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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Thanks Joel, You had a crack and got your own ball. Not the silkiest kick in the world like a lot of Demons past and present. Good career. Best Wishes.
  2. It crashed into a school and caught fire, killing everyone on board and anyone who was ever going to get on board. Time to Dream.
  3. The best young mid in the comp and some of you are hand-wring about behaviour? Get him, get Garlett and any other kid who can win a break because this club is going down the gurgler without mids.
  4. Bitter But Optimistic is the Alpaca Fancier , FYI. Your shop Steward father might turn in his grave to see what the Tramways Union looks like? IDGAF. Also dont give a hoot about your paper round and your job at Maccas.Hard to say you never complained because that's all you do now. Good drunken effort though-wish you luck following the suppository of wisdom on the campaign trail. Also-I don't receive any government money-but I did get the baby bonus which was a hare-brained conservative idea to breed more sheep like you. It's a pity you were allowed to breed at all. Hope you have a severe hangover today after that drunken-slapper effort of a post. Strength to the Bogan Conservative cause-you are everywhere ,you are the common man in every sense,so your man should win.
  5. Got a job thanks Robbie. Not full of hate either. I do count in an electoral sense also. Wont be voting for a The brainy Rhodes Scholar who majored in Arts/Theology. I think you might be living in 1957. Your generation got a house/job/education all given to you pops. I paid over the odds for all those things. Conservative cranks like you are still riding up the back of a sheep. Thank Goodness you will be in an old persons home soon farting in front of a photo of the Queen.
  6. It's a giant' problem here- up there with world hunger . Yet we struggle by.
  7. If Watts goes we will have to start turning on Trengove for taking his time to develop into an elite player.
  8. There are none and there isn't any-or we would be dead already.
  9. Jack has had bad mentoring. Freddy Cook,me, Rhys, Marty Pike and some mates will get him right. The APS schtick is taking him nowhere.
  10. Loyalty is clearly not the only trait he shares with our canine friends. Oh well , you are what you eat.
  11. it's not all drugs and hookers you know- we have our own seedy moments too.
  12. Never stopped you reading the filth that Stuie writes on here. Or the savage lunacy promulgated by others who shall remain nameless. Life is too short for principles. Enjoy that senseless,vacuous smut for what it is. I for one, will forgive you as I watch Marngrook with my clean white boy soul intact. i have invented Alpaca Jerkey ,which is a snack,not a breeding technique. I have been importing it from Zimbabwe and it tastes so good i dont GAF if I'm putting Ozzie Alpacas out of work.
  13. Pretty doubtful that Mark Neeld will ever coach AFL again isn't it?
  14. Rockliff seems to go well against us every time. I wish we could get him.
  15. I think the answer for Australia for the next few years is older batsmen/younger bowlers. We should persist with Smith,khawaja,Rogers ,Clarke and Warner and even Cowan.Hughes and Watson need to sought out technical issues.Haddin should make way for Jumping Jeremy Howes cousin.The spinner issue will go on for while.I would love to see Agar develop his bowling along with Smith who never gets much of a roll?If these guys can have success we wont need Lyon.Our pace bowling spots are easy to fillcurrently .Harris should play if fit as should Pattinson.Bird,Starc,Cummins are all worthy of test selection
  16. I agree but it will be up to the new coach as to whether Craig stays. A bit sick of us paying out contracts to personnel for SFA in return.
  17. I vote for neither Robbie (you conservative hack )but can the slow witted dumb-struck caflick trainee priest speak English without a script.Or Chinese? If the Catholic Church paid for his Rhodes Scholarship then it really doesn't count does it? They pay lots of people to go away. Does he seem intelligent to you? Don't answer that last one. Rhodes Scholar or not-KRudd looks like a genius next to the stuttering monk. and you look like a crazy old crank every time you post.
  18. The Chief of Goldman Sachs says differently on the front page of Ginas rag. Wayne Swan-Treasurer of the Century or what? "Isn't a great orator " is an understatement. Steven Hawking is the Rhodes Scholar you might be thinking of-it's easy to confuse the two because they have similar sounding voices.
  19. "Lame,Gay,Churchy,Loser" You can't argue with that Ben-Hur. Unless you know him better than his daughter. Speaks in a stuttering monotone. Has the intellectual clout of blowfly. If he wins he will get shafted by Turnbull. Murdoch may not even get him over the line. That;s how bad.
  20. Please P-Man, I will not hear of slurs and insults directed at all the fine people here on Demonland. We are a fine,restrained and considered bunch of heretics and loonies,nutjobs and whackos. "Teenage Girls lacking Empathy" really is insulting.
  21. She was neither correct nor accurate about CS but that matters little to the idiots that believe her . CS was not the reason for this clubs dire predicament . The blame falls at the feet of the players. I played football a bit and the fact that I didn't like an administrator from my team never stopped me chasing or tackling . Caroline Wilson is a rabid lapdog that leaks what she thinks is info that is fed to her by the AFL. See her write any negative articles about the drugs at Richmond?
  22. But CS has the master plan. First we lose nearly all of our games. Second , we get all the gun picks Third, sustained ultimate success. Part one has been done very thoroughly. Part two not so good. Part three is on the back burner.
  23. That clock is a Fkn disgrace and an eyesore. They wont rip it down yet they rogered the Hampton and The Red Bluff to make apartments. Jack Watts is a Sandy kid I think-I saw him getting into his car near there-unless he was just beating someone up in a house visit.
  24. good to see the J Bird in. He will take 300 plus test wickets in time. Control.....
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