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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. I believe that in response to his application to join the ministry god spake unto Tony suggesting he go forth and multiply... and so he took up a ministry of another kind and has since been applying his lord's suggestion to just about anything he can think of (well, anything instigated by the opposition).

    Hardtrack good point but what are we going to do about all these trees? All these national parks? I mean it is a huge problem to have all these trees locked up away from "the ultimate environmentalists", the loggers, for God sakes. We will be over run with bloody furry marsupials at this rate. Leadbeater possums eating out the crops of hard working National Party voting farmers for instance.

    Where is Greg Hunt when you need him.

  2. they shouldn't be wood-chipping ANY Old growth forest At All.

    'selective harvesting' in Old Growth, only for timber, & certainly NO ClearFelling,,, or any undergrowth clearing at all.

    Clearing lets in the sunlight & before you know it, Blackberry, & other introduced weeds are growing in there & eventually take over & smother the natives out in the areas opened up.

    I liked Tony's speech to the Forestry Industry forum yesterday. Basically he nailed it with his claim that there are too many national parks, too many bloody trees, let's be honest! I mean what have forests ever done for us? I think this line captures the sentiment of his speech:

    And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

    Hard to argue with this I reckon!

  3. If Roos is indeed trying to get the group to take chances, then why not try your hand against the best of the best? These blokes are footballers, not choir boys. They'll learn more from taking on the Hawks than some of the half baked outfits I saw running around in some of the NAB Challenge games.

    WJ I hope your right but let's face it they have been playing like choir boys for a while now! Lets hope Roos has transformed our boys. And let's hope we smash the Hawks, God we are overdue to give them one!

  4. It's a practice match, so we can practice.

    I am basing my argument on Roosey's talk of a fragile playing group that needs to be developed and nurtured. Roos is trying to get the group taking chances, building trust, enjoying their football, having fun. You might want to build this incrementally, not by playing the premiers. Just my opinion. Lets see what unfolds next week.

  5. Will help the coaching staff determine how much progress has been made, and who is fit enough to play AFL footy each week. This match will separate the players from the pretenders. The loss or victory will be meaningless, what they'll be looking at is the players that perform under pressure.

    Don't see anything wrong with it. We'll learn far less playing against and beating a middle tier team.

    I hope this strategy turns out to be correct. Just worried about getting smashed by a team out to setup their superiority early in the season. Lets hope we take them on, then that will be a bonus for sure.

  6. On actual performances for the club I can't see how you could go past Beames, he dominated in 3 successive GF wins in '39 '40 and '41 however who knows what might have been if the great Stuey Spencer had gone on rather than retire from the VFL at age 24.

    Stuey was BOG in 1955 and '56, he was a champion both on and off the field. He stated later in life that he regretted retiring from the VFL so early despite his many achievements in footy in Tasmania.

    We have had 3 other top class rovers in my time, Ian Ridley, John Townsend and Greg Wells - all outstanding footballers.

    Hassa Mann?

  7. Now, let's talk football.

    Getting to the game that's going to happen on Saturday, it's good to see that we escaped injury from the Alice Springs trip with Jimmy Toumpas pulling up fine after copping a whack on the head from Billie Smedts - Toumpas set to play against Hawthorn.

    Likely to play against the Hawks are Jack Viney, James Frawley, Cam Pedersen and Jay Kennedy-Harris with big men Chris Dawes, Max Gawn and Mark Jamar also being considered. ~ Josh Mahoney.

    I am not sure it is a good idea to be playing the Hawks at this stage. We are trying to build confidence into the playing group, we have two good performances against the 7 and 3 finishers last season. Why play number one now? The Hawks are flying, no injuries, everyone is up and about and they are keen to overawe everyone early to get the psychological advantage on everyone. In short we could get smashed, like they have done to the North and Brisbane and a lot of good MFC vibes shattered. Not sure why we agreed to this match really.

    • Like 1
  8. Why the Cessna? Couldn't you take Thunderbird 1?


    Good point but the trouble is every time I take Thunderbird1 up it draws a crowd. In my line of work I need to keep a low profile. There is a story as to how I finally got my hands on the craft after years of being thwarted by those vain, good looking marionettes but it would be boring.

    I can report that it does go like the clappers once you get the all clear from air traffic control at Morabbin Airport.

    • Like 1
  9. We did have the ball 94 more times than they did though. It will be a lot easier to improve on our inside 50 delivery knowing that our team is capable of actually having the ball in possession. That's why I would be inclined not to worry too much about inside 50s as I might have been last year - we're winning the ball, we're just not using it well enough yet.

    I haven't seen the game, we had 90 odd more possessions but half the inside 50's. Can someone explain why? I think it was similar with the Tigers, we had hundreds more possessions but not many more inside fifties. If we are racking up multiple possessions chipping it around down back too much, then yes it is envitable that we will have turnovers.

    I think our game plan may change by round one to be more attacking surely.

  10. Well done Lynden, you proved me wrong Friday night as I thought you did a good job and made me eat my words.

    Hoping you keep doing this and make me look like a complete fool.

    Good lad

    I think your hopes may come true. I think Dunn may finally start to repay our investment what since 2005? I think with Roos giving him a simple and constant role he will finally work it all out.

    • Like 1
  11. I haven't been up that way for years, I would like to go but it is a long way to drive from Fitzroy and my driving skills are a bit dodgy these days. But can I still land my Cessna at Casey Airfield? Anyone know? If I can that would be great, I could do a circuit of the ground before play if you like. Happy to hang a few Demon flags out off the wings. Over and out.

    • Like 3
  12. little john, was truthful

    honest john, is just plain little.

    Howard ignored official advice on Iraq's weapons and chose war...

    Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/howard-ignored-official-advice-on-iraqs-weapons-and-chose-war-20130411-2hogn.html#ixzz2ug5OU6GY

    On March 18, 2003, foreign minister Alexander Downer told the House of Representatives: ''The strategy of containment [uN sanctions] simply has not worked and now poses an unacceptable risk.''

    In his speeches at the time, Howard said: ''Iraq has a usable chemical and biological weapons capability which has included recent production of chemical and biological agents; Iraq continues to work on developing nuclear weapons.

    All key aspects - research and development, production and weaponisation - of Iraq's offensive biological weapons program are active and most elements are larger and more advanced than they were before the Gulf War in 1991.''

    # None of the government's arguments were supported by the intelligence presented to it by its own agencies. None of these arguments were true.

    Could be worthy of a Royal Commission inquiry into how the hell we ended up not only getting involved but were part of the cheer squad that encouraged the US and the UK to invade Iraq. How many hundreds of thousands paid the ultimate price for that folly, and continue to suffer. Could be worth shinning a big light into that dark area of our past. Maybe I will send a message to Tony on this one, we know how determined Tony is to root out evil, incompetence and corruption wherever it might be found.

    • Like 1
  13. Maybe he would be excelling at the Dee's. WFKnows...

    Kids got enormous talent, as did Jurrah.

    Garletts adjusted his lifestyle and excelled at WAFL level so there's no reason he can't do the same at AFL level.

    The media smell blood and make it worse than it might seem.

    Knowing the Hawks I am sure Garlett will come good at some stage! They rarely have things go pear shaped on them.

  14. If you have reliable information I would love to hear it, and I'm guessing so would many, many more. Please no hearsay.

    Question: what jumper will Jesse Hogan be wearing for the next 10 years.

    I don't think we are into offering 10 year contracts for a young kid who has potential. He has two years to go let's see how he goes first.
  15. I am somewhat surprised by Dunn's improvement. Where did he develop that poise and coolness?

    I have been non committal on Dunn for several,years. I could see his potential but also observed his behaviour in games, far from perfect. But let's be fair who could have been poised and cool in Melbourne's backline in the past two years? When the ball is down there 90% of the time every week along with 34 other players, it is hard to have poise.

  16. I've estimated how many wins we will get this year and I've pledged accordingly, if we win twice as many it will cost me a lot more but I doubt that will happen.

    If it does I'll bear the consequences, but I'll be so happy I won't give a toss, we will be in the top 4 and playing finals.

    Work out how much you can afford and halve it, if you want to sign up, that way if we win double the number of games you'll only be up for what you were originally going to contribute.

    Robbie I have taken your advice and signed up. Your formula makes sense but if we win 26 games I ill be happy as Larry but I could be looking for new lodgings when the Misses finds out!

  17. If Pauline was asked to give a speech on global economics, it would almost be on par with Tony's for insight. Just a bunch of embarrassingly simplistic faff mixed with inappropriate domestic politics and sprinkled with ignorance. How he is a Rhodes scholar with a degree in economics is nothing short of amazing. I would encourage people to watch it and draw your own conclusions.

    It's a pity the mainstream media didn't reveal his speech for what it was. This review hits the nail on the head - http://www.theglobalmail.org/feature/abbotts-davos-moment/820/

    As I commented at the time most of the audience were asleep and those who stayed awake were trying to work,out why he was talking to them like they were halfwits!

    Unfortunately that is how Tony comes across, stating the bleeding obvious but in a slow, patronising voice that assumes we are all dumb and adds nothing to anyone's knowledge. Not unlike Joe Hockey now I come to think of it. But let's face it they are talking to the Sun Herald readership and more importantly trying to get their message through to Uncle Rupert who needs the message to be very simple and repeated often to remain happy. He is a lonely and scorned old man these days who needs to be mollycoddled.

  18. I note the Minister for Revenge, George Brandis stating to a Senate committee one minute that he had not provided cabinet papers from the previous government to the new Royal Circus inquiry into the pink batts. A few hours later it seems another senate committee found the Prime Ministers department had already sent the documents off via George's department.

    Of course we know George would not have read the documents, the same as the East Timor documents he and ASIO stole but did not read before it all went to theInternational Court in The Hague.

    George B has a lot of alternative reading to do to work through his new big bookcase.!

  19. Back in 1974 I went with a friend to an Oak Park FC gambling night Bbo.

    Now we have to remember this was before Casinos and Pokies in Vic.

    He close the Crown and Anchor.

    Wiped them out.

    Shortly after this feat we decided that discretion might be the better part of valour and left.

    Never forget it.

    Yes I remember doing similar to my cricket club just by betting $50 a time on crowns or anchors and cleaning up one night. Then I realised, with some advice from others, that this was a bit counter productive for the club. So coughed most of it back to keep the peace.

  20. But the important news is the Big banana is safe

    Are you sure, my sources cannot confirm the Big Banannas status at this time, I believe it is in dispute, there are unconfirmed reports of the Big Bannana moving south toward Down the coast!

    I am also getting conflicting reports on the status of the Big Cod and the Big Crayfish that have been reported as being on the move.

    Again I say these are worrying times we live in. My sources are indicating that all these Big Things seem to be headed toward Melbourne. What is our contingency plan to deal with this?

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