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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. My most hated narrative of all is that Gus should have protected himself. I literally can’t.
  2. Appeal will be on Thursday I think
  3. It’s the appeal that will be interesting My guess is that he will get 3 weeks and they’ll appeal.
  4. He also head-butted Viney which conveniently the media has forgotten about.
  5. Nothing better than a poster who never shows their ugly head on here until they have something negative to say. It was better when you were ruining Demonology instead.
  6. I sincerely hope he finds himself lining up next to Viney next season. Because he won’t play again this year.
  7. I hope Cox gets the most severe case of food poisoning known to man. I want this dude to be [censored] out of those swim goggles. A despicable [censored] on and off the field. Embarrassing for footy to have this try hard yank running around playing Aussie rules.
  8. It might not be in the written rules, but it’s been used many many times to get players suspended. When you leave the ground or you don’t have eyes for the ball the tribunal more often than not will say you didn’t act with a duty of care.
  9. No doubt that teammate was Viney and he had to excuse himself from dropping that piece of dog [censored] to the ground and pouring the goon sack he brought over on his head. 0 good intentions in that visit. Just a pathetic PR exercise.
  10. Well the tribunal may still find him not guilty. I doubt it but they could. As you say tho, the appeals board is the problem. How much influence does the AFL have over them? Because we know the tribunal is just a puppet show run by the chief.
  11. Toby Bedford never left the ground. He didn’t even have eyes on the player. Maynard left the ground. Once you choose to leave the ground according to the AFL you have a duty of care to your opponent. That’s not my rules that’s the rules that they’ve demonstrated over and over again with many other cases. If you choose to leave the ground and lunge at a player with forward momentum, it does not matter if your intention was to smash them, smother the ball, fart in their face or kiss them, you have a duty of care to avoid their head and not render them concussed. Please explain how Hunter got suspended for a footy action trying to get a loose ground ball, because he accidentally collected Butters, but Maynard should avoid suspension for trying to smother the ball and concussing Gus in the process?
  12. Tom Browne couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Needs to stop telling us what players can and can't do. Should go back to bin diving. Suits him best. Trash.
  13. They can suspend Maynard, so that the next player who goes to smother a ball thinks twice before leaving the ground, leaping forward, turning their body and cannonballing themselves shoulder first into an opponent. When they started suspending players for cheap shots off the ball, guess what happened? cheap shots off the ball stopped occurring. Likewise sling tackles. They have told players not to sling a player 360 in a tackle motion and drive them into the ground head first. They suspend players who do, even though tackling is still 100% allowed in AFL.
  14. Last week a few people on here were selling their tickets later in the week as they were sick and couldn't make it. Keep checking back here in case the same happens again. There are bound to be people who can't make it at the last minute.
  15. Better weather predicted will help the neutral AFL members to turn up I reckon. Friday is also better for corporates.
  16. So did I. I shed more than a few tears looking at that image, and thinking of his parents and Danielle and her mum listening to those Collingwood inbred cheer while Gus was motionless on the ground, and rushing down to the rooms to see how he is doing. I think it's little wonder why so many of us are feeling so flat about Thursday. A loss is a loss, we've all seen plenty of them and plenty worse, but this incident, and the frankly pathetic follow up in the media and online since, has really just left a horrible bitter taste in our mouths. If our season ends on Friday, I'll be upset, but if Gus is ok then that is truly what matters. Bigger picture.
  17. I'll remember that the next time one of their star players is concussed. Better not play again. Don't listen to doctors when between 100,000 Collingwood fans you can find 3 functional braincells. They know best.
  18. Right call not to challenge. We could have argued the impact was low, but realistically it was a bloody stupid and dangerous thing to do, and unlike Collingwood, we don't condone that [censored] from our players. Now JVR gets to miss playing in a final. Hope he learns.
  19. Hopefully next week Tuesday. Show Maynard the same respect they showed Bedford and say "sorry we can't find anyone to attend the hearing you have to wait". But no, fat chance that happens when a Collingwood player is involved!
  20. Since when does it matter if his was a footy action? Tackling is a footy action, and tackles that result in concussion lead to suspensions. Why are the rules suddenly different? Because it's a big name player from a big club?
  21. I don't think we need a key forward. We need a key defender. Petty is our key forward from 2024 onwards. Who is helping out May and Lever, or further more who replaces May eventually?
  22. I hope non of them are suffering CTE from their playing days. But going by the rubbish they constantly spit from their mouth, it’s very possible they are.
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