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Everything posted by rjay

  1. 107 pages and counting.....
  2. No it's his opinion, I don't agree with it but it's better to hear what people have to say rather than be somewhat surprised down the track that many people have these opinions. This is where political correctness goes wrong, you are better off knowing what you are up against.
  3. Thanks KC, just wouldn't be right if we only had the one.
  4. Thanks, I missed that one. Will look it up.
  5. How much it is costing us is pretty important to I would have thought, even more so if we are restricted in when we can sell.
  6. I also think he has the tools but it is mentally now where he needs to trust those tools and take the game on. His kicking will be a real plus for us if he does.
  7. His record is not good with his call on Carlton and as for the stuff about not getting on with the coach or being on the outer it sounds like Misfud all over again. ...but hey stranger things have happened.
  8. How much is it costing us to run now? and how much does it effect the cash flow of the football club?
  9. As I posted before I think you will find that Neil Craig takes a lot of these duties and Mark Neeld sticks to the coaching side of things and as someone else pointed out we also have Josh Mahoney heading up football operations. If you watched Craig's press conference the other day I think you will find we are in good hands.
  10. Swan said the story was absolute BS that Carlton had approached or were even interested in Jack Watts, he was really annoyed about the story and put Denham right back in his box. Now Denham has backed down and said it was Malthouse that had shown some interest, not Carlton. Well Malthouse was one of Jack's mentors last year under the blessing of Mark Neeld so go figure that one. As for the current story I think 'Ben' is on the money.
  11. Not according to Greg Swan.
  12. Hazy I'm not so sure you can isolate the individuals from the club in this situation. If they are found guilty of any of what they are reported to be accused then as officers of the club responsible for the running and on ground performance of the club surely the club must also be found guilty and face penalties. I know you are concerned with the running of the club and it's future and I am too but I don't think you can cut them free at this time without doing serious damage to the club as a whole.
  13. I think I heard Gerrard Healy say that Jurrah was a non drinker when discussing the incident in the Alice. Either Gerrard made a very rare mistake or something has really changed in Liam's life over the last 12 months which has resulted in the Alice Springs business and now this. I don't condone his actions but as Ben said above I can't pretend to understand what he is going through. I feel for the guy and hope everything works out for him but with his community so divided it will almost take a miracle.
  14. Different type of player, the only similarity is the positions played.
  15. Dotting he i's...etc. good move with the new ruck rules. A boundary umpire gets a lot of height and distance and is the real deal, if a ruckman has to work on his timing which will be crucial now that wrestling is out it is best they do it properly and not with one of the support staff throwing it in half a.... This FD is a professional outfit.
  16. I agree, and I'm positive we are on the right track.
  17. Who knows yet but Billings is a good prospect, haven't seen Taylor. Check out the draft experts they've got some stuff up already on how they think things will fall.
  18. I think Rendell was the messenger who got shot for political gain. It's a pity because the issue he broached deserved a lot more thought , maybe in the end it was just all too hard for misfud. It was just easier to treat it as a political football and him a casualty which is not an unusual response unfortunately.
  19. Not so sure on this, I think he may have given Neeld a let out... but it's one we will never really know.
  20. I know some that have been well wide of the mark and often confuse fact with opinion. Sorry to jump at you on this one 'WYL' but in the last few months I've heard so much BS from 'someone in the know'. I'm happy your source is reliable and positive about the future, we should all be.
  21. Coterie members usually like to feel they are on the inside, they aren't. They do get a bit more access to the club but their opinions, and they are opinions are often way off the mark.
  22. I think the betting has been closed on this, the only questions are what time today, who and what paper.
  23. Watching him at training the other day he is loving having Barry there and he will be a real positive influence.
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