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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Cameron's turning into a handy play maker. Wouldn't mind seeing him in the Red & Blue.
  2. Was it 15 clearances at half time? Surely Fagen needs to put a run with on Treloar??
  3. Umpiring has resulted in at least 3 goals to the Pies so far and missed a clear interference on a Brissy forward earlier for the shot directly in front. Went down the other end for another Pie goal for a potential 12 point turnaround. The ducking in the goal square decision up there with the worst for the year. Brissy were within 5 points at that point from memory.
  4. I tend to agree LT. If i had an in form hungry Jeffy having put in enough training time on the track or ressies i would be going for Jeffy 9 times out of 10 unless we were looking for a specific defensive run with role from a smallish forward to shut down a prolific damaging play maker coming out of our 50.
  5. Jeffy will get his chance. Had we lost last week i suspect he would have been straight in. If only we could play two matches at the same time ....one with Jeffy in and one with Spargo and see how they go! Spargo will be hearing Jeffy's footsteps this week though i would think and will really need to put the pedal to the metal to retain his place from here (unless the FD is happy playing both of course).
  6. Somewhat unlucky Norm. Both players output not dissimilar. The differences are certainly marginal but there, with Spargo playing more time forward (generally) than Billy. Hence scores a little more as a result and also pressures/tackles a little more inside 50. Marks a little more also including inside 50. Billy more involved in contested work and clearances at stoppages higher up the field as well as getting the loose ground ball in those areas. Billy also spends a bit of time in defence (intercepting a little), Spargo playing forward more often rarely goes back. Spargo averaging nearly 2 extra score involvements per game vs Billy so far. The difference here might be more to do with Spargo playing more time forward of course. But a notable difference nonetheless between the two, especially given the limited number of games they have each played until now. This might be something the FD is seeing also, which might be the tipping point at the selection table if all else is a bit of a coin flip and they feel the match ups are against playing them together in the same line up.
  7. A big vote FD. VERY early days but Hore is already tracking (statistically) at 16% above Oscar's average output last season and 53% higher than Oscar's 2019 season averages in his 2 games so far.
  8. The Hawks under Clarko have been fabulous over the years at adapting their set up / style to suit their players' strengths and also presenting a set up on match day that the Opp would least like to see. One of their big strengths is they almost don't have a set and forget game plan week in week out that an Opp can easily pick apart. Clarko brings different styles and often a few of them within a season and/or occasionally within a match itself. Whether that involves the rolling zone cluster (2008), high possession precision by foot - working through or around a zone (2012ish onwards?), slow play for momentum, putting numbers behind the ball, slingshot run and gun off HB, sweating on the ball carrier, pushing up hard into the face of their opponent to take away angles and time, playing off them a little to take up space ahead, sending an extra in to even up the clearances and slow the game down with extra stoppages etc when the inside balance is out of wack or simply just looking to exploit an obvious mis-match at a particular point within a match if the opportunity arises. Rnd 4 against us last year was a great example (and others in previous years) where i recall we came out all guns blazing in the first quarter (the first half in another early round match in 2010 i think). Clarko would adjust a few aspects of set ups and match ups . Eg., Rioli into the middle in the 2nd quarter in Rnd 4 2018. He sat off the back of a slower mid field opponent at the time in Vince (did we send Vince to Riolli or was Riolli sent to Vince!?) and worked his magic out of the middle and congestion. They cut a swathe through our ordinary defence in that match (with Lever still finding his feet), lead by Rioli's brilliance, and carried that momentum and ease of hit ups and scoring inside 50 to completely obliterate us in the next 3 quarters. Obviously Clarko has the odd miss, no one is infallible, but he is very switched on to exposing the opponents' weakness/es and limiting / negating their strengths, while playing an attacking style that utilises as many of their strengths as possible. Adaptation plays a big part. Not to mention the myriad of talent that's gone through there over the years! I'm sure Clarko sets himself and his team to play a certain brand on the day and if it works fine he probably sticks with it in the main. But he is very very willing to adapt and swing the changes if it isn't and has his crew extremely well drilled in carrying out those alternate instructions (most likely having trained/been drilled for such change ups team wise during the week....or in prior recent training sessions). I wonder if Clarko plays chess as he comes across as a great forward thinker and a mind that looks at all aspects of match ups and set ups during a match to eke out any advantage possible, no matter how small (this also applies to pushing the envelope on any exploitable rules of the game!).
  9. The bottom line is, it's easier to do everything when you are winning. Repeat customers, new etc. Winners are griners and the feeling is catchy. Last Thursday was an important win and another positive step for the club, being prime time Thurs night up against one of the AFL's big favourites.
  10. Otherwise known as "rat cunning" DG. Something the MFC seems to lack but must find at the trade/draft table.
  11. Guys a very important fact is being overlooked here. One man (or even 2 or 3) as we know, can't carry a team on his/their own or continue to forever. Old father time eventually catches up with mother nature at some point. However, for whatever reason/s, there are still too many in the team that have been either significantly off or way off their 2018 best and/or still haven't strung together a series of what we could describe as "form" worthy matches. One week ok, the next ordinary, the next up a little or off a little again. For some they've been a fair way off for most matches. Ok so it's been a horror start. Last week the exception against a fairly sluggish Swans outfit and on a ground that favours our 'swarming / bash and crash through' inside biased game style. A win is a win though and of course it helps with confidence and buying in to the 'team defence' mantra etc. When more of the players who are well off their best to this point, start to lift their output, then the results of others around them should also start to lift a little (in theory!). That lift should also assist the likes of the Jones Boy (generally) with his contribution/form. Winning form will help of course. But the whole team is off it's 2018 averages (statistically) by about 13%. In a team (form/output) sense at AFL level that's massive. And not in a good way obviously. We have some of last season's best players statistical averages off around the 50% mark vs last season! Others around the 20% - 30% mark etc. One of those, ANB (a regular in 2018 playing 22 matches), is already out the door ...for now. He was off 47% on his own 2018 averages when omitted. Admittedly we were only 3 rounds in but that's where he was at. When the team as a whole lifts (hopefully consistently) only then should we be truly judging where some individuals are at if they are way off the measure. If the team was humming then of course we are able to more clearly see if some aren't performing or carrying their load. But we need so many to lift at this stage. Hopefully that upward trajectory commenced last week and those who were a fair way off their 2018 form start to hop on the "Good Form" train. Remember the old saying..."Many hands make light work"! Let's hope we can continue our winning form and make light work of the Aints.
  12. That is correct DZ. At some point the clubs have had enough warnings and time to adjust. It's then an instant penalty. But the AFL couldn't even get that right. Which is probably why they have the rediculous warning...penalty too harsh! Why 50 meters? Free kick from the middle would be sufficient and see the umps more than happy to enforce the penalty IMO.
  13. Need to maintain possession and work hard on the switch till we find an outnumber. Out marking them with our talls will also be crucial. They like to play a +1 on the ball when match is in the balance vs a loose man in defence. If they do so we need to match them, use it well on the outside and, assuming we start getting on top in the middle and clearances around stoppages, make as much from our i50 entries as possible. We should be able to win the clearance battle but we need to win it big IMO to overwhelm their less experienced mid field and win the day over all. Their key play makers from last week who we will need to pressure and close down are.... Acres, Lonie , Ross*, Newnes*, Billings*, Marshall and Savage. Jack Steele also in pretty good form. Their most in form intercept defender will also need close attention.... Callum Wilkie. *Also turnover kings at times if enough pressure's applied. Bring the intensity and pressure plus some decent possession and ball control / movement on the outside (including solid marking and contested marks) we probably win. Kicking straight always helps of course. Bring anything less we probably don't. Very even comp so far.
  14. Must have had an off nite with disposal or maybe we are back as the No.1 pressure team in the AFL!....... His average DE% for the season so far is 90.6%. To put that in some perspective our best DE% defender is Nev running at 85.83% (as a side note that is the highest in the team to date). Aliir's kicking efficiency is 89.7% and Nev's is 92.3%.
  15. This ☝? Jeffy is a class above and brings a wealth of experience. Provided he fires on the day he can finish and might be the difference on the scoreboard in a tight match. Personally i just don't see what Stretch brings and have rarely seen him perform in the last few seasons outside of maybe a decent game against the Dockers last year? Spargo stays and is utilised to replace Jeffy when rested plus a minor role helping out off one wing in a secondary further relief role for a wingman resting. Jeffy replaces Stretch. Spargo doesn't have match fitness or a tank to justify a permanent place just yet (if he underperforms) but IMHO he is more damaging when he's on (even if it's short lived atm) and is slowly building/showing some promise vs what Stretch brings (for an entire match).
  16. Surely with today's amount of sports science and technology he can be very carefuly managed over the 4 days and probably just gets put through a super light skills/recovery program in their one and only training session?
  17. Yes i was also advocating he stays for the match against the Aints DV. But then again i don't think the FD will bring in a specialist small forward for a backman on Corey. So who does Jeffy replace assuming he gets a call up?
  18. Pretty sure you wouldn't be able to Vape on the G just before the first bounce either 56. Stamping them out would become an expensive habit also eh.
  19. And your favourite personality in that magnificent series OD was?
  20. Fair enough DV. In a highly settled successful team where everyone knows their role (with only 1 or 2 exceptions in non-key positions), against some very ordinary opp with Pruess having already played half a season and needing to be managed....maybe. In OUR super unsettled generally ineffective forward line till now (without Pruess) i think that would just unsettle the mids/HBs coming i50 even further. When our mids/HBs (& Maxy) look up/and scan the i50 horizon, they need to be seeing familiar options presenting themselves so they have outlets, especially when under pressure (which in today's footy is most of the time). Pruess is an easy target/outlet to spot as a last resort (or when on a mis-match if there is an obvious one spotted by the ball carrier) offering a foil for T-Daddy & Weids deep in the square. In theory this will allow T-Daddy & Weids to work into a bit of room from 30 to 50 meters or just outside the ARC, while Pruess stays at home as the deep outlet option. In other words those two need to work super hard with their lead patterns, but not inside 30. That becomes the Pruess / crumber/s ONLY zone. This leaves room for Pruess deep and a crumber(s) to work his/their craft with a little more space within 30 meters when the ball hits the deck or for them to lead into the space created behind T-Daddy/Weids who should have lead their opponents out of the area. And this is the danger area where most goals are scored. Crowding this area with T-Daddy and Weids trying to cover it hasn't been working as they draw their defenders and one or two others also trying to kill the ball, making it very tricky / crowded and hampering smalls'/crumbers' ability to do their work effectively (not that we have anyone elite here...apart from Jeffy when he's hot, but why make life harder for whoever is playing that role?). Fine tuning that down to a T will take time and plenty of practice before everyone gels to a level that will stand up under finals pressure. Keeping it familiar and simple for all concerned is a better option IMO with the very odd occasional change up (more positional changes rather than personnel). The positional changes will happen anyway as some are asked to cover off other's roles while they are benched / injured (such as Pruess covering for Maxy in the ruck. Injuries will also bring personnel changes (obviously) but if there's a system and everyone knows that basic system, the person coming in can be asked to fill the role for the injured (suspended/ badly out of form etc) and play that role. The rest of the game set up / style / general structure stays the same so it continues to look familiar to the regulars playing their roles, especially the mids/HBs as per the above. Obviously Pruess might be harder to replace in his role above but you still bring a tall in to attempt to cover for however long he is out ...etc etc.
  21. There aren't many of AA's size / height with the pace to match Deever. Pruess is a very tough match up playing deep out of the goal square.
  22. Share's the role with Chunk on the wing.... might make a 4 stroke!
  23. On the G i would also feel that is our best option until Hannan returns. Jeffy then comes in for Stretch and Fritschkrieg gets the other wing. On the smaller grounds like Marvel and SCG we might be able to get away with rotating say Spargo/Melk/Chunk & Fritchskrieg on the wings allowing us the luxury of Hunt up forward as per the Swans. Chunk to play a mostly forward role regardless of the ground. More so when Hannan returns with little time, if any, on a wing.
  24. You might have your wish PF with Jeffy having a decent game today apparantly and kicking 3. Billy was more a direct replacement for ANB but they might be able to swing Jeffy in anyway and push Spargo up the field to cover Stretch's role (if ommitted). Hannan would have been the obvious replacement for ANB if fit.
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