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Posts posted by Canplay

  1. Jones :-  Lack of Leadership.      When the freo run was on I watched him closely.  No voice, no marshalling the troops, no sprays......  after each goal he just trudged back to the centre with his head down.

    Bernie :-  Makes Stupid Decision.    Don't think the game has passed him, but he's made and attempted stupid plays all his career.

    Overall I think the gameplay of manic play on and throw the ball around until hopefully someone is in space is to compensate for our lack of leg speed.  Unfortunately, not any options in the twos with real pace.



  2. With Lewis it was good coaching from Bolton. He put an offensive tagger in Curnow (aerobic beast) with the instruction to run Lewis off his feet -  I think that made him look slow as he was absolutely spent. 

    I watched him in packs and he's got a great knack at hurting blokes, excellent at positioning team mates with instructions and when hunt blazed at goal from boundary instead of centreing ball Lewis gave him a great spray  - all priceless attributes.

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  3. Really well run by the club -  and the players are great with the kids.  Got to say Jack Watts was a stand out as usual -  a real natural with kids and goes above and beyond with supporters.

    Did anyone see Hoges?  I didn't and was concerned as he seemed to have a leg injury late in the game against Dogs.

  4. 4 hours ago, RalphiusMaximus said:

    I am a little concerned about the times being run.  I have no idea what the industry standard is these days, but several years ago the media experts were saying that an AFL midfielder needed to do the 3km in around the 9.30  mark.  From the sound of it we only have a few players who can crack 10 minutes.  Assuming that the goalposts haven't moved this is a bad sign and shows we're still going to struggle against sides that can run. 

    Sub 10min for an AFL footballer (who has to carry plenty of muscle) is elite.....  at any club.  Also, last year the majority of guys shaved a lot of time off by the end of pre-season as you'd expect.  

  5. 6 minutes ago, spirit of norm smith said:

    Dees to grab pick 21 off the Lions but offering pick 30 and either Dunn, Dawes, JKH or even  Spencer (can grab 1-2 rucks in the draft).

    Lewis for pick 21 is fair ... a steal but the Hawks need to deal now.

    Hibberd for MFC 2nd round pick in 2017 draft.  

    Gets us Lewis, Hibberd and keeps 2017 1st rounder.

    21 for Lewis - jesus, stick to your day job pal

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  6. 34 minutes ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Why? when they potentially could have Patton and Hogan.

    Don't forget theres another club called West Coast who just as interested as Freo for Hogan.

    This would leave Freo with the ability to offer Dee's pick 3 & 7 for Hogan -  and they'd have a fwd line set up for the next decade with Hogan & Patton.

    Would certainly give dees something to think about especially as we could lose him for  nothing in 4 years time if free agency compo is removed as spoken about.

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