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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. This is hard what with no crowd atmosphere, it’s all a bit flat but my real problem looking at last night and then this game it is reminding me So much of AFLX! Bugger all physicality, there is tackling but it is so often ineffective. This is not doing a lot for me. Oh and the umpires had a big impact early last night with so many frees in front of goal and they have managed the same tonight. 

  2. On 3/6/2020 at 7:54 AM, old dee said:

    I appreciate your thoughts cards and talk of areas other than near the G is a waste of energy the board is locked onto the  G area. However after being homeless for the better part of half a century my patience is almost exhausted. I just want the FD to have first rate training facilities and bloody soon. End of story.

    Any chance to convince Tennis Australia and State Government that worlds tennis elite need an elite training facility, pools, gym, altitude room, whatever else needed for the world’s greatest athletes. It could be fitted into the covered practice courts to the east of Rod Laver. Tennis guys have it in December and January and we take over the rest of the year. And we request to train on our own club ground once a week. OK tell me I am dreaming. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Yung Blood said:

    Where did you read he was out for month?

    As of yesterday he was listed as 'test' so I'd imagine he will be in line for next week.

    Jones took aN accidental drive by kick to his calf in the last 10 minutes of the last Marsh game. He limped off and unfortunately it is still an issue. Odd it seems that match was played months ago but it was just 2 weeks? 

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  4. Why 16 minutes? This is AFL getting their odd agenda in play under the guise of a virus?  At this stage they have said go and have round one going. Let’s review rounds 2 plus onwards to determine if we need to condense game time etc. 

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  5. 9 hours ago, hemingway said:

    You can always build a wall to keep out the scum uncle. If you do go to your boutique supermarket make sure you wear mask and gloves and carry your hand gel. All items that I’m sure you use daily in The Manor”

    .My little tip on hand lotion. Fill up a small bottle with Four Pillars Gin/Navy Strength (60 per cent alcohol) with a touch of lemon essence. This is cheaper and more effective than any other lotion. Spray on hands and any other body parts to maintain your hygiene standards. Particularly important to stop human transmission but also to prevent transmission from any surface including toys.  And very good as a mouth wash. 

    I think I will just make up some hip flasks of this concoction, potentially a great dual use here. My synopsis is that I can have a swig and then spray my hands. If I am perpetually [censored] I don’t believe the virus can get a look in. Constructive comments are welcome. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Colin B. Flaubert said:

    Easily Hawthorn for mine. Their generation of supporters post 1985 have known nothing but success. The ones who crossed over from us to them in the 1970's were soft [censored] to begin with and couldn't handle our winters of discontent in that decade. Most of their older supporters who lived through their dark times have now passed on, robbing any character from that club whatsoever. What you then get is a highly entitled support base who don't appreciate the success that generations past built for them.
    Look at how the Doggies and Tiges fans appreciated their flags. Then look at a-holes like Jeffrey Kennett, and tell me you don't know what I'm talking about.

    Yes has to be the Dorks for my generation anyway. In 1971 they won their second flag, we had 12, now they have the same or more. I then watched thugs like Matthews king hit players through the 70’s and generally get smashed then we finally get to finals in 87 and we get dudded after the siren after Dipper had taken out Flower. I have never got over that. Then the 88 final but we were never in it or likely to be in it. There was the 1996 merger game and many more. Sorry I just hate the Hawks. Other sides to me are just competitors, to be challenged not hated. As for Collingwood, our traditional foe, when it counted we usually won. 

    • Like 3
  7. 4 minutes ago, sisso said:

    Impressed by Jackson, obviously he was outmuscled by a mature AFL player in Ceglar but he’s got some real class and great agility for a big man

    Yes agree a real rookie game but I liked what I saw. Regularly pushed in the back by Ceglar at throw ins I thought but he often got reinvolved at ground level. Will be interesting to see how the coaches decide to use him this season. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Langdon while good, his disposal by foot has been poor. Tomlinson has been good.

    Lockhart BOG for me. Has been stiff by these maggots.

    The game has been very sloppy though. Play like this against WC and we'll get slaughtered.

    Th at half volley mark against him was red hot. Not paid then what was he supposed to do? 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

    Good pressure so far. Just need to capitalise on the scoreboard more.

    3 set shots missed! We just have to fix that or we waste another season. Wasn’t Lewis taken on as goal kicking coach? He is commentating but not taking ownership. 

  10. Has always looked a likely prospect at training but last year had minimal disposals for Casey. Obviously couldn’t get his own ball but looked good on the weekend. He is now running second for endurance in the club time trials, is quick and agile so there is something to work with there. Let’s hope for consistent good form at Casey and maybe a cameo later in the year in the firsts. 

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  11. Good hit out. Great result that we ran over the top of them. I only watched the 3rd quarter and we played well but I noted continuing concerns in that quarter from last year. Poor delivery into the 50, in the midfield scramble we often had too many contestants in too close, leaving Crows unmarked on the outside and the other was lack of forward pressure and the ability to turn over possession inside 50m. Kicking efficiency was low so there are things to work on but also a lot of positives. 

    • Like 2
  12. 9 minutes ago, Gunna’s said:

    The head is sacrosanct. 
    Had time to know who he was hitting  and didn’t go low
    1 week

    History says he will get off, it’s a practice match. Sylvia had his jaw broken at Casey against West Coke several years ago with zip consequences. 

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  13. 2 minutes ago, Rod Grinter Riot Squad said:

    Disappointing if this is true and some turd in the club is leaking information.

    Yes I saw the channel 7 report and my first thought was who blabbed? As no decision has been made or at least ready to announce. I still remember many of us questioning the original decision elevate Viney to the co captaincy that [censored] off Jones at the time. I don’t think that decision was driven by the players, it was a call by Goodwin? but I may remember that wrong. Many said at the time, why so early in his career, just make him vice captain and let him learn from Jones and co. Now it seems the players are not impressed and Viney has spoken about not being ready, not understanding that not everyone is an unstoppable bull at the contest and at training etc, etc, etc.

    I mean I have seen this so often in the workplace where people are promoted into people management positions too early but more importantly without the leadership training to understand how their behaviour can impact on their team members. So you get managers who believe they have to lead by example instead of stepping back and asking others for their thoughts and ideas. Anyway maybe that’s old school thinking, I am not being paid $300k plus a year to be an AFL club Leadership guru.

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  14. 46 minutes ago, old dee said:

    Would you please stop injecting reality into discussion george!


    46 minutes ago, old dee said:

    Would you please stop injecting reality into discussion george!

    well then OD inject some reality into the club’s talk of a new admin/training hub within walking distance of the Gee. Where is that going to be? The mind boggles, there aren’t too many options I can think of especially with the Jolimont NIMBY’s so active in the area. 

  15. 9 hours ago, Wadda We Sing said:

    All sounds pretty good, really still dont understand why we belong to the greatest stadium in the world, yet we cant occupy it as our club. Im sure theres reasons, but all just bureaucratic. Seems it would be a hell of a lot easier than building ovals into hills or construction over railway lines?  Occupy the G.

    Yes the optimal answer would be admin, entertainment and indoor training facilities within the MCG stadium and ability to train on the MCG at least twice per week and we have Gosch’s as a back up. 

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  16. 40 minutes ago, Tarax Club said:

    Chris Grant, Barry Hall &  Warren Tredrea (all fine players) are in, i would argue that Lyon is the equal of any of them.

    Would argue Garry Lyon was more versatile than Chris Grant, (both on field and off!)  a much better sportsman than Barry Hall (but perhaps of equal notoriety) and much less concerned with on field histrionics than Warren Tredrea (although he has a higher media profile).
    Wasn't Chris Grant 'cleaned up' by David Neitz  during the match? Fairly of course!

    Lyon is streets ahead of Barry Hall in my opinion. I don’t remember Hall ever firing in a final? He blew up against us in 98 and had a few poor ones with the Swans as I remember it. 

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