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Earl Hood

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Posts posted by Earl Hood

  1. I've just put in a pre-order at Amazon UK for the Werner Herzog collection on Blu Ray... it comprises 7 discs with all of his films remastered:

    • The Unprecedented Defence of the Fortress Deutschkreuz (1967)
    • Last Words (1968)
    • Precautions Against Fanatics (1969)
    • Handicapped Future (1970)
    • Fata Morgana (1971)
    • Land Of Silence and Darkness (1971)
    • Aguirre, Wrath of God (1972)
    • The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974)
    • The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner (1975)
    • Heart of Glass (1976)
    • How Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck (1976)
    • Stroszek (1977)
    • Nosferatu, the Vampyre (1979)
    • Woyzeck (1979)
    • Huie's Sermon (1980)
    • God's Angry Man (1980)
    • Fitzcarraldo (1982)
    • Cobre Verde (1987)

    And it costs approx 44 quid (British pounds) shipped (releases on July 21st)... can't wait!

    Watched 7 and 17 last year to practice my spanish and because we had just travelled to Amazonia via Peru. Good movies though.

  2. How bad was JKH tonight....lifeless and overawed.

    Are you kidding? Just checking, were you there? I didn't see enough of him in the quarter or two he played to make any judgement. I am open to constructive criticism of his game.

    • Like 2
  3. 6: Jack Watts ( everything he touched turned to gold, reckon he is about to show us why he was a pick 1.)

    5: Nathan Jones ( was absolutely everywhere and busted his gut.)

    4: Bernie Vince ( if he kicked straight he could have had 30 touches and four goals)

    3: Dom Tyson ( made mistakes but 32 touches and a goal and we have a gem on our hands)

    2: Lynden Dunn ( was super impressed, his kicking was a real highlight )

    1: Matt Jones ( that chase down of Gilbert, looked very zippy and clean )

    Agree with that prognosis.

  4. We had some critical injuries that meant we would struggle and add Shyte kicking for goal but let's face it he mid field disintegrated in the second half. We will really struggle until we get the key forwards back and Grland.

  5. We ended up with no forward targets, we kicked poorly early on but what worried me was the midfield. It was basically smashed after half time!

    I thought that was where we were going to build from and I would be happy with that.

    The few positives tonight for me were J Watts, still a work in progress, showed something but needed to take the first option and kick it more often. N Jones, Dunn, Terlich maybe. The difference in the end was Reiwoldt and our injured MacDonald!

  6. Tyson is worrying me, poor disposal, forward line is shot! What's happened with Fitzy? Watts has to go forward in the second half. Where did Vince go to in the second quarter? Our midfield is struggling to impose itself. After all that our game plan makes us look a bit better even if we do lose. At least we get possessions and see if players have the skills we need to go forward.

  7. Gee what struck me from the short film of the 1945 Grand Final is how familiar the game looks to what we have seen so far this year in round one. So far we have been spared the mauls and presses, it has all been open, running football. My memory of the football film reels of the 50's and 60's was of stop, start footy but this 1945 highlights reel shows, high skills and a marking, run on game with the occasional handball to advantage.

  8. NATURAL SELECTION by Whispering Jack

    I was reflecting recently about the impending arrival of the new AFL season and I came to the conclusion that it is fitting that the capital city of the Northern Territory, whose government is a relationship partner of the Melbourne Football Club, was named after English naturalist Charlie Darwin.

    Darwin, whose theory of evolution was expounded in On the Origin of Species described the process of natural selection as being a matter of the "survival of the fittest" and, as fate would have it, this is becoming the catchphrase that best sums up the early part of the new AFL season which is in its infancy after only four matches.


    WJ great post but in the interests of accuracy wasn't it Herbert Spencer who coined the term "Survival of the Fittest" not Darwin. Sorry to be a pedant!

    • Like 2
  9. There was a tweet the other day from tex saying he reckons him and Dawesy would be pretty dangerous up front, i'd say Vince and Clisby are already in his ear.

    Up the front of the medical room?

  10. Anyone else received an email questionnaire from MFC on our thoughts about our club? A lot of questions about the club emblem! And what excites us about MFC. The MFC shield is good but I would like to see the menacing Demon character back in the mix, on our away jumper. Are we going to be threatening or private school embracing? I said I was here because I was born into MFC allegiance, I have no choice. A rational football follower would have jumped ship years ago!

  11. I'm pretty certain the club have a good handle on this(not the spade/shovel type) and they know what they are doing, I wouldn't have said that about the old regime but this one I would.

    I doubt we could just tear up his contract and I doubt they'd want to; it's to far down the track to do anything about payments and renegotiating anyway, even if that was the path they chose.

    I also doubt there are many on here, despite what's been said, that don't have the utmost respect for Mitch and would love to see him back on the ground in a Dees jumper so I think we will just have to trust that the club will get it right.

    This is not some drunken clown, this is a guy of integrity and if it's at all possible he will be back and hopefully will lead the forward line to many wins in the coming seasons.

    And serious talent still!

  12. I know this is giving away my age but anyone else here into the Cure? Not likely to see them at BDO. I liked one of their albums ( and there is a story behind that) but knew very little about Robert Smith and co but went long to a live concert at Rod Laver in the mid 2000's at my wife's insistence, with a lot of goths and boy did that blow me away. Best concert I have been to, I knew some of the songs but was blown away by the musical ability of the band members.

    • Like 1
  13. A thread on Lucas Cook is a clear indication that the weekend cannot come quick enough. I'm more interested in the price of pints in the members. It has more currency.

    Forget Lucas. I am making inquiries as to if James Cook is still playing! He did his ankle the game after kicking 6 goals for us, he may have recovered and be ready for another shot at glory. I will keep you in the loop.

    • Like 1
  14. I think it was 2007 when we last played the Saints first round? I went with two saints supporters and I remember the game for two reasons, 20 minutes in to the season, Del Santo has picked the ball up on the southern wing just where we were sitting and turned inboard and Matty Whelan has hit him with the best shirt front I have ever witnessed. The sound of the hit just stunned all of us. It was perfectly executed except the Matty had whiplash and missed a number of games as well as Del Santo who had to be stretchered off. My Saints mates just said, Shyte 20 minutes into the season and its fooked!

    The other event was Brock doing his ankle early in the game and he never got back to his best with us.

  15. Interesting hearing Grimes on SEN, Frawley's been begging Roos to go forward apparently.

    Interesting I noticed Frawley at yesterday's training having numerous shots at goal everytime the group came backin for a water stop. He was slotting a few too from well outside 50. He was then going one on one with MacDonald at the end with the coach kicking the ball up high to them. I wondered at the time whether MacDonald was an option to play forward.

    Has Frawley played forward in his pre AFL career?

  16. I'll be ordering in a nice woodfired pizza, and ripping open a couple of sparkling ales, all in the comfort of my living room here in Sydney... at least this year I only have to wait until the 6th April before myself and my son can see them play at Spotless Stadium (Homebush) - free tickets already confirmed by MFC, so lets hope they were worth the money.

    Hardtrack isn't the GWS v MFC game at Skoda Stadium? I am trying to organise to get there for the game as I will be in Sydney on other matters around that time. If I can sneak off unnoticed I dont want to find myself in an empty statdium

  17. Not sure of hyphen, but Mr Bean has already been told it would seem from the training report.

    Good luck to him.

    And to the four mids we got of various talent, age, and experience - please help Jonesy in there.

    The hyphen was running laps only today. He would be a long shot I think for this week. Byrnes was included in all the forward group work today.

    From today's hit out I would say it is Watts in the mid field, Howe playing forward plus Fitzy, Pedo with Bail and Blease and maybe big Max. Alexis G down back for Garland with Frawley, Mac, Dunn, Gimes, M Jones and Terlich. Thursday's training may through others into the mix perhaps.

  18. I agree. Anyone who pretends that not having Hogan, Dawes, Clark and Viney available for round 1 doesn't worry them is kidding themselves or doesn't really follow us closely.

    I wonder if Clarko would be worried if he was facing a decent team round 1 without Roughy, Hale and Gunston and Gibson down back? It is a similar situation. I think he would reckon he could compensate for a few weeks given their other talent but it would take a toll over 5 or 6 weeks surely.

    • Like 1
  19. FMD. I went to Saint Thomas' . You did well to avoid fights with the boys from Fitzroy High!

    Stuie would have [censored] his pants in those days. It wasn't some anonymous clown abusing you via the ether - it was some clown trying to bury a brick in your head.

    I am a fellow CBC old boy (St Leo's Box Hill) I can empathise although we didn't have local high school kids stalking us with bricks, thankfully. We just had to deal with the likes of Brother Robert Best and a few other similar predators. I never saw what they were up to thankfully, others in my class weren't so lucky.

  20. I cannot understand this notion of not hating other teams. You barrack for Melbourne - therefore you hate everyone else. I'll concede that there are degrees of hate. For example I hate Carlton but I hate Richmond even more.

    I cannot understand anything outside these parameters. I had a few fights in Clifton Hill to support this rule.

    Gee you would be pushing it to get into a fight in Clifton Hill these days, at least over footy. Too many hipsters around. You might get some angry looking stares in The Royal bar if you mentioned how you are looking forward to the new tunnel! Elementary my dear BBO really.

  21. Cheers for the report!

    I've missed the training reports.

    Even though Roos said Max would play at Casey, any chance you think if he trained well enough he may be selected?

    Well I thought he trained well. He is moving freely, showed that he is quite agile below his knees, handled the ball well and looked like he would be a handful playing deep forward if we kept pumping it in. Spencer is the main man at the moment, he was involved in all the midfield work. Whether Max plays or not may depend on the Saints ruck division. I don't know how they are placed after they lost McEvoy. Spencer, Fitzy and Max together may be seen as a bit top heavy.

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