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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. i actually predicted it was a Canadian/Frenchman and I have no doubt he is considered right wing. Do you think because News.com said he was a Trump supporter that this is some kind of revelation? Last time I checked Trump was not in charge of Canada. Trudeau inviting Muslims into Canada the previous day is possibly what set this "troll" into action. Canada is not the only country sick of having to provide" Lebensraum" for Muslims. Your own place of birth has large sections of the community that want their country back also.
  2. I'm a member of the Ponds Institute.
  3. I imagine the killers are Christians/Canadian or French in origin Earl. I'm fairly sure Trudeau's well intentioned speech was the catalyst for it. The method of terror is deplorable and the innocence of it's victims is unquestionable. It's a global truth that Muslims seek entry into leftist leaning countries and governments and Trudeau is one of a long line of Canadian prime Ministers to back multiculturalist ideals and policies.In return, Muslims vote almost in a block for the left. The Labor party in the UK is now in tatters ,Holland is lurching to the far right under Fonteyn,Belgium more so. The French will not elect a left winger for the foreseeable decade. How this reflects on Australia is unknown ,with Turnbull mouthing some very conciliatory language in response to Trumpism. I can nearly guarantee One Nation will grow in representation, which is a sad by product of all this. Interesting times. On a positive note,I am working on bringing in some Civet coffee to Melbourne ,in an attempt to wipe out this fair trade bizzo. Not only does my product taste better than your expensive swill but it exploits animals and human producers concurrently .
  4. Red Bull as a corporate entity can expect to be sued by the families of young skaters, skiers,bike riders and stunt-sportsmen that they have driven to their deaths. They've been marketing "adrenaline sports" for years and killed quite a few already. The naming rights are not up for sale but i wouldn't object to their involvement as a sponsor. If we sold our name off I wouldn't be supporting the club anymore.
  5. We disagree on the issue and I doubt our minds will meet on this. The police do also which was part of the problem here. We'll see more lunatics on the news soon enough.
  6. The difference was in a real situation they failed to act.
  7. I consider this latest piece of news to be a sad yet inevitable consequence of politicians seeking votes from new arrivals against the wishes of its established citizenry. I'm interested to know people's opinions on it and hope it can be discussed reasonably. I lay the blame at the feet of Treudeau, though others may not.
  8. I don't ponder hypotheticals in my life. I take action when required.
  9. Already answered them Chris. Succinctly or so I thought. In case you haven't been to Chapel St. Windsor, it's more crowded than the CBD but given the crimes he had done, he should have been stopped there. It's hipster central so the odd stray bullet wouldn't have bothered me one iota. You keep harping on about legal justification when in my view there was plenty. When guns were eventually drawn it did the trick- yes in the most populous spot in the City but by then the hand wringing and welfare issues were rather superfluous.
  10. The misogyny on this thread is disgusting. I'm burning my mansiere in protest.
  11. You want it both ways now? How would you stop him ? with a big kiss? You are as indecisive as they are. You stop him with whatever force is necessary .
  12. Sorry Chris but you lost it pages ago. Its a clear case of failure by Victoria Police and they and him are indefensible. You have no idea what an extrajudicial execution is and judging by your rhetoric you haven't been outside of your house since the 60s. Nothing you've said carries weight so I've parodied your mindset in an attempt to show you what the essence of your argument is.
  13. No Chris might have a point. jimmy just needed somebody to understand him. We failed by not letting him express his true feelings and by not being there to support him.All that violence stemmed from the ignorance of those people trying to live without acknowledging his need to bash,destroy and rob. We should arm the police with soothing music and incense and instruct them on how to empathise. I see now he has done nothing wrong but it is us who have commited the real crime, the horrible crime of not loving enough. Lets take all those police guns and turn them into peace pipes! The police ,in hindsight, could have formed a circle of love to surround and soothe this poor boy. Lets open the jails and let the poor men free !!
  14. Ok Red, i'll set it up and you knock it down..... What's a Piecost?
  15. Greetings from Saigon,or near enough to it, Spent some hellish days in disagreement with some of my business associates but seem to have struck an accord in relation to prices of various products that are now safely En route to the Gat via an elaborate courier system. Ate myself silly in Ha Noi and gained a few kgs that have been shed with the aid of chilli ladened southern food. Have arranged several marriages already but can't seem to find any suitors for my red haired friend which is only natural I suppose.Uncle Bitters has agreed to house them at Romsey and deliver them with their honour in tact but I have my doubts as to his motives. I have had to beef up the rickshaw team as they tend to tire very quickly under the whip,and many have fallen by the wayside. I have taken to wearing a white linen suit and have taught the young girls how to make Pimms properly,which is imperative in this heat. My masseurs have reduced my aches and pains in preparation for my return,if it ever happens. I've noticed DC and Bitters are posting less frequently than usual which has lessened the collective IQ of the thread. I urge you all to eat pork on the BBQ this year as a sign of respect to infidels. Party on.
  16. It's a wonderfully tolerant and liberal attitude you have Chris and I can only assume you have youthful and optimistic ideals behind it, or you work for a legal co operative of some sort. I'll be arming myself ,as will others,and I predict a rise in vigilantism in the near future. Police have the right to detain and arrest anyone after even one incident as serious as that but if these rights are eroded we are doomed. I'm not sure your stance on this issue is a tenable or credible one in light of the ice epidemic,AJAX gangs,Bikie gangs and Lebanese crime families that have gained traction in Australia and Melbourne in particular. "He only stabbed one person" "car theft" "beating someone up"(actually three people, two of whom were elderly and may have died from such an attack) not to mention kidnapping his estranged girlfriend and holding her hostage.The car was stolen by break and entry and threats to maim.There was then the hooning which endangers the public.I'm sure Nice and Berlin people might think I have a point. You need a nice warm cup of concrete before you are "mugged by reality".
  17. Your question is confused as you are but I'll answer. The villain could have been shot point blank in the chest and hopefully the bullet would lodge in his heart. The justification is attempted triple murder,stabbing,break and enter,theft of motor vehicle and then culpable driving. The police would not be charged with anything after these offences.
  18. They are a bit different up there. Beats flying them off to Arizona as the filth do or did.
  19. The collateral damage would be zero as we have covered. There was plenty of justification to arrest as we have covered. No the police would not be charged for doing their job properly .
  20. I loved Borat.I just did the test and got 33 so ,if It's scored like golf you are really [censored] up.
  21. I look people straight in the eye and then make an inappropriate comment. Nasher, I suspect you are on the spectrum. My Demon mate can recall every player ever and has no real friends but me, he is very smart but awkward.He lives at home with mum at 44. I have an overly sensitive type of emotional intelligence and hate lies.I hate big crowds.I fear the herd. I forget names,numbers etc but never a face. I think Economics is a bogus pseudo science. I think we over medicate our population I think the doctors are sending the country broke, along with the fat,lazy and wilfully stupid. I enjoy watching drone strikes . Viva la difference I say. Drs are sending us broke and most of them now are born OS so they couldn't care less.
  22. So the colateral damage was 5-7 dead,20 injured. wake up.
  23. Ok- taser the dirty [censored] ,then bash and repeat.
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