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Strapping Young Lad

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Everything posted by Strapping Young Lad

  1. I was looking on the old AFL site and noticed they had video's about the people being traded. The "get excited by" series.... Sadly Jake does not have one... But the young guy Anderson the Roo's have snared has one. He has had about 4 and a half minutes of game time, and he has one! This beg the question, where is the Jake Melksham excitement reel??
  2. Found this on feacesbook! Has some banter from some of the MFC boys too! Scroll down to the Georgiou-Viney Bump. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Footy-brawlsbumps-and-biff/243076959149716
  3. AFLPA are pushing to get the time limit lowered for free agency. He will be the poster boy for this cause, sick dad a club that doesn't play nice and Geelongs example of helping a player on compassionate grounds. That and Brisbane will make it happen and get the picks need to make the trade. His management will work the same angles as Ryder's and apply public pressure. Could you imagine the public views of the filth if Beam's father dies. The pies would become bigger social pariah's than the already are, and that would be quite a feat even for them.
  4. If we make that play for Beams, we will have another Clark on our hands. We do not need to be a stepping stone for players, we need to be the destination. Beams will wait out the year at the pies then go to the Lions.
  5. Packers swamped the Vikings... Ponder was given no protection, christ he got hammered!
  6. https://www.facebook.com/foxsportsaus/photos/a.140640605947754.25290.121538134524668/861706230507851/?type=1&theater Saw this one on Feaces Book! Suck that fox sports!!!! Bo Nixon sends up their best and worst draft write up!
  7. What is better than a song about heroin.... A mariarchi band covering a song about heroin! http://youtu.be/zy8Y3R4dXyc
  8. Ha this is awesome! We need the funk. Parliament. SYL 1.0 http://youtu.be/jJvjWh2Vhu4
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