is about. 

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  11. 3 hours ago, MyFavouriteMartian said:

    Can any watchers elaborate,  How is the ground at Gosch's this year.?   Is the surface soft enough,  compared to the apparent concrete surface of last year.?

    Does is look in better 'nick',  Re greenness,  and IF someone  could check with a key or similar,  to see if there's enough moisture content,  to protect the boys feet and joints.?

    It looks good to me. I noticed the Punt Rd side just outside the fence is very damp so there has been plenty of water spread about recently. 

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  12. Got down there today early for a short time. Everything has been covered by others but I can add that watching Baker in the timed sprints he was just going registering 5s plus while Jones was a consistent 4, as was Tomlinson and then Hannan 3.8 etc. Then the rehab group did some agility work moving quickly between cones, but not Baker who just sat to the side. At the end he was in discussion with a physio and looking at his groin muscles. May have a touch of OP? 

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  13. On 12/20/2019 at 6:33 PM, Bitter but optimistic said:

    Od If you tell inner urban but unurbane greenies like @moonshadow that it’s a “craft beer” they’ll drink any horse [censored] you put in front of them!!!

    Can’t say I am a beer man, craft or non craft. More partial to a vintage wine myself but I was just thinking there are about 6 pubs inside or very close to inside 1070 m from the Warehouse, the Rose, The Marquis of Lorne, the Robert Burns and the Gasometer, the Town Hall and the Rochester. Robby Burns used to be my public house of preference when they had the Spanish kitchen going. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Demonland said:

    Loosing Cyril and Rance within 12 months must be hard for him.

    Bruce was working out at my gym during the week on Tuesday, he did look sad now that I come to think of it. Maybe he knew then. Must say he goes at it much harder than me and is as lean as a whippet. 

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