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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I’m just going by what has been said here and the fact that a navicular or lisfranc would require a much longer recovery than 7-8 weeks. I wonder where @Webber is. He probably knows more than us.
  2. I take it you haven’t seen Schache play much senior footy.
  3. Well thank god for that! I was prepared for the worst. Send him our best wishes! By the way, how close are you with Clayton’s mum? Can you tell her that I can no longer live without Clarry and he has to come back and play please? 😂
  4. Kent Kingsley memorial trophy winner on many occasions.
  5. So it’s NOT the dreaded navicular or lisfranc?
  6. Not that the club's injury updates fill me with confidence.
  7. They have gone to see a reiki healer to get rid of the bad juju around goals
  8. If we don't finish top 4 that is a massive failure and deserves a serious review of the football department. Especially considering we've had an ok run with injuries so far.
  9. OMFG these diagnosis are getting worse and worse. Navicular is 12 months is it not? How could he possibly play again this year if it's a navicular? I am going to wait for a real update before I hyperventilate. No doubt the club's injury report will be "foot - TBC"
  10. Me too, but @WalkingCivilWar said it might not be season ending, which means it's definitely not career threatening. Although it might be the sort of injury that hampers him for a long time to come, especially if it's foot related, which we know is a persistent [censored].
  11. They insert a plate for syndesmosis?
  12. She’s already posted yesterday that he’s going for surgery today and it’s serious but potentially not season ending.
  13. That would 1000% be season ending. So it doesn’t sound like it. Fingers crossed it’s nothing of that nature.
  14. I really love what Hunter has brought to the team and he’s definitely been giving us a lot more than Langdon has. But of his 30 touches this weekend, I reckon 28 were kicks that went nowhere. He is not damaging like he was earlier in the year.
  15. I don’t think JVR has the tank to cover the ground like Petty does right now. But I could be wrong. Either way, our forwardline is a [censored] show and has to be fixed before it ruins our whole season.
  16. I think there is no argument to be made that Petty is a better player down back than Tomlinson. We all recognise that. However on team balance, Tomlinson can get the job done in the backline without robbing us of our defensive power IMO. But do we have someone who can play the role that TMac played in 2021 other than Petty? I think not. BB is not a Petty replacement. They are very different players. BB is a stay at home forward. He has neither the speed, nor the ground level agility nor the fitness to play the high forward role that we've been desperately missing since Tmac got injured. I would argue that BB need to play and Gawn has to not play forward, because a forward he ain't. JVR could play the Tmac role long term, but it's asking too much from him right at this moment. I think we can play all of JVR, BB and Petty forward, especially with Fritta injured and especially if we let go of the hope that Gawn becomes a goal kicking marking forward. You would play JVR is the Fritta role, because he is very competitive at ground level and is a good kick for goal. You play Petty in the Tmac role, to give us an actual marking target to kick to going inside 50, and you play BB deep for that "kick it long and deep and hope" play which will either result in a mark or will create a spillage to give our smalls a chance to crumb closer to goal, not 55m out on an 87 degree angle! For mine Smith is neither here nor there. He is more of a defensive medium forward. You could play him instead of Chandler or ANB realistically, but that won't happen. If they want to keep trying him then he can stay ahead of JVR for now.
  17. My issue is that we haven't settled on a best 23 and it's July! I don't know what our best mix is. Do you? and more worryingly, do our coaches? I just don't understand why we persevered with Petty forward, only to throw him down back again just as Tomlinson was finding good form and we were starting to get back to our defensive best. And it's not as if Petty is setting the world on fire down back. He's been good, but it feels counterproductive when we have someone else who can step into that role, and a forwardline screaming for anything resembling quality.
  18. Without Fritsch, this must surely be the way forward. We will not win a flag with a forward combination of Gawn/BB/Smith. We just won't.
  19. Probably one of the worst games for him to return in. It was an absolutely no win situation in these conditions. He fought manfully and gave us a contest, but FFS those conditions were the least suited to talls, and we ended up with 3 giants, 2 down on form and 1 back from a long lay off in the seniors. It was, quite frankly, bad team selection. JVR would have been as good in these conditions, and BB would have been better off coming in this week on a dry and fast deck where he has done his best work.
  20. Appreciate your update. I am fearing he won't play again this year and have resigned myself to that fact, along with our chances of winning a flag slipping away. I just hope it is not an injury that will impact him long term, because he is so important to us. Fingers crossed it's something he can get right and come back cherry ripe in 2024. Please pass on all the good healing vibes from every Melbourne supporter. I think he is one player that is universally regarded as one of our very very best and most important! As for the vitriol, I think it's only as bad as you take it. There is as much good analysis mixed in with obvious and understandable frustration, as there is out and out rubbish. I am sure the players are feeling very frustrated, and so it is only fair that supporters feel the same. I can count on one hand the spiteful comments I've seen here post match to be honest. Most of it is people trying to make sense of the recent poor form, especially forward of centre. As far as footy forums go, this has to be one of the best ones for analytical discussion vs pure [censored] ratio. I don't know that you'd ever log on to a Carlton or Richmond supporter forum!
  21. According to @WalkingCivilWar it wasn’t sounding good yesterday. I guess we will know more today or tomorrow.
  22. You cannot drop Kosi. No matter how 'down' on form he is, he is one of only two forwards in our side who can make something out of nothing, and is a reliable kick for goal. Considering the other one might not play again this season, if you drop Kosi you might as well concede that we won't kick more than 5 goals a game.
  23. We kept them to 12 scoring shots. Hard to complain about that, when they kept us to 90000 scoring shots, 89999 of them resulting in no score.
  24. I have a lot of sympathy for our defenders, who are absolutely dominating, only to watch our forwardline break down so spectacularly at the other end. Bowey kicking a goal yesterday was just so ironic. Of course one of our most talented ball users who is of course a defender, goes forward and nails a shot on goal. He must be wondering WTAF is going on. It might be time to switch things up and look to push Bowey or McVee to a wing and/or half forward, because frankly if I have to keep watching the dysfunctional mess that is our forwardline, I am going to poke both my eyes out with a hot stick.
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