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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Baby boomers are heading off into the sunset. They did have it pretty good with full employment,high wages relative to land,real estate etc. All they had to do was dodge the draft for Vietnam and but a house or twenty. The best way to get back at them is by using elder abuse and making them sign over their assets. Huge transfers of wealth coming up in the next decade when most of them,er ,,,,,,kick the you know what.
  2. I've not heard the speech but men and women are being raped in Sweden by Muslims and the feminista govt thinks these crimes should be repressed,as in, not disclosed. These actions by idiot policy will lead to vigilante actions ,then chaos. understand the reality to preserve peace.
  3. Wagner needs a bigs pause for dramatic effect. Wouldn't surprise me if the whole thing has been orchestrated .
  4. I would like another premiership and for the club and the AFL to quit the discussion of money until they return some value to the founders of the game. Namely MFC. Us.
  5. Dear Friends and Copious Admirers, I have been waylaid with my overnight success as a Karaoke performer and so have not been able to regale you with my ever increasing popularity. I know many of you find yourself miserable at The Donalds' unqualified brilliance but not I ,as a planned trip to Vietnam by the big Red could see me well placed as a sort of cultural attache ,a job you will all agree i am well suited to . My trades have all gone well and a recent visit to the golden triangle should be able to quieten down the Gat for the rest of the year( which should keep the interloping bogan nouveau ,nimby types happy ,if they know what's good for them.) Quiet that is, apart from the sporadic wailing of Ambulance sirens delivering the odd counter balance to Biffs finest!! As I always say, being clinically dead for a few minutes never hurt anyone.A change over of guests at the Gat is always refreshing and good for bizz. Not normally being one for wedding cake , the humidity and liquor must have taken a toll upon me as I have found myself at the altar at least three times in the past week that i can recall..So far have managed to not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing if you get my drift. Thankfully the divorce lawyers are not quite as cluey as the ones back home with regards to asset confiscation ,which ,lets face it, is the main reason for most divorces.Combined with uniquely feminine spite naturally. Speaking of the unspeakable,I was reading Clementine Fords very important article on Wicked Campers today ,or at least that was the initial subject .She digressed into sexual slavery,Sid James' prolific contributions to the arts and other unrelated topics as well.Cracking read although I'm not sure if she was serious.Let's hope the Age doesn't pay her as much as the non-fluff piece writers.She must have a hubby to support her trifling hobbies. I also noticed that the hunchback of Spring Street is about to attempt to pass some thought crime legislation on what one can and cannot say.I wonder if he has ever sat with the union lads for a few beers and heard their thoughts on race relations,chinese labour,Italian concreters,greek developers or the like.He would surely blush if so.But I doubt he would press any charges. Anyhow, as I've said, the Age ain't what she used to be and if it's a guide to the happiness of Batmania then we are all doomed.A return to the halcyon days of the red and blue could be the only tonic. Speaking of tonic-it's liquid gold here and the philistines keep drinking mine.Next time i will have to get a sponsorship from Schweppes to keep me tootling along. Good to see we beat the reigning premiers although I've not had time to witness the match, the reports on Demonland have kept me in the picture .23-1 for the flag in todays markets.Worth a shy at the stumps I would think. Anyhow,It's time for me to discipline he staff ,which is one task I refuse to outsource.Nothing like the personal touch in matters of crime and punishment. Please cope without me as best you can although by the tone and state of this thread it seems you are rudderless. Perhaps if Bitters could drag himself out of his neighbours' cellar and boudoir you might rally behind his much needed leadership. Just a thought. Toodlepip for now.
  6. Discussing the weather was once a way to achieve benign politeness. Thankfully that's all changed.
  7. A few well timed bombs in the right places will change them odds.
  8. I've got a message to all the anti-Trump brigade. You can dress up in huge plastic vaginas if you want to, you can get Ben Affleck,Susan Sarandon,Rosie O'Donnell and any other actor you like to give their opinion, you can write articles on what you think is going on in the inner sanctum at the white house, you can speculate on the mental stability of the commander in chief, you can write songs, join marches, wave flags, raise awareness, sign petitions, burn college campuses ,jump up and down and yell and scream like little kids that didn't get a lollibag at the party if you like. I find it entertaining but it will not change a thing. Best part is there is 4-8 years left so I hope you can maintain the rage.
  9. You could link the Titanic sinking to Lee Harvey Oswald if you had the inclination. You're starting too see things that aren't really there.
  10. So the Psychiatrists have anxiety ? Typical. They can give me a ring but I charge whatever I feel like and make it up as I go. It's only fair.
  11. I don't want the boys getting bruised either Stevo. Last year Wattsy got a nasty scratch on his knee and there was a serious chance of infection.
  12. A brilliant and efficient operation conducted by Colin Powell. Saddam invaded Kuwait. Clinton gave the OK to destroy their tanks almost overnight.Which Desert Storm did. Then announced the war the next day. No media bleating,whining or doubt. Clean,pure ,efficient, cold death delivered with minimum fuss and maximum firepower. No deliberation, debate or equivocation. Silly Saddam didn't realise the yanks could still see them at night time.
  13. Those Germans were petrified of the US soldiers storming in to Berlin. They took refuge with the kindly Russians.Begged to be put into the gulags .
  14. Mujahadeen,Isis,Isil,Daesh,AlQueda,AlShabab. The common thread is that they are the enemy and they are also Muslim. While the west trips over itself to give them the correct title they form another terrorist organisation or say it's just a lone wolf attack. Why do you believe Christianity is linked with hard right politics? Catholics once dominated the ALP. You get all your white guilt mixed up with your politics and your perception of the underdog. In a world of 7 billion people with 1.8 billion Muslims-Christians are the underdog.Jews too. You need to read history to understand the 1400 year old struggle Europe and Christianity has had to keep the Muslim hordes from trying to kill everyone that isn't Muslim.
  15. Brings shame upon the name of Richard Nixon. Added shame I suppose.
  16. French elections coming up will see a Nationalist government. Germany will dismiss Merkel who should be on trial for grand treason. Italians have had enough of Muslim immigrants flooding in also. Hungary already know what Islam is capable of and have gone further in naming George Soros as the architect of ALL this mayhem.A human tick if ever their was. Poland want nothing to do with Islam. Denmark,Belgium,Norway,Sweden have begun to realise good manners and socialism have ruined their countries. There are 51 muslim nations for these people to live in.I would never want to visit one so I don't see why they want to live amongst infidels.
  17. Never gets old. Love seeing Dunstall's face caved in on Earl the Pearl's knee too. Happy memories . Wrecker finished off Nathan Brown with a very brave smother also. Chapeau.
  18. Choc Royal is looking for a gig too !!!! Better get that signature quick Norf.
  19. Finally some support from the more Christian ,errr,,, brothers. I have an explanation of why Islam is such a wretched and filthy stain on the earth. Cousin marriage. Muslims are so inbred that 1 in 3 Pakistanis has a birth defect. 1 in 3 Somalis have a diagnosed mental illness. 1 in 2 Muslim children cannot read after 10 years in the Danish school system. The royal family realised this problem generations ago. Explains a hell of a lot about Islamists.
  20. Careful Dante, AF will accuse you of "liking paedophiles". I must agree with you that Christianity is harmless compared to the brutality of islam.
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