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Straight Sets Simon

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Everything posted by Straight Sets Simon

  1. Finally someone decided to tackle Cunnington, what a novel idea!
  2. Based on the quality of the teams we should be six goals up by now.
  3. It’s a classic case of players just waiting for their teammate to do the hard work while they watch.
  4. Lazy, lethargic and complacent.
  5. He’s never playing as a defender again.
  6. Can’t have Jackson in the ruck against Goldstein again.
  7. We are so lazy. Give them an absolute rocket, Simon.
  8. Shattered for Tomlinson, he’s been so good.
  9. All of our players flat-footed at centre bounce again.
  10. Our centre clearances are so bad still.
  11. I’m in no way shocked Viney still has foot issues. He’s looked sluggish for a few weeks now.
  12. He was a free agent, not a trade.
  13. Relax, we are going to win by a lot.
  14. Exactly, even putting aside their huge number of members it’s the fact that hey have so many supporters and still pull an awful crowd that makes it so bad.
  15. I thought it was genuinely a deliberate joke seeing as they had made the same mistake in the past.
  16. Just say Jones was rested surely?
  17. I’ve listened to lots of different Demon fan podcasts over the years and without doubt the Demonland one is the best. The Deebrief would be fine if they didn’t talk over each other all the time and some guys there know their stuff. The Dees Podcast is a bit meh.
  18. And forward half.
  19. We will win, and we will win big.
  20. Shai Bolton is a great player to watch.
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