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Dee Zephyr

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Everything posted by Dee Zephyr

  1. Sorry if this has been mentioned already but fox sports last night stated that Scully will be lining up in the VFL this week. Not quite sure how true it is but it was definately stated!
  2. Does this mean Stef is going in under some doubt?
  3. Confirmed. Jetta in. GO DEES! Show these muppets how unified we are!
  4. Totally agree. Grimes on Darling in the first half had me throwing the remote at the tv. He is an offensive player and he is not accontable at the moment. Whats the point of having grimes and tappy in the backline when all we did was kick the ball to a flock of eagles standing on their own in the centre square. Not once were they used in the middle. Bailey is destroying Grimes!
  5. Wow. If we are talking importance im amazed no one has included bartram. He conceded the least amount of goals for a small defender last season just about.He shut down a heap of dangerous small forwards and god knows those small forwards have carved us up in the past. I understand his disposal is questionable at times but its not his role to carry and deliver.
  6. Give it to JURRAH! Bring back the High leaping Number 5 to the "G".
  7. I don't understand the constant negativity when it comes to Bell. Not sure what game some of the other readers were reading Adam magic but bell was very good today. He was tagging Brock in the middle in the first half and kept him very quiet, then followed bruce for a while, had time to go forward and kick a goal. Got a lot of the ball and was very clean. Moloney seemed to be struggling after of all people spencer ran him down in the first quarter and had a slight limp after that. Bate and sylvia were quite for their standards but bate kicked a couple in the end.
  8. How true is it that MFC players were asked by Bailey about trading Trav? I read it on here a while ago but didn't pay much attention to it until i saw him own the GABBA in the fourth quarter on friday night. Apparently only one player told Bailey to keep him. The rest were happy for him to go. Is that because they thought he would no longer benefit the club with his off field behaviour or they just wanted to save their own backside and showing no loyalty to the only playmaker we have had the last 6 years. After all, Trav did reject big offers from Sydney and the Filth to stay with us. This is what really hurts me at the moment, especially with some players we decided to keep. Thoughts, anyone
  9. Even though I am a regular reader, I don't often post but I thought the following observations might please some of you. I was passing by the Junction oval yesterday morning and noticed some of the boys running around. Training consisted of about 18 players and it's safe to say that none of them would be participating in tonight's scratch match. The following reports are based on what I witnessed:- Cameron Bruce - trained on his own and was put through a series of sprints, turns and twists. Moved ok. Mark Jamar, Robbo - took part in some easy drills but sat out most of the session. I would say rest or some general soreness. Nothing to worry about. Simon Buckley - seemed to be favouring his right hand but still managed to take part in most drills including handballs. No concern. Nathan Carroll, Lynden Dunn, Benny Holland, Brocky, Neitz, Wheatley, White and Frawley - all went hard at it and moved really well. All took part in most drills with high intensity and most pleasing was to see Brocky talking it up and moving like the man we know. Chris Johnson - where is this man at? Obvious to me he is carrying something as to what I have no idea. Took part in some drills and looked slighlty restricted in movement. Matthew Whelan- I would suggest the only major worry at this stage. Personally, I have no clue as to what he is carrying or to what extent but could not muster more than a slow jog even when he took part in kicking drills. kicked the ball ok though. Participated 20% of the session. I love this bloke but if he has a season like last with his injuries he might be the first on the long term injury list which might give Valenti the go ahead. The following two pleased me the most! Jared Rivers and Clint Bartram - both looked super impressive in their movements. Both were able to twist and turn very easily, both went at 100% and even when the were involved in a 4 on 4 handball match they were hard at it with the physical aspect. Rivers kicked on both feet and Bartram got a lot of penetration with some of his kicks in a long kick drill. As to when they return I'm unsure but from yesterdays observation I would think its very close. I hope so, all! Andy Lovell was running the session and good to see him back at the club. I hope you enjoy the report but I have been starved all summer and was happy to see some of the boys even if it was by chance.
  10. Would like to hear if any of u know anything about Sam Hunt. Saw him run around for the cats in the vfl final and was actually impressed with his size and speed. I realise he hasn't grasped his chances at both clubs he has been at but i wonder if it's due to injury or the fact he is simply not good enough. Any comments?
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