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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. We've got Foxtel here-never got a bill either. We spliced into the neighbours line and it works out well for all of us, cept Rupert.
  2. Funny you should mention that because Foxtels big office forms the Golden Triangle with Moonee Valley and Puckle st, not far from Windy Hill, Tony Mokbels old TAB and half the shootings that were done (Ascot Vale.) It's an area of Melbourne for people of low moral fibre, clearly.
  3. Biffen


    Puck me drunk! You Romsey types are a diverse and sophisticated bunch of Thespians aren't you. Congratulations are in order on your win.
  4. You should add an actual rating of Journalists and their reporting skills,facts,guesses,accurate predictions,lies etc. This would help hold some of these twits accountable and rank them so people can wade through the Pieriks and Robbos out there. Sounds like a good idea and if expanded to rate/rank other players in the industry I think it will make you money. There is currently little independent criticism of footy media so you may have found a niche here. Best of Luck!
  5. Biffen


    That Fuschia coloured number makes him look cheap and tawdry. Even a little bit easy.
  6. Biffen


    I have been crunching a few numbers and you still need about 15000 votes for your shot at the Presidency. I think we might have to bus in some constituents and bodgy a few proxies but as campaign manager ,everything appears on track.
  7. Did somebody take a pizz in your morning glass of vinegar? Or do you just go through life whinging about others?
  8. Now can we get back to flogging the dead horse that is Jack Watts likely position/potential/physical assets and perceived lack of toughness. I could train a robot to write various cliches about him to keep on topic and within the rigid structures people have come to expect from this neatly arranged site. But then Machsy and Co would be redundant. Long live any "utterly pathetic attempts at humour" in the middle of January when the latest real news we have had from the club is "the boys went training in 42 degree heat and used a fridge on a truck to cool down between drills." Life as we know it does not depend on the verity and sincerity of every posters intimate thoughts on Jack Watts progress as a player, or lack thereof.
  9. Massive news. I can get on with my life now.
  10. We owe them nothing.They owe us plenty. They are not worth supporting. I respect your nostalgia but without us they would not exist although our form of entertainment has proved far more profitable than theirs. i also acknowledge that without them the same is true.
  11. Yeah Jack Watts' i's 'great.'' ''' an' that.
  12. Some people believe that The Church of Scientology is a legitimate religion in which they will all ascend to outer space. Great clubs have great and chequered histories. Move on.
  13. Ricky P dropping that sitter in the square on the freakin' siren didn't help the cause .
  14. It's a possessive apostrophe is it not? Ladies'Night? Perhaps not needed but not incorrect if a little old fashioned. Or I might just be a pedantic tosspot. Tinker's cuss! Edit: apostrophe.
  15. Amazingly he overcame the stigma of having a father that runs motown and huge TV network cross support to record a number one single! The enduring and melodic "Let's Get Ridiculous" has become an anthem of immense power and meaning to all of us.
  16. Hughes and Khawaja have had a their chances but didn't take them. Marsh has not had a shot at it . The NSW batsmen will get another chance ,as they always do.
  17. If only you could remember it. Were you the guy in the mall with the leather g-string and the demons hat trying to sell "original Liam Jurrah" jumpers?
  18. The toad has three toilets to choose from. Sadly,the Gat has influenced my internet contibutions. Perth silvertails like him need not sink to such depravity. He probably makes money angels at home when he is not admiring bananas. The only time we see a money angel here is when a dealer croaks in the shared dunny with a pocketful of cash.
  19. I know a guy who had a crash with Mick Gattos wife. It was Mrs Gattos fault which she admitted. The guy got a phone call from Mr Gatto and promptly accepted a cash offer which was a little bit less than the cost to repair. He didn't see the point in arguing and neither would I. He was also an amateur boxer so knew Mr Gatto. To top it off ,he worked for a construction company owned by some Carlton people. It was a very funny story the way this guy told it. He would actually tremble when acting out the phone call.
  20. Watts was less smiley with the press and looked far more contemptuous of them as he should be after the crap they have written on him. He looked to me like a tuck shop lady ready to serve up a big pile of SH IT sandwiches.
  21. Would you try stealing a Harley from a member of a gang? I would think they hardly need insurance.
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