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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. That explains plenty Ben. Private school footy is different to the big time. I expect him to take a while to adjust .
  2. Maybe some truffled risotto. And instead of bread ,cake . Let us eat cake .
  3. Me and Dayle are "in training". It's a special method .
  4. Soft-Next time I hope you assassinate a few characters on here before you get sin binned,
  5. Democracy would be fine if most people weren't so very stupid . Lucky there is an inner-city, left wing ,cultural elite to look after them . If we withdrew the vote form self satisfied suburban swill I woud be happy . I'm off to my bomb shelter in the country now .
  6. OK-enjoy your Birthday dinner Ben. Hannebery dominated at school level as well .I played against his family members for years .They are cousins of the O'Sullivans(Rhino) and from huge families.(in size and number).He killed them at Xavier just as Toby Greene killed Xavier at Wesley. Prince Alfred College is a little different to AFL also . I played against PAC, and we kicked their ass every time as well despite them having some future AFL gun players in their team at the time .(Craig Kelly was one) Vineys first game in AFL seconds saw him get decked .FACT Toby Greene beat Xavier off his own boot . The last decent Wesley boy to represent MFC was Ivor Warne Smith. If schoolboy footy was the same as AFL then I'd be Leigh Matthews. Suck in your expectations and learn from experience that 18 year old just are not the magic pudding. If he plays 20 games and gets a kick it will be great I agree . When was the last time you saw a kid dominate?
  7. Are they cousins or something? Fat bastards.
  8. I, I can remember. Standing ,by the wall and the guards -shot above our heads.
  9. You say this on the basis of one VFL game in which he got his jaw broken by Wocjinski. I think he has the crucial abilties required but be prepared for him to make plenty of errors. Even the Tommohawk took a while before he became less than a liability.
  10. Maybe we have a nice bar upstairs and a hardcore bit downstairs . Come to think of it .This is sounding more and more like a Barristers house in Jolimont.
  11. Trengove,Watts,Sylvia,Bryce Gibbs ,Kruezer ? Those 18 year olds never just go and win a flag by themselves first up do they?
  12. As performers you would hope they know enough to pack the costumes. The show rolls on. The tragedy is timeless. But the show must go on .
  13. Bit like barracking for the Demons . Look forward to meeting you there one day Father BBO.
  14. yet you've read the Andrew Bolt take . I dont want them flogged because the Nurse killed herself . I want every commercial DJ in the world to top themselves -just because they are all annoying ,repetitive parasites . I have no sympathy for them at all . The late Nurse is only the visible victim of stations like 2day and MMM that kill us all a little every day . Product shoving-Advertising. Whatever you call it they are dicks for participating in the great [censored] off of anything going . Sack em-put em out of a job as a lesson . Put Kyle in prison for laying the [censored] template for them Torture them for all i care .
  15. As long as we keep some sort of discipline. I put you in charge of that . The catholic Church can use the Peel or the Laird .
  16. I dont mind The Corner Hotel-but it may be too grungy for some Demons. Thats where I meet mates to see a game .
  17. Where the hell have you been? We've been worried sick.
  18. Jeff Bridges. Done. Tell your people to call my people .
  19. How about Sean Penn with Halle Berry as a love interest.
  20. I doubt there will be any additions. Or omissions.
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