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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. Nutbean- No need to ram a car. Shoot the tyres ,then then villain. Its bad policing and a talk fest will lead to more policy inaction. Far better to be damned if you do. There are some lovely people here on Demonland that always give the benefit of the doubt to others. We are an incredibly soft culture as a whole,and spend our time agonising over utopian ideals in a real world. Ask yourself how long this can go on before organised crime and ice,terrorism,gangs and fraud ruins the culture built here in 200 years?
  2. In honour of my late Dad I should correct a truth. Him and his partner caught a very violent criminal they had been looking for for several months. THey duly belted him senseless,and then made him run into another station (St Kilda) with a lit firecracker at gunpoint.So there is some humour to the tale you see. Needless to say my father was ejected from the force but that was later on. His partner went on to bigger things with Interpol . Christine Nixon he was not. I'll let you in on a secret-some of those underworld murders were done by police or recently retired police. It saves our tax money and I hope the tradition continues. We now have to pay for this Jimmy dude for the next 50 years to live in prison, when he should be (Greek) Swiss cheese.
  3. I"m currently in Asia so I drop weight in regular instalments.
  4. Herr Diets, Would you let your daughter spend New Years Eve in Cologne or Koln as you say? Ze German police adopted the Schulz approach too. "I see nussing".
  5. I googled this one too. https://spectator.com.au/2017/01/invade-turkey-again/
  6. They traded their captaincy away and kept the battered ,slow Hodge to point around the field. Clarkson will be gone when it all backfires.
  7. Today's Age has more police excuses and a discussion of policy. someone has been stabbed,another pensioner bashed and his car stolen. Take out your gun and blow the MF off the earth. Policy meetings will now go on for weeks with more parasites sitting around taking tax dollars. No wonder APEX gangs are having a laugh. Chris, The age article is so hilarious I can't read it with a staight face: "we were making split decisions on the run" They had hours to make the decision and never did. Policy ruined lives when one executive decision should have stopped it in Chapel St. Policy is only policy. All the talk in the world won't bring back those lives. The courts and cops are a complete joke and a political mechanism not doing its job- just there to make the sitting premier look good. We live in a society where talking is seen as an action- it is not. A carpenter cannot build a house by discussing plans alone. Why do we at for the police to carry guns- are they just decoration? Clearly yes. My Dad was a cop - he used his gun and had no PTSD about it. He would happily bash a villain, then drop him off at another station for another bashing. Why try reasoning with a rabid dog. The thin ,pathetic ,hand wringing,useless blue line of today is taking our money and are trained in revenue collection. The courts are corrupt- I urge you all to read up on Chloe Handsjuk. Don't make excuses- heads should roll.
  8. Ice without the fundamentalist indoctrination isn't quite so lethal is it? Systemic failings by the courts and pathetic policing added to it. He should have been shot way earlier.
  9. They carry guns for a reason. The Prahran cops that "followed" him around are morons. Once they heard the "God is Great" chant they should have shot-because bashing a pensioner and stealing his car is not enough to arrest?Or attempted fratricide/ matricide. Simple really. Fundamental religion and Ice don't mix. Windsor is where I grew up. I have been arrested for jay walking there previously by these so called cops? WTF is going on. Oh and let me be the first to say it before Waleed: Islam is a religion of peace.
  10. Gun players are often gun coaches because they know what standard is required to get the trophy. RDB Norm Smith Lethal Roosy Bomber Blight. So we can run with that theory.
  11. About time this thread got interesting. Just ate fried nanas in Ha Long passed off as Vietnamese. I've eaten them in Australian Chinese restaurants since the 70s Ha long bay would be beautiful, probably was ,but too many humans here now. The N/S divide is very much alive. Call it South China. Saigon is a rats nest, but Vietnamese all the same. Still beats Borewood by a by a thousand miles yet nobody here is as sophisticated as Our own DC. I will make a quick comment on the ridiculous banning of Bitters for writing "flied lice" or whatever it was. The most innocuous comment ever in light of the fact that the Chinese may be the most powerful nation in our time. Add to this their entrenched racism. Add to this their population which makes them dominant globally. In comedic terms We discuss"punching down" or up. Bitters was punching up . I'm not sure who banned him and we don't get too OTT on these issues here but I request the Moderator that made that farcical decision to quietly hand in their tin badge. I would add the Clunes riots were probably in order if anyone here has ever shared a hotel lobby with Chinese tourists en masse. Dr John, whom I respect for his intelligence,though often disagree with,is hopefully not the person responsible . The complainant was DLs Resident SJW. I'm a solid contributor here.Love it. So are others whos ideas I dislike. Does not mean they are invalid. My point is that the censorship here is getting OTT. Can I suggest we ban a poster based on more than one complainant , and check the track record of the whining regular Mrs Mangles. I'll invoke Jazza here- who made some crude comments at times but lived a solitary rural life and was a man of his time.I don 't believe he ever meant racial harm but might have caused some minor offence to be taken.He was a minority ,even in his own country. My main point is, stop the naivety ,stop the PC bans unless WELL deserved. I love Demonland and hope it grows with our great club. Race exists,as does religion and politics. Can we be adults here and make valid points without recriminations or is it Commo China? I'll defend Aboriginal Ozzies to the hilt but FFS I need an explanation. Please Explain.
  12. He gave an entirely different meaning to the term "coffee table book".
  13. Welcome back Maple!! We've missed you. And Bitters-that was a very quick week. I'm sure you've been to some dark places since your brutally insensitive typo.
  14. Exactly what the priest said to the orphans In Ballarat Moons. Totally unrealistic when all the doors are locked.
  15. They come here in boats,get put in a jail,left to rot and then come out full of bitterness for the govt. No different from the Irish .
  16. Sometimes people just need a confidence boost to get the mojo back.
  17. Quits then. You are obviously not in the mood for levity.
  18. Dry up Ernest. This reminds me of the time I worked at lifeline and they fired me because I wore a Nike T shirt. You were wonderful in your youth but the booze is making you overly sentimental.
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