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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Maybe there should be an Alpaca cull. Beginning in say..... Romsey.
  2. You are getting really scary now. If you feel like killing someone or anything, please ring a trusted loved and get help. It's the bible, the Jeffism and the Michael Douglas avatar combo that is ringing bells.
  3. Best you go and cross yourself, whip yourself, swear in Latin or whatever it is you mumble before you chain yourself in.
  4. Trying to find one of those walking sticks that holds whiskey. A tawse is a little out-dated. Tasers seem to have taken over.
  5. Point taken BBO-I guess I'm just not cut from the right cloth . If it helps ,I'm a long time member of an unofficial hunting club ,or a gun club at least . Can't believe the Gatwick Hotel has slipped so far in peoples eyes. May have to buy myself a cravat and Jodhpors ,riding crop etc. Thanks for the added vice.
  6. Reason enough to trade him. Why, why, why.
  7. Yes ,we are a very broad church down here at the Gatwick and more than our fair share of members like to experiment with human minds boundaries. For those of you ever offered GHB I wouldn't take it. Drugs that tend to make the user drop dead immediately are not my cup of Earl Grey . I dont understand many things in life BBO. Most of the things i cannot comprehend are done by British Tories but if you could connect me up with some of your allies in the House of Lords I am willing to learn .
  8. I will-based at my residence in the Gatwick. Thank you for your support Tricky. If I ever gain power I will make sure you get shafted for helping me. "The Teabag Party" Love it .
  9. Best on for Casey the last two weeks. Something is going right with him.
  10. Bailey was everyones mate and Neeld has none. Daniher played favourites . Tough gig coaching. I have the feeling that the list is fundamentally good, young, balanced and fit. Just need a puppetmaster.
  11. I've seen enough of him for a lifetime mate . The guy cant play.
  12. I have as much respect for Ad men as I do for child pornographers. If you couldn't make a buck from advertising in the 80's you were doing the wrong drugs. The Prime Minister is a deceitful,nasty piece of campaign herself . Jnr-you should buy the Age as well as the Sun sometime and I'll explain to you why they are different-but the same.
  13. Great to see Sellar has found a role. Hope he can hold his spot there.
  14. The kid is still only a Zygote- He may or may not be a champ. I think the fact that we cling to the hope of him being a player points to our desperation. I've just had a brilliant idea. I'm calling it DEMONLAB. We start collecting sperm from Robbie Flower(not volunteering personally BTW) and mix it with an egg from say Cathy Freeman. We do ten or twelve of these variations a year to keep the list topped up . Then we build a Breakfast Point type facility at the Viney household where they can be raised properly(on a diet of red leather). Wait twenty years and the perpetual dynasty is begun. Other matches could be Lyon / Pittman , Schwartz /Natalie Jackson etc. With DNA we could breed out the genetic defects like Garrys back, Schwartas knees.etc That little Michelle Pearson would go well as a match with Ricky Jackson.(in and under rover/nice leap in the pocket) This could be the way to a perfect future for Demons everywhere. we will create Demonsraum (living space) as they progress in number and naturally we will kill all the girls at birth. Any thoughts?
  15. Imagine the damaged,dark,cavernous hell from which it emerged. I do hope you are not rocking yourself into a foetal shape and crying. My apologies Mr.Flaubert.
  16. If it weren't for these poncey schools the game may not have existed I suppose. But you cant call advertising a real job-it's more like a virulent form of the clap.
  17. Exactly Fndee , You don't treat a guy like rubbish after he stepped up to the job in sad circumstances to help fill a void just because some has been Hawks President wants a job. Don seems like a good man ,hasn't made any fundamental errors (who knows what we got away with in the tanking debate). Deserves to step aside only when he and Peter Jackson have found a decent replacement .
  18. Lets say we lose 10,000 members because the club signs Kennett as president . That would be a lot worse. The guy is an intellectual piece of driftwood floating in a 19th Century economic sewer. He is an institutional parasite who has lived off the revenues of council,state,club and charity. He has never had a real job and claims to be good at running things. He is now whoring himself around my football club looking for a gig . Him and Neil Mitchell can go teabag each other in private. The guy is a sickening,nasty Scotch College Bully who has never grown into a proper human being . Julian Knight would be a more popular and considered choice as President.
  19. Big bad Ben, When you sell a public asset and use that money to "balance the books", the asset never comes back. Jeffs fire sales of prime city real estate took assets, sold them and then counted it as revenue. Knight Frank Baillieu did well from it. The constituents not so well. and you want him at the MFC.
  20. Jeff is an arrogant [censored] who has had his day. Anyhow-we dont need change for the sake of it. Neil Mitchell, Jeff , 693am. Not exactly high rating stuff.
  21. I'd put Dunn on Cloke-all day and just leave him there. Garland needs to be on the half back line so he can run off. I've got a funny feeling about this game-we may only get smashed by 9 goals instead of the usual 13.
  22. Put Clokey down for 7 if Sellars gets in. Tom Mc is 19-thats his excuse for making the odd error. Sellars hasn't got any.
  23. Neil Craig makes me want to vomit. He has provided no support to Neeld at all.(especially in the face of the media) Give his job to the Rev. If nothing else, a cheery face amid the gloom.
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