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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. You cant take away an Americans guns . These shootings happen so regularly now that they may have to think about changing their constitution . Even then-where would America be without weaponry and wars?
  2. Is Wongs all right? Looks a bit odd down there on Flinders St .
  3. Yes Ravi-very sad to see you go so young. I will take care of Norah for you.
  4. Australias Nancy Regan ( with a lesser history) Just as you are Australias Warren Beatty .
  5. He worked for a living and probably thinks they are all a bunch of self obsessed dicks . I hope he learns to kick and becomes a regular . Otherwise cancel his visa.
  6. You Romsey types just sit there with your wet Liberal ideas sipping Pinot with Malcolm and Tammy ,plotting to let in more refugees for the grape picking . God it must be fun .
  7. Like when Brock Mclean wen to Carlton ? Right?
  8. They catch on pretty quick . You mean you've been kicked out of heaven and straight into the Gary Glitter?
  9. What are we ? Chopped Liver. If you paid your subs like a good keyboard coach you would be ad free . Those girls dont love you the same way we do . Go and have your fun . We will be waiting. What time will you be home ? No-just go and enjoy yourself . Dont worry about us .
  10. You've gone off topic . Bloody maverick . Some of us here NEED order and stability in our lives . Besides , there are Thread Police who like to make sure the data is set into its appropriate place or else the silicon chips will explode and the world will run out of sand . Insensitive bastard.
  11. The casts of Hey Dad (stopit) and Jimmy'l Fix It (Please dont) will be grateful . Allegedly.
  12. Big offer from the Vixens . No room to move higher than Vlads armpit. At least the Vixens is a chance to meet girls at work without seeming like a loser pervert. Nothing more to it than that .
  13. I knew he was upper class. You can tell by all those , ummmm ,words and stuff he says . And now this. Pervert for sure.
  14. Fair enough.Make hay while you can The ones you pass up are the ones you regret forever . As for Art..... It's over rated.
  15. You've really sold out to crass commercial interests . It used to be about the music ......man.
  16. Very cynical DC. Adrian was obviously responding to other people who were beating down the door for his services. It's not like he left the AFL because he had become a stupid joke and the coffee [censored] or anything like that.
  17. Yeah but I met the goal umpire!!! Who saw the goal!!!! C'mon OD That is significant.
  18. I met a guy today who happened to be the goal umpire that saw Jordie McMAHON KICK HIS FIRT CRUNCH GOAL EVER AFTER 200 GAMES. He seemed a very decent chap and he mentioned that he noticed a definite drop off in intensity in the match .(FROM OUR GUYS) I told him that we had two injured in that match and also that we didn't really play our best team because it was only Richmond, He saw the ball sail over his hat but still thinks there is no way to prove we tanked. He thinks we tanked but he has no idea if we did or not . The AFL has no proof that can convict us ,in his opinion. Edit:Sorry for yelling .
  19. Poor Bloke was confusing his importance with his greed.Couldn't happen to a better guy.
  20. Are you OK? Remember this , There are only two types of South Africans Defensive and Offensive. Andrew falls into the latter group.
  21. Wonderfully evocative metaphor. Keep shovng them in there .
  22. "Sleazy Sam Blease". Has the pace and the will to take 'em on. Has kicked too many "arsey" goals for it to be an accident. One of many to be excited about .
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