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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Eyebrows was there the same time as Ian Johnson wasn't he ? Johnson was OK from memory-ran 9 when it was entertaining and didn't make a mess of the club either .
  2. Peter Jackson exhibiting "necessary steel"yet not sacking Neeld or McClardy. "Time for hard heads to take charge" ,"clear of vision,completely ruthless". I thought you may be able to present a concise idea but you waffle on like a financial planner or some other B Comm magician. Your blog must be riveting. I'm inspired to start my own so people can watch the progress of the paint drying on my walls .
  3. I agree BBO-perhaps since the moonshine deaths in Qld he has re-thought his image or gone for a re-brand . Never change a winning formula I say ,but then I do live in the Gatwick and I had a fried mouse for breakfast so I can't really talk .
  4. I dont see the logic between being ruthless and getting Kennett. The "track record " you speak of is abysmal in as many areas as it was good for private enterprise. Not to mention that the Hawks have under-achieved given the talent they amassed before Kennett went there. Also , given the role of President is both ceremonial and procedural one , I do not want such a roughshod, contemptuous autocrat in a role that requires diplomacy. Some people feel so powerless that they need "a good , strong"leader(buffoon) to take them places ,get something done,make change etc... Whenever people make these statements it's clear they lacked a father figure ,or they cant decide what socks to wear ,so they grasp at a figure like Kennett ,Tito,Mussolini etc. The same logic works for those that have a long term headache and then decide to blow their brains out-to fix it once and for all. No magic Kennett bullett for me thanks-anyway ,the club wont do it so let it go .We dont need a vulture to save us. Also ,on the Banking and Finance industry-I support Satyricon in his slander of these worthless and parasitical bottom feeders. The worlds economy is in a mess right now because there were too many of them allowed to get away with too much for too long . They are extremely lucky not to be dragged onto the streets and publicly executed for the way they have conducted business and run countries,factories,communities and families to the wall whilst robbing the system at the same time . They are indefensible ,and only an educated fool who has never worked a proper job for a modest and appropriate return would try to defend them .They do not add in any way to the factors of production ,they only detract from it and then when they failed ,even the largest economy in the world ,went cap in hand to the governemt who was foolish enough not to let them fail. How can you have any sympathy for bankers or any love for Kennett. Thieves and parasites in nice suits. Get a job ,do something ,go produce widgets-we dont need to be told by shiny arses what to do with money once it's made. Thankfully Australians have worked this out and are not investing in "Schemes" at the rate they were . WE need Bankers ,We need Kennett! Gimme a break.
  5. Screw Cranbourne or Berwick or that whole Eastern slum. I'm not going there ever. I propose we set up a big hydro scheme and sell grams to kids at games until we can afford to buy the Lakeside oval and put in a sexy grandstand/bar . The soccer can screw itself also. Pointless thinking about the East. It's dead and it sux bigtime. Only churchies and teachers live there.
  6. and you wash peoples windscreens at traffic lights ,if they let you .
  7. You are right Dees2014 ,this is a ridiculous place to argue politics. That still doesn't stop many from flogging their viewpoints up and down the forums . The result is the equivalent of a drunken shouting match in a country pub at closing time with Bob the Farmer and Sandy the Barmaid kicking out Johnny the Ex-teacher because he supports a new hospital or some such . It gets ugly in its simplicity. The loss of complexity/subtlety is the main problem in most debates. Anyway ,at least religion is kept out of most discussions here. I haven't read your blog but I will give it a crack-hope you don't mention the Demons because I may have to skip that bit .
  8. Great , We'll let you do all the negotiating for the club from now on . Should have the Diamond Valley flag sewn up for 2014 .
  9. It's my home . But mjt is barred from there because he spends his govt allowance on bath salts . They wont sell him spray cans or glue anymore.
  10. I put it back in your hat . Time to change the sign around your neck too. You've spilled pumpkin soup all over it . Or is that snot?
  11. You poor little illiterate simpleton. Hopefully they realise you are missing when they call the roll at lunch .
  12. Did you miss your bus today? Just make sure you keep in touch with your carer . You're a real concern to all of us when you get off your meds and start posting .
  13. Not even with yours. I know you aren't the full quid so I offer you only pity .
  14. I agree with creative thinking BZB, but there is left of centre and there is lunacy . JK falls into the latter category .
  15. "We are Kennett Free" According to my source inside the club . Those of you who even considered the idea need lithium. Thank Heavens for small mercies.
  16. Why knock Rodan? See anyone else getting a clearance for us? He's going well-get off his case .
  17. Seemed to get his leap ,kicking ,penetration and speed back last Monday . Was back to his first year strength. Must have been injured before .
  18. Thanks Chucky , Whilst some consider inviting Jeff Kennet down to our internet forum might add to the conversation ,which is something I always encourage ,I find it better to give people like Enyaw some guidance on basic grammar so that their point may be more widely read ,whatever that point is . I am pretty aware that our former premier might like to throw his considerable nose into the running of the board but I was unsure ,up until now ,that he had planted his"intelligentsia" on this very site .Your presence here ,and the clandestine Wayne(whose cover I have blown by spelling his name forwards) are proof that Jeff has thrown his best men at this with a view to complete board domination.Such a well planned and executed offensive effort is worthy of Robert McNamara and Henry Kissinger in their heyday.
  19. Wayne , Your post was pretty eloquent except the part that didn't make sense was not really in proper English and the stupid part of it was basically the bulk of the content .
  20. The article also goes on to say that he has a large butterfly collection and that he is interested in making ships in a bottle. After he has been initiated by the Hells Angels ,he will be eligible for the draft if his solo yacht trip around the world goes OK.
  21. Royal ,Brown,Rawlings and Neeld. Get the players some prozac. I'm surprised the poor bastards aren't smoking ice. They've got a list of wannabees, not long out of the game (except for Royal who is the worst) giving them advice during the quarter breaks when they probably just need air and a drink. I couldn't respect any of them-always thought they were useless players and while they may have the ambition to coach-they need to go to the bush and learn about people. You cannot just GIVE respect ,especially to a bloke like Rawlings or Brown or Royal . Clear the frickin decks now.
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