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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. A little yes. I hated my maths teacher in year 11.He stunk and was boring but I grew up and moved on with my life.
  2. Ok I'll take the bait again. I've lived in Altona North for a year and in Paris as well. Between the Bataclan and the Rue de Republic. In the Marais. I've spent time in Nice as well.Remember the spots where all those people were executed for socialising? I smoked a lot of hash with an Algerian who was training to be a pilot but they wouldn't let him sit the last test. "I hate the French,I F..king hate them all" he would say to me quite often . No wonder he never got that Pilots license . In Altona Nth there was a crash on the corner intersection about 15m from my house ,ALWAYS involving Lebanese teens,usually in stolen cars ,usually crashing through people obeying the law with kids in the car and putting them into the neighbours house.This happened not once but SIXTEEN times in ONE year.Sometimes the crash was Lebanese and Lebanese hitting each other .How would you sort it out? By getting on the phone and hitting the mayhem button and have 60-80 family members duke it out on the street ,naturally!! The police would arrive and do nothing of course.Lots of Black BMWs (stereotyping again) I know of what I speak. I have met some great Muslims too ,many in Paris ,but they were none too devout.I have no problem with Muslims who are basically non-religious ,or those many, who are not aggro. The new Fascists are the Lefty twerps like yourself who ignore the multiple post I've put up and chirp in with your "have nothing to back it up" you dill.I've backed up every stupid reply on here.Are you illiterate or just lazy? Why would I bother otherwise-do you think I like educating you triggered ,feminist, whining, cliched bores? Go out and enjoy Paris while you can buddy.
  3. I'm going to leave this thread for a while now and the rest of you can either admit you may be wrong or keep singing from the same hymn book. Please don't call me racist,I really am not. It's been a blast and my intention has never been to misinform,quite the contrary. Cheers Dears
  4. No mate. These aren't isolated incidents, there is a wave of it across Europe. Alcohol has nothing to do with it. Pack animals do . Or maybe European women and men who've been raped asked for it.
  5. Deny,deny,deny........ What do you know about Rotherham? Do you know how it happened and why it went on for so long? For fear of causing offense to a certain community. You may have to accept that the new fascists are actually on the left of politics and the regime is crumbling. I'm not wedded to the right side of politics but I know BS when I smell it . Now read and youtube about Rotherham and then tell me it's fake news. Or even better Tack,change your mind and accept I might just be right. It won't kill you. Closer to home is the charming little Bilal Skaf character.
  6. As well as, "I gave up booze and women for a while.... It was the worst twenty minutes of my life"
  7. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/sweden-and-denmark-have-highest-number-of-sexual-assaults-in-europe-a6800901.html here you go sweetie. You seem reluctant to face truth.
  8. AF - cut and paste the article from the Independent dated Jan 7 2016. Try to copy it without editing if you are able. I'm a wordsmith-as you will have noticed. If you can't or won't do it then I will get a minion to do it for me later.
  9. Exactamundo- then we could go blow away a few buffalos with an AK47 or even an RPG to let off some steam.
  10. We should get together and gamble on a [censored] fight,drink a few hundred beers,hire a gf or two and enjoy life.
  11. Pity she gains a pound every time she sings her hit, which she never wrote.
  12. Top Ten Things i love about Vietnam. 1.Smoking in crowded restaurants in the presence of children. 2.No safety signs/warnings . 3.Cooking live prawns 4.Doing sweet FA in the cleaning/cooking department ,unless i decide i want to cook. 5.Morning beers 6.No helmets on the scooter unless you feel like it 7.Cash is King 8.Children respecting adults 9.Wonderful over the counter drugs 10.See through pyjamas
  13. Great Stats. Hindus are not a threat to Western civilisation .So let 'em breed.
  14. I've never said it's too big but it's enough. That figure will more than double every 12-15 years. I've stated my views on this and marriage visas/family re-union visas. The hysterics from all of you opposing me are pathetic . You grab other issues and throw them in like you have a monopoly on righteousness. Enjoy your lives and suck up the political future.
  15. Eliot Abrams looks like being appointed by Trump too. Son of a migration lawyer Iran/Contra architect Destroyer of Gaddafi Sound Resume.
  16. I'm hardly blinkered. I've heard every argument there is. Like most non-muslims I don't want them living amongst us in large numbers. That's all. Simple.
  17. What area? Lobbying for the ALP or a migration agent? Keep drawing in another subject like Bernardi to distract , it shows you have forgotten to take your Ritalin. Or do you work at centrelink? Perhaps the overcowded DIAC building in town or the detention centre, AMES,ASIS,AFP or some of the other agencies we need to fund in order to accept those most Australians do not want here. Or are you a bleeding heart charity beggar taking in soap and socks to those that haven't passed vetting because they are Islamists? It's a huge industry so no wonder you are keen to defend it. I personally went through the process of getting a migrant here as well.It wasn't a 457 and they weren't Muslim .It wasn't easy but it was legal . I'd ask you to stop the inference of racism as well,it's lazy and Islam is a politco/religious movement operating all over the world, not a race. P.S you didn't answer anything you just threw in another left field insult followed by a whine about your unspecified migrant job
  18. Why here? Were they Muslim? Also consider this, If I want to migrate to Paris and enjoy the lifestyle there under Le Pen,Sarkozy or Kermit the Frog, do you think they'd just rubber stamp it? Were your grandparents Muslim because thats the subject under discussion. I'm not arguing about stopping all migration either Choker. Stop conflating your mate in Africa with a discussion on Islamist values. Most of Europe want Muslim immigration halted It's 71% in Poland down to about 48% in England who ticked the "strongly agree"column .The sample was 10,000 people.Survey /stats by Chatham House. It's not a rare, bigoted,homophobic,KKK,anti-feminist,racist,hysterical or Xenophobic idea. It's now a majority opinion.
  19. You can't get the official and increased rape stats in Europe because they might offend a particular group.
  20. Mental jousting with you is like popping bubble wrap. Totally futile and ultimately pointless.
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