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Young Blood

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Everything posted by Young Blood

  1. So we're back to announcing a list of emergencies for games that aren't on a Friday night? With proper final teams announced Friday night for our Saturday game anyway? Maybe I'm way off here...
  2. Every week there has to be an area of the game or a team that comes under the microscope. This week its holding the ball because of the uneven adjudication over the 8 games on the weekend. I think its being blown out due to media coverage. It certainly was an issue over the weekend but its more that its story of the week stuff that its being highlighted so much. The umpires will do what they usually do and review and be more consistent across the games and it will be less of a story. Not saying the holding the ball rule shouldn't be touched or talked about as I think there's areas of concern but the games not in turmoil because of it.
  3. haha I have definitely heard a few of our boys complain about training out at Casey. But mainly due to the commute every day. For guys like Ed Langdon who lives in the inner north it would take an hour a day to drive down. I personally hate sitting in a car for two odd hours a day (more with traffic) but many don't. Each to their own.
  4. They will give us a scare no doubt. They were able to hang with a good team last week at home and I imagine they will at times against us as Carlton did. The players message is simple (and expressed often in the media lately). We know there will be times when opposition make a move on us whether its getting two goals up or reducing a lead but there's a firm belief that we are fitter and our game style/plan if executed will beat the opposition. That strange foreign word to any Melbourne Demon person is starting to bleed into out current situation... 'trust', with the above mentioned mindset. Losing this week isn't going to rattle that but I don't think that will be the reality anyway. Strange but welcome times.
  5. Wanted to make note of the skill level on the weekend. I've been going to every dees game in Melbourne with my Dad for about 20 years and we while it wasn't a pretty game of football by any means our class and skill in wet conditions was a cut above Carltons. Haven't been able to say that many times over the years. I think we've had skilled players in the side but sometimes it doesn't show when confidence is down. Now that we are rolling with firm belief in each team mate there are some really creative things happening with the ball. Just little things I noticed on the weekend like Brayshaws insanely quick and well timed handball to Hibberd running off the boundary in the last or Kozzy almost bouncing the ball behind his back to gain possession and avoid boundary/opposition in the pocket, so many more little things like this just had us in ore of some of the skills and confidence on display. Its not just the Kozzy's, Salem's, Petracca's, Olivers or Spargo's its becoming infectious.
  6. Liking the love for Rivers on here. Its insane he does everything, so rare to have few floors for such a young player. Of course playing back half helps and he's given a fair bit of freedom but I just think this kid is going to be a star, still unsure of what his ceiling will be but tracking as future all Australian backman and a long career ahead of him at the very least.
  7. He is so so fit at the moment. His ability to cover ground is underrated. Gets to so many contests with intensity every time. Absolute star.
  8. Will have to be conscious of that this week against the Crows over there. Surprised WC so low...
  9. Is there a more mature head at the age of 20 yrs playing in the midfield at AFL level? The kid has got toughness and class. He's not flashy but has the skills and ability to have a very long career.
  10. Who would have thought we'd be in a position to even contemplate resting players at any stage this season... Amazing. Richmond have been excellent at player management over the last few years and its been clearly evident in how strongly they finished each season. Even this year with the large amount of injuries to key players they're still not being written off because of the culture and management style with injuries they have a reputation for. It probably is too early yes. But we do have the depth. It looks like its already happening with Viney being more conservative with his injury management. Because of guys like JordOn, Harmes, Brayshaw and Sparrow (and rotational mids like Kozzy, ANB, Jones etc.) we can afford to cover his role as a predominantly defensive mid. Resting Max is tricky as he provides us with so much balance. As noted in the latest 'On The Couch' he's doing less, sacrificing Brownlow points as a defensive ruckman playing more in the back half with the other three talls pushing forward. That being said I can't imagine the coaching staff wouldn't consider managing him on weeks where we're playing a bottom half side and they have a B grade ruckman that Dogga could handle.
  11. I whole heartedly agree. I think it will come into fruition. I think Brown is going to have to really perform at a high level to keep his place. Not just bring the ball to ground for the smalls like many key talls are asked to do. He really should be taking contested marks consistently each week and having 4+ shots on goal. I'm pretty sceptical. The club's going to give him every opportunity as its big off season signing but he hasn't strung good games of football for quite a while. I look forward to watching him in the flesh Saturday night. I felt like he was off the pace on the weekend which is understandable first game back in the seniors. But does anyone else feel that once he's competed in the air at the marking contest he just looks like he's moving in slow mode. Its like he's stunned from the marking contest impact or something. I might be way off but there but there are worrying signs with his inability to get separation from his man when leading. I worry he's lost his first step pace which is crucial for his style of lead up play. Really hope I'm wrong! I think Weid gives you more versatility, intensity at the contest and better tackling. We shall see.
  12. On a slightly related note, did anyone catch Gawn mentioning same day travel on the podcast? Gawny mentioned how same day travel for early arvo games doesn't work too well for a lot of players like himself. As he mentioned getting up at 3am to travel to the airport must mean a pretty early flight but sounds like it definitely had an impact on the players energy. It was pretty clear in that first quarter. Obviously due to covid it sounds like its necessary but hopefully something that doesn't happen as often in the future. Hate to see games impacted by things like same day/morning travel with players tired from early starts/planes. Anyway this is a night game so I image less of an impact.
  13. Doesn't surprise me if reports are true that Rivers is out. Put his body on the line time and time again on Saturday night. Hopefully its just soreness and not something more. Jetta the clear and obvious replacement. Been playing consistently in VFL playing through the middle as a cut above. How good is depth! Really hoping reports of Jones and Melk at Casey this week is true. No more games gifted to senior past proven players. Base it on form and structure. Out: Jones, Melk, Rivers In: Brown, Jetta, Sparrow Sub: Bedford or Bowey (who bother played well last week)
  14. I really doubt this. I think you'll see a better Harmes when he comes back. Reports are he's the fittest he's ever been and been placed back in the forward half where he is much better playing that role while spending time in the middle. The guy bleeds red and blue as a long term Melbourne supporter/person. He will bang the door down I think. Not sure if it will come to full fruition but that will be the goal for player and club as an important piece come Sept.
  15. Harmes had a pretty awful year last season. He even admitted this in the recent Gus n Gawny podcast. He was placed across half back where he really struggled to make an impact and settle into the position. He's been moved back to HF this season where he prefers to play and more comfortable in the role with his marking ability. I think he's another guy that provides depth. I'd imagine the role of mid/HF will be rotated throughout the season between Harmes, Jones, Jordan, Melksham and Sparrow. Another area where we have great depth and competition for spots so I can see this being the most common area we will see ins and outs throughout the season to keep us competitive. Harmes in eventually for Jones to me is a stronger side. His contested work, fitness/agility and marking ability gives him the edge over the old head of Jones who hopefully will be in and out for the rest of the year as depth.
  16. Really? I didn't notice him flinching or in pain. Kicked 2 goals 1 had 4 tackles and attacked contests well.
  17. I for one am one of those that switch off a lot of the time when players are interviewed ESPECIALLY when being interviewed by inferior journalists such as Robbo. The show is only just watchable because Gerard is of the upper echelon when it comes to well informed, professionalism as one of the best currently involved in AFL media in most facets and I enjoy what he brings to the table. But back to my original statement a couple of reasons why I take most player interviews with a grain of salt (I know most have been mentioned). - Trac and Oliver are limited in their ability to give articulate comprehensive answers to questions. Does that mean they're lesser humans or 'dumb'? Nope. They're both 25 and under, still developing and maturing. - In terms of media appearances again lack of experience is going to greatly impact a players confidence and calmness/collectiveness to answer questions clearly with substance. I would be so incredibly nervous as I'm sure most if not all young players are when put in these situations. - Lastly players are asked by the club to only reveal a certain amount of information about inter club information whether it be game day, training or fitness tactics etc. Not only does this limit them but would have them really wrestling with how to answer questions without saying 'I can't comment on that' all the time. I have no doubt the media training would be around giving common answers that adequately answer common questions hence why its so dry most of the time. Cut them some slack for gods sake. Leave this sort of backlash for the politicians who should actually be the ones held to higher standards. Trac did what I would have done. Shrugged his shoulders at a silly question and moved on.
  18. Neither. Is it a matter of looking at the stat sheet and seeing low figures next to his name? You only need to watch the game to see the impact he's having. Uses the ball so well, damaging at times with his forward 50 entries and his attack on the opposition defensively has been sound. Even though we were under siege in that first quarter I thought some of his efforts without the ball in the opening 10 minutes were outstanding in setting the tone for us for the rest of the contest. His defensive acts lift the team. Not going anywhere.
  19. Still a big fan of Jesse's. Still at only 26 could have a nice albeit lower ceiling end to his career. Battled more mental demons then any other player (that we know of) in recent times and I wish him all the best. Such an imposing player at full strength and confidence.
  20. Tomlinson winning 12 of his 13 one-on-one contests is outstanding. @La Dee-vina Comediaalso a contender for most improved. Although he's built it off the back half of last season.
  21. Mine was from watching Tmac warm up with real intensity and focus to then bring that into the game. He has had a tendency to be quite lackadaisical at times but this was the most switched on I have ever seen him. Hunted every contest with intent and purpose. The other two talls breathing down his neck for his position is creating some 2018 style Tmac performances. Secondly Spargo setting the tone early with his tackling efforts especially the one on the boundary in their forwardline. Thirdly Gus' post match interview where he mentions 'when the rain starting coming down we were licking our lips'. Long has Richmond been the wet weather specialists but this Melbourne team with its elite contested football ability now loves to get stuck in and help each other out while pressuring the ball when not in possession. Love it.
  22. I hope he stays too. But with his kids in Adelaide I can't see it happening and fair enough. The onus is on the club from management to the players to really cement the habits and strategies when it comes to fitness and recovery that Burgo has put in place. I have no doubt he will have a lot to do with signing the next man for the job to continue to keep the players motivated and engaged in this area of the game.
  23. Upsets happen fairly often in AFL. I wouldn't be bringing guys in just to tinker around, it can cost you a game on the wrong day. Go too tall and it could really upset the balance. We've seen this team really struggle on windy/rainy smaller unknown grounds. I wouldn't be choosing this week to risk it against a young North team wanting a scalp after a really poor start.
  24. I've always wondered if AFL was switched to a summer season whether the joke would be altered to have us taking to Sorrento or Portsea or something similar in our Volvo's instead. Perhaps it would be more like Lorne maybe.
  25. He also reiterated what Goody said his his post match presser. This hasn't just formed out of nowhere. We were building from the back half of last year. Besides the shocking Cairns games which put a dagger through our finals hopes we put some good football together around and especially after where there was a buy in from players to play for each other as Tomlinson and Goody states. Marry that with a good preseason where by all reports players came back more fit and motivated then ever with that team mindset and we've hit the ground running. It's building more belief every single week. Tomlinson is a prime example of a player that has been backed by his coaching staff and team mates to solidify a role and really hone his craft. Some of his one on one work this season has been elite against some of the oppo's best forwards. He's no liability with ball in hand also with him possibly being top 5 kicks in the side IMO. Its also astonishing that our three youngest players in Rivers, Jackson and Kozzie can be relied upon to play their roles as major contributors to a 6-0 team.
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