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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. My trouble is they alienate and stereotype themselves by believing such nonsense. if they don't really believe it all they should say so but of course the penalty for that is death. Of course I know they can't ALL be hardliners. There is no justification for the recent actions of their brethren and those who have some reason in their heads need to challenge the text or else teach it somewhere else. If I were to preach the things written in that text I would be quite rightly imprisoned.
  2. Dear All, I'm battling by having struggled off the opium den floor with some reluctance. My guide has gone completely insane,spouting gibberish since the last rattan caning that I personally thought was delivered with my usual restraint. But a trader must trade,so in search of precious goods I go! I have obtained a significant amount of bear bile,powdered rhino horn and birds nests,enough to swap for a Harbourside mansion in Sydney upon return. Other aphrodisiacs I must obtain are proving rather difficult amongst the lustful,wanton tribes of Western Indochine. Next stop is Siam who I believe might be seeking a new king.If there is one place a man does not need the title to feel like one it is there.Please forward your purchase requests through the usual channels before I leave western Indochine.No need to request the obvious as I have forwarded a large package of that to West St Kilda,near the old Gat. I notice a travel ban exists in the states which Should free the airport of the riffraff.Timely and wonderfully done by the Silverback I must say . On the G and T front,I have had to head to the Rex in town to partake of a proper one and I'm thinking Raffles might be the safe bet in Pnomh Penh.There are lots of photos of grown Germans holding children's hands in Pnomh Penh which I thought rather vulgar.No need to advertise an economic staple in the modern world. Anyhoo, best be off for a late Tiffen of rare birds- the edible kind ,down at the club. See you very anon. Cheery pip and cheers . Biff.
  3. So AF, The one issue facing modern,secular society is the medieval doctrine that seeks to destroy the other things you mentioned . You will see it questioned and fall to pieces in the next decade . Concentate on questioning what you learnt whilst others did actual work to pay for your impressive knowledge of how terrible the white straight man is. You might be ok defending all this colonialist,capitalist ,conservative science one day . Keep an open mind Tiger.
  4. Well cut and pasted. You don't possess the ability to think for yourself . Ive told you I'm an atheist,not Christian,not KKK,not a Nazi. Everything you've posted I've read before yet you attempt to hijack gay rights,women's rights,fake news ,anti Nazism and every other cause célèbre for your multiple band wagon of sympathy. It doesn't work any more son. The grown ups have decided in nearly every western democracy there is. We cannot tolerate the blind dogma and Taqiya dupes like you spout in the face of Islamist hostility to our freedoms. My qualm is with the doctrines of the Quran and the Hadiths.More closely to home- the Bali bombings, The other stuff you raise is as relevant to me as a recitation of "The Female Eunich at a bux party. You won't have the intellect to survive , let alone pay your hecs debt without a govt grant One piece of personal info I'll share is that I I was partnered to the former President of Melb uni feminist organisation and she was African. We lived together for two years and I supported her through barrister school. She couldn't argue herself out of a paper bag and like you is a time wasting,self indulgent,holier than thou attention seeker with a grab bag of notable causes I knew before I finished high school. You are not over educated, you are just a tax burden. Do something useful with yourself by educating Muslims to the disgusting precept and conceits contained in the book. Argue the unifying texts of Islam and not all the other non sequiturs carp you think is useful knowledge.Next time reply with some immediacy. Try trusting your own brain and stick to the subject.
  5. So you read the whole thread except for post 45. In relation to WW1, German expansion into Northern Africa played its role in the conflicts. Those states that sought to replace French and British colonial overlords with German liberators found themselves involved in both conflicts. Read post 45.
  6. Another thing they can do is take a look at the career of Bob Cowper. Made a triple century for his country then headed off to Monte Carlo to build a new life in the banking world. We have seen enough bluff at our club to know they get more than enough. Pendles brought the NFL into the equation. we don't have 300miilion people to pay for their financial ambitoos and the AFL would do well to ignore the goings on in the US and just leave the game alone, remove the match day experience failures and cut out the copycat cringe worthy crap.
  7. Then we agree on many of the same things.You drew Nazism and homosexuality into the debate, along with the KKK. I'm not a fan of the Nazis or KKK or homophobia yet you drew an insidious parallel between my ideas and theirs. If, per chance, you could pull your head out of the campus " right on" mentality and see that what I stand for is total liberty, including every way of life, except those that destroy our hard won ideAls in Australia , you would see we are nearly on the same page. When a Muslim is capable of free thought and the right to express ideas contrary to the book then we have won. You won't see it happen without some threat to this persons life. Ive met a lot of gay men in Australia , many love the Lebanese guys but they tell me they get a bit rough and violent in the toilets at nightclubs . I don't see Milo Y as a self hater, he clearly loves himself which is not a terrible thing.Also there are an abundance of out gay men preaching the bible without death threats .Can you say the same for Muslims? As far as feminism goes I would love the pill and abortion to be free, paid for by Medicare .It virtually is anyway here but not in the Middle East.Tell your wife about that and ask her if she would rather live there or here. Nazis are patriots very clearly. The groups supporting a halt to Muslim immigration have stated their opposition to Nazism as well as Halal butchers operating here in contravention of our laws.They oppose Mosques being built here. I would not associate myself with these groups because of the fringes you mention that attach themselves to their cause which is to stop Muslims entering here. Now I will address your naming me as a racist. How dare you.You have the temerity and audacity to throw about labels without the self examination to see that you are as ignorant a, devicive and destructive as those you supposedly disagree with. I don't disclose personal information on here about race or my lifestyle with good reason but if you came to my house or met my circle of friends you would see a plethora of different cultures,sexual proclivities, alternative thinkers and people without an ounce of hate. I suggest you take a look in the mirror and see the idiocy of YOUR labels, your campus dogma and your ridiculous stereotyping. Its this and those like you that have brought about Trumpism. One thing Trump understands is that you are finished for the next decade or so . I'm a man of my times.I'm a libertine free to do and think whatever I want whenever I chose as long as nobody is harmed in the process . You are still clutching your worthless Uni degree as if the proletariat nonsense they taught you means something. You stick up for yourself and your overeducated ,left leaning idiot friends, nobody else. It is my goal to take the brain washed ,Muslim,femme nazis like you and others like you gently by the hand and show you that others may not agree with you but we will fight for your right to believe your out dated nonsense. Also, there are more important things happening today than sexual politics. You might know that Australia and NZ were the first women to get the vote internationally.We are aware of difference and minority. Did you know that people are bombing us in nightclubs,office towers, restaurants,city squares and cafes for our acceptance of women's right,gay people, alcohol,pork,Jews,,nudity,and free thought? Have a good think about it before you reply.
  8. Where do you get these ridiculous assumptions from?"Sounds like" is something people use in the game of charades.I've already said I'm not overly patriotic.I'm also not a Christian .Its a massive jump to assume I'm a supporter of these groups that drape themselves in the flag and march in the city. I will say this though. When these guys do go to protest they are met by larger groups who are left wing radicals hell bent on not letting them have a voice ,which is not democratic. The socialist,far left,loony fringe trip over themselves to get violent with the patriots ,not the other way around. I don't know who is worse. Campus life in the modern age has kids marching to stop free speech and quell debate like they would in China,such is thier conviction they are right. Im yet to see anyone burnt ,hung or shot by the patriotic loony fringe . I'll assume about you that you have a university degree in some esoteric crap with a festering hatred of individual liberty bought on by a belief in communist politics you studied because you weren't smart enough to get into a decent course. Yesterday at Berkeley , kids burnt the campus and carried on in an effort to stop a speaker who supports Trump because he is incredibly eloquent,wealthy,popular and also happens to be gay. Sexuality has naught to do with it but there are not to many "out" Muslims if you hadn't noticed. I'll assume you're white and totally ashamed of it. Your sexual preference is none of my business but it wouldn't surprise me if you joined a feminist group in a lame and lazy way to get some action.
  9. Ok .I am not advocating tarring all with the same brush but the unifying texts of the Koran and the Hadiths do just that. Anyone outside of those parameters faces the wrath of their sky God. I know my intelligence must rely on criticism and correction,constant growth if it is to be releavant. Those poor people sucked into Scientology suffer in the same way as Muslims.The faith they have is based on "I know I'm right because my imaginary friend told me so". If the spaceship comes down from Xenu and carries them away then I'll accept Hubbard has got it right. The difference and the problem I have with Islam is stark in that it's an end game ,or a winners and losers scenario.Once in it they can't get out or they face execution. It will die a messy death with informative discussion. I'm not prepared to have it in Australia as an acceptable religion ,nor do I think. Scientology should be allowed here.but at least Kate Ceberano will not cut my head off.
  10. I loved Hitch and was sad when he died also. Dawkins does give Christianity some credit for its ability to evolve, which is his forte. RD places Islam on top of the idiocy pile, rightly. Poor old Ali is the poster girl for apostasy which is only natural when one has had their genitals mutilated with the acquiescence of her stupid god fearing parents. Will look at Dennet as I'm unaware of his work. Michel Onfray is another fine thinker who give all religion a nice whack. "The is no God but Gawn and Viney will profit"
  11. My comment was in relation to current world conflict.You replied with some older ones and I should have made a distinction. Whilst not To blame for ALL of them you must admit Islam plays a part in most of them currently. You mentioned the great wars and whilst Germany can shoulder the blame for initiating both, as well as for festering Communist ideology , I pointed out the allies they had in North Africa who foolishly decided to side with Italy and Germany.Perhaps I should have qualified this earlier, I won't be drawn into Kony , Hutus or any other African war not involving Islam but you neglected the Sudan region conveniently enough, which is a hell on earth you can blame on Islamic murderers. I'm not sure what benefit Islam has ever bought- it is anti thought. Why anyone would defend it is bizarre. Those that follow it are bound to go the way of the dinosaur. Darwinian theory takes care of us all in the end.
  12. I've seen Pendles walking his stupid little white dog through the rough streets of Middle Park.His humble little shack overshadowing the neighbourhood. I often wonder how he can go on. Meanwhile at Auskick they beg,borrow and steal from the community to feed it back into the AFL system. Mark Jacksons comments"On the Couch" about Queensland footy are playing out in front of our eyes . but 2k a week for an honest tradesman is too much? Tradesmen don't ask for a cut after the house is sold for a massive profit. Luke Ball et al can go take a flying at a rolling donut.
  13. I'm happy to read her tome if you read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. A culture that tries to make everyone equal under God is frightening and despicable, however well intentioned.(see Animal Farm- George Orwell). Communism replaces god with " the common good". These personal experience stories about your work add zero to the discussion either. It's akin to saying "I have a black/Asian / Eskimo friend". As to your offence,I suggest you go to the Imam and have a Fatwah placed upon me as those lovely people do when they encounter an idea that undermines their power structure of blind obedience.
  14. Do you write on autopilot ? The first cliche you used was in response to a post I made that conceded Muslims may have had contact with Aborigines prior to European settlement .Hardtack presented an article backing his assertion that may have merit if you take songs and dances as hard fact.In the absence of a written culture it is plausable,discounting Dirk Hartog and WilliamJanszoon .The entire Muslim history lacks much text- they only need one text- and a sword.Their atrocious progress was usually recorded by their hapless opponents. Your second pot/kettle effort shows how little you think at all about anything. In response to a criticism that you spout cliches you use another. Your are the guy standing around saying " oh yeah!".
  15. I often kicked a footy with Fred Cooks daughter.She could roost it 50 M on the left and a good 40 on the right foot.No exaggeration .
  16. I suppose you've heard of Gallipoli ?That was the place where we fought the Turks allied with Germany inWW1. Have you heard of Syria or Palestine, Lebanon,Libya,Tunisia or Egypt?Islamist countries. That was where we fought Hitlers allies who identified with Nazism in WW2. Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans was an attempt at retribution for Islamic atrocities committed over many centuries. The Rwanda genocide was a tribal conflict so perhaps no Muslims to blame for that. The other 3 points you tried to make are flat out wrong.
  17. There are none so daft as those who parrot meaningless cliches
  18. It mentions the deaths of Anoriginals that occurred upon contact with these fisherman. Hardly surprising really but an interesting article.Will read in full.
  19. Pedo arrived at the club overweight. Gillies straight from the pub. Rodan hobbling. Neeld delusional. Things are on the up.
  20. The part you highlighted is very very difficult to prove .There is no evidence of it.Indonesia itself did not exist then either.Sadly, The ABC are not the critical thinkers they once were.
  21. I'll correct you on 3 points. Islam is an intolerant religion almost entirely to blame for most world conflicts . Muslims do not predate anyone here.You refer to the GhAn camel drivers who failed Burke and Wills then later murdered people in Broken Hill. I am not overly patriotic either. As to your friend in the gym- she has the right to call the police for such a disgusting act, presuming she was not the antagonist.
  22. I'll explain my use of the word "Lebensraum" in the context of the Syrian , North African and Afghan refugee crisis ,one that the UN thinks might be up to the western world to resolve. Put simply, it is not up to Europe,Australia,Canada or the US to "fix" these issues. Any totalitarian doctrine (ISlam) that attempts to lay the blame at the feet of Western civilisation is incorrect in my opinion and it is no longer a minority opinion I hold although the press attempt to paint it that way at nearly every opportunity because most press organisations are left/wet/humanitarian leaning in theses days of "News".perhaps with the exception of Fox . I'm not sure Trudeau has the right to gift his own country to people who practise a faith bent on killing or converting the rest of us. Nor did the very generous Angela Merkel.Trump has it right on Muslims ,his methods may be wrong. It's a fallacy to use the ageing populace in Germany,Australia or anywhere else to think that we should accept young migrants ad hoc to prop us up. Let's not forget young migrants take overseas spouses, usually imported for a large sum of money from the new arrivals family, into the new country that has a health system, infrastructure ,and way of life paid for by the previous generations raised there.Muslims breed at a rapid rate that outstrips any culture that hosts it.This is a fact and not just an anecdote.The "fastest growing religion" is not said in jest. A government must also consider whether the new arrivals will create tension in the new country, socially and politically as well as their economic contribution.We usually look for skilled immigrants and have a small quota refugees deemed to be in danger (minority groups like Jews after WW2 or persecuted peoples). For instance, after the Sri Lankans got their country back, through grisly war, our government quite rightly sought to vet Tamils from entering here . Australias Jewish population have contributed greatly to our country and have been here since Captain Cook.I'd like them to feel safe here and remain. The rules of border control are central to statehood especially when the world is vastly overpopulated and getting worse. I was speaking to Dieter,who is of German origin when I used the words "your own country of birth want their country back".There are ghettos fermenting hatred in Germany against their hosts made up of Turkish and Syrian peoples who are unhappy with the German way of life.If I go to Germany I wouldn't presume eating pork sausage and drinking beer is an evil I could stop.I am in Vietnam now,a country who's people have contributed wonderfully well and peacefully to our culture .They sought it out to join it, not change it.I don't go around here yelling and screaming at people not to eat dog though I personally wouldn't eat it. I'll try to answer Chokes rambling question on figures what sort of % I might be happy with here. I would like Muslim immigration halted entirely.I would like overseas marriage visas cancelled for those who identify as Muslim and family re-unification visas scrapped as well. I don't believe in accepting people bent on killing us or converting us. Britain has 5% Muslims now and France the same.I've been to both countries fairly recently and there is open hostility on the street coming from both directions.It's not pretty. The crazed gentleman shooting up the Mosque will be the first of many.Trudeau is to blame, not Trump. i await the usual hysterical and cliched replies from the usual confused people.
  23. He might be right this time. I made the slightly OTT remark that he has Brownlow written all over him after a few games. But I'll stand by it.
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