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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. I have a question. Is the place kick still a legitimate way to have a shot for goal?
  2. Paella in Mornington with Farah Fawcett ? You sick bastard.
  3. Great team Macca. I would have Grinter in any team ,one of the first picked because he struck fear into opponents. He was also a highly skilled player. Steve Stretch maybe on the list somewhere too for his run . Toddles was a bit of a butcher although he was a great competitor every time.
  4. I remember it well. All this carry on in Christchurch when we still have to deal with the aftermath of our own natural disasters. The struggle continues ....
  5. I suppose Elwood will be filled with the Debris and refuse, washed down from St Kilda,as always.
  6. I couldn't possibly teach you about gun boat diplomacy, the crusades, the Jardines, the Suez etc if you keep on berating me with ridiculous extrapolations of my unexpressed thoughts.
  7. The Ottoman Empire was lovely unless you were not a Muslim. Fortunately the dominance of British traders changed all that. I can't change history but I can teach it to you if you wish.
  8. I must confess that as a left wing radical youth I opposed men like Dutton. As the labour movement finds transgender transitioning, Refugees and a leader with a pronounced speech impediment to be the way forward I find myself drawn now towards those who speak the truth. Duttons denouncement of the Lebanese families who support terrorism and have caused 70% of the terrorist acts here won me over. Multiculturalism works only when you have a reasonably compatible intake of people. I like Brexit and I'm enthused byTrumps victory . The white colonial has brought with him the rule of law, medicine as we know it, and respectable governance wherever he lives. We hear a lot of criticism of whitey but as far as colonising goes the British and French improved the world. Africa,India and the Middle East would be nowhere without them.A fact that irks many of them but they would still be flogging spice with an abacus if the white colonial devil didn't come proselytising . Waleed Aly will come out and knock Duttons speech in parliament which is his right. Waleed Aly reads co written speeches seeking mass appeal. He is wedged by facts. He speaks of Colonialism as the chief destroyer of the magnificent Ottoman Empire and its revered institutions. Tough luck to the Ottomans. I really don't see an alternative to Western Democracy in a world still under the spell of ancient religion.
  9. There was the much needed new desk and let's not forget Whiteboard Wednesday . Also, WyL in his haste to slam poor old CS has forgotten to mention the swanky blazers, the bugle , the appointment of Neeld and I could go on but modesty prevents.
  10. Diamond Joe was both a saviour and a very naughty boy.
  11. We are a real chance next year. 2019 is hardly snatching it. You could argue that the dogs snatched 2016 after 62 years of planning or that they got everything right in about 3 years.
  12. I thought might have lost your job as cultural attaché to Perth and gone on a drinking binge and ended up bunking at Ben Cousins " house".
  13. He raised some good points. They are totally divided,which is nice.
  14. Heaven sounds like Chadstone. I think I'd prefer the other at this time of year . At least Red will be able to shout lunch.
  15. Apparently he hasn't spent a cent but he has lost his temper nearly every day.
  16. I love a rip roaring Austrian musical. Its up there with Springtime for Hitler for mine. I thought Julie Andrews was more appealing in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang but that's just me. There is no accountingfor taste- especially with Pro and McQueen lusting after ladies on life support. Ciao H - it's been educational.
  17. Great news. Max was robbed because of the 3rd man rule. Max is drinking French champagne and smoking a Cuban right now.(Cigar that is).
  18. What have they done to deserve such punishment?
  19. now he's the match winner I always saw despite my lack of a "football brain".
  20. Funnily enough I read something you wrote saying he would never be an AFL footballer.
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