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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Gee it's funny when the guys put on a dress though. Takes me back to those hilarious pie nights of yore. I still maintain a big hairy bloke in a dress is comedy gold. Why tinker with the formula.
  2. Champion Data brought to you by Dreamworld Australia!! Quite reliable most of the time!!
  3. The last time I saw Garry Just before he disappeared He was filling out a little He'd even grown himself a beard.
  4. I'm bringing tofu burgers and vege kebabs in case Moonshadow rides in on his biodiesel scooter. Can we bring wine?
  5. Yes - Deisel and Eaglehawk are good but Choo Choo is Voss like.
  6. Choo Choo is the best midfield talent I've seen at this club in decades. They are not letting him relax by the sounds of it. Years ago we would have ruined someone with this much potential. If we get 200 games out of this kid we are going places. Not to mention the other guns. He has the best hands in close I've ever seen.
  7. Deport him. He is taking jobs guys like me could do . If Only I could pronounce it.
  8. Andy Maher has the same enthusiasm for sport, vocabulary and emotional issues as a 12 year old.
  9. I actually never said those times were better. Your statistic was misleading. Often cars had no rear seat belt . My point was that policing at the low end of the scale is extremely harsh in this state. The nanny state effect you refer too wastes resources better spent elsewhere .
  10. Roads are better, cars are better, brakes, tyres, steering and signage as well as seat belts, airbags and the fact that cars are now many times lighter than they were. The fact the we now have an enforceable limit also helps but it is too low and the penalties are high at the very low end of the scale. Im not advocating that the 70's were better times just that societal reform and govt risk aversion has made it a very different world. For full DL holders I think we should have a limit of .08 like most of Europe and the US. We do get babied here in Victoria- the policing state- meanwhile there is an ice epidemic and car jacking has taken off as a suburban past time but the courts are full of people on low range DD offences and pot charges.
  11. I blame Picket Fence for pumping up Clarrys tyres. Never give a redhead praise or credit. Look at that imbecile Lingy. Also-I've blown a lot higher than that and did my sentence. My parents generation would drink drive, smoking a cig ,with kids in the car,no seat belts etc. Anyone who cares to put themselves forward as a magistrate and suggest tougher sentences for dui is at best an unrealistic prude and at worst a wowser. It should be .08 for adults as it is in the "outside" world. Victoria is o heavily policed in the wrong areas already.
  12. We don't owe them anything Franky. We invented the game and gave them the venue .
  13. One of your influences ,Joseph Conrad,wrote a Novella renamed 'Children of The Sea". The theme was about the effect of a Malingerer on a "crew" in sail.. The term "cast adrift" was used as you guys tend to do.
  14. In reference to Greek inventiveness. Immediately people jumped to other less noble Hellenic traditions. but what could be more perfect than Democracy?
  15. It's caused a lot of pain but where would we be without it.
  16. They've mastered the 4 hour lunch , terrible knitwear tied over the shoulder, gelato ,stinky cheese,salami and tax evasion , as well as taxation, which they began. Although they have done little very recently, except enjoy their city, I think Rome is the most beautiful city I've seen.
  17. How many of his knocks were taken at Collingwood? Isn't this an insurance issue? If so there must be protocols in place for 2 and 3 club players who have an issue, real or imagined. H is not helping matters by not training at all.
  18. Yes. Perhaps James is working on a star vehicle to kick off his career globally. Citizen James? On the Boorish Front? Animal Farm Excrement? Or maybe he can [censored] off back to Perf Radio with any luck.
  19. I met Wayne Duncan a couple of times. As a funny aside ,he was mates/Neighbours with Felicity Kennett ,not Jeff so much. Jeff really hated their friendship. Wayne loved a drink and obviously music. Would be a shocking neighbour for a conservative bore who never had a childhood. Vale Wayne.
  20. Terrible news-I blame Dave Misson.
  21. Should be good for team harmony . Must be modelling his career on Col Sylvia.
  22. Must have been caught reading a book to get turfed out of the team. I am curious to know what he has done apart from being his usual obnoxious self.
  23. Yes .We are so far advanced of those silly old Romans. They must be terribly jealous of our lifestyle and booming metropolis.
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