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Everything posted by Dees_In_October

  1. It seems inevitable that at some point COVID will take out teams and impact the season. There are whispers that Collingwood has players isolating as contacts this week in the lead up to Round 1. Read this interesting article by our own Libby Birch about the voluntary actions some players are taking to try to avoid missing games. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/part-time-players-full-time-responsibility-covid-19-is-stretching-aflw-20220103-p59lih.html?btis Obviously as part-timers, the clubs can't ban activities or force players into hubs but it seems like some are taking the initiative to create their own social bubbles and reduce risks as much as possible. Will be really hard for those in public-facing jobs such as teachers, retail, hospitality and healthcare workers to find a balance (i.e., basically impossible!). Here are the policies for match re-scheduling if players become close contacts or test positive: https://www.womens.afl/news/78420/afl-releases-covid-match-rescheduling-guidelines Basically, of the list of 30 (plus train-on players), the minimum availability for a match to go ahead is 16 AFLW primary list players and 5 train-on players. It's not hard to imagine a scenario where half the team gets sidelined the day before a match, so I'd expect more re-scheduling than what has already taken place due to borders.
  2. The thing about West is she's basically a freebie as a rookie. As we all know, if you can get good quality players that way, it can really help with depth, and if the player can become a regular in the team, more the better (see: Goldrick and hopefully Magee). I do wonder if perhaps she played footy prior to focusing on basketball. Either way, I like what I've seen on a 2-game sample. Any player that comes from the US college system brings a certain standard for training etc. as well. Like George, I can see a bit of synergy across the club. Just hope they can put the promise into action when it counts, which is always the hard part. I'm excited to see what plays out with Harris and I'm hoping for a big season from Zanker too, loved her progress in the midfield last season. Even in her breakthrough games, she didn't quite put it all together at the same time - when that happens, watch out!
  3. Current average is 56% so 66.66% ain't too shabby. Also an appropriate number 👹
  4. Happy New Year, Demonlanders! In celebration, here's my quiz about the 2021 Grand Final. It's a long one at 57 questions, so make sure you're in the zone when you have a go. I've given the maximum allowable time of 20 minutes. Enjoy! https://www.sporcle.com/games/dees_in_october/2021-grand-final-quiz---demons-premiership
  5. After over 300 attempts, here are some quiz results. Average score: 44% Not surprisingly given it was a trick question, the one that tripped people up the most was "Which two Geelong players collide at a crucial moment?", with many (58.7%) selecting "Cameron and Henderson", which didn't happen in the last 2 minutes, instead of "Dangerfield and Simpson" (14.2%). An impressive number (22.8%) were able to name the order of players in a key handball chain - I thought this would be much lower! The highest scoring questions were "Which two people are shown chatting as Gawn prepares to take his kick?" (91.4%) followed by "What does May say to Gawn after he takes the mark?" (88.4%). I'm putting together an epic Grand Final quiz, which I'll post shortly.
  6. Weirdly I actually saw this occurring on the day (unless there were multiple punch-ups between various children...) I think it was Jones that I saw 'breaking it up' by taking the footy, at which point the wrestle, which was really just a ball up situation, was abandoned! Just like in the big time. I remember mainly because I thought this was a smart tactic worth keeping up my sleeve for similar situations!
  7. I can't remember if I've said on here before, but I'm gonna say it again, so glad someone thought to go with the jumper point during the many goal celebrations in the game. Such a classic but you can really only bring it out in big moments, otherwise it's cheapened. So to very legitimately do this in a GF and actually remember to do it among the chaos was great.
  8. Bah humbug! Well, enjoy not getting sales from the many spend-happy Dees fans looking to buy up after a premiership??? Great business decision.
  9. Sounds like a challenge 😉 Maybe I'll make one for early next year and see who's been keeping up their re-watching!
  10. Yeah that was a deliberate trick question on my part. Had to celebrate the fact that there were two almost comical collisions like that in the quarter!
  11. In the aftermath of Round 23 and trying to distract myself from the nerves of the impending finals series, I put together this quiz. At the time, I was thinking, "This will surely be the highlight of the season, what could possibly top this?" (I wasn't allowing myself to think too far ahead). I was also thinking, come the end of the year, if we'd been bundled out of the finals in some devastating fashion, it would be nice to reflect on this great comeback. And I thought people would have good chance at some tricky questions after likely dozens of viewings - of course, some of that may have been erased by hundreds of viewings of another pivotal few minutes since then! So, for your entertainment, a 21-question quiz about the minutia of the last two minutes of Round 23. Test yourself, test you relatives on Christmas. Post your score here! NOTE: Questions refer to the Channel 7 broadcast and widely circulated information post-match. https://www.sporcle.com/games/dees_in_october/round-23-quiz
  12. Don't forget to celebrate the anniversary of the Grand Final on the 25th, Demonlanders. Clearly the biggest thing happening that day! Remind any friends and relatives you're catching up with that it's been 3 months since the Dees' triumph. Perhaps a celebratory viewing of the last minute of the third before present unwrapping? A toast to Max Gawn? Break out the premiership cheeseboard?
  13. Yep I'd say so, though it might have just been an experiment for Plan B scenarios. I can see them both chipping in depending on the opposition. And, yes, Caris is just as you describe. I thought she showed good presence and held her own. If we were to lose L.Pearce, I'd expect them to play her. Fun fact I heard on a podcast called "Footy, Actually", much recommended for AFLW analysis. Top two tallest in the league are at the Dees: Caris and Gillard both at 190cm. Midfield struggled a bit to get their hands on it in the first, but came good after that. Hanks and Mithen were their usual selves. I felt Hanks was a little rusty, but the longer the game went on, the more she got into it and by the last she was everywhere. Mithen - you know what you get with her and that was her game on Saturday - tackling pressure, lots of setting up teammates by hand. Would love her to really nail her disposal by foot and even hit the scoreboard a bit. Probably the notable thing in the midfield was how they went without Paxy. She's so dominant and such a fixture, it's actually hard to remember a game where she hasn't had a big say. But it wasn't the gaping hole it would have been a few years back, so that was interesting (obviously would prefer her out there!).
  14. In situations like this (without knowing the details, of course), I think of someone like Ash Barty. Her extended break from tennis was absolutely crucial to where she is today and her openness about how that break helped her is instructive. It's easy to say it was the right call in retrospect, and it might still have been the right call even if career success didn't result, but I can only hope that decision like hers have made it easier for players to do this - early before it all becomes even harder to deal with, or at the time when it's needed due to whatever the personal circumstances are.
  15. Yes, and if I remember rightly, it became something of a curse - the curse of the President's wife?
  16. I made it! As I tossed up whether I should take the journey, one thing proved the motivator: to see Tayla Harris in the red and blue again for the first time in a long while (more on that later). I arrived mid-way through first- it always takes longer than you think - after skirting the well-attended Covid testing queue and managing to snare a good parking spot, a Casey rarity. By my estimate, the crowd was about 100 strong, mostly Demons. Of course, it was windy. And of course, there was more bizarre weather coming. Classic Casey. Q1 Fairly standard-looking line-up in the first (Paxman an obvious exception). First notable play after my arrival was a strong mark to Harris (wearing #4) in front of me on the wing. Also standing out was the rookie (and Casey B&F) West, who was very involved in the clinches, with second and third efforts. The Pies were kicking with the intense wind advantage, but our defence held up quite well under the onslaught, keeping the Pies to two goals when it could easily have been more since they had it camped down there. Not surprisingly, there was great difficulty transitioning to fwd 50, while the midfield struggled to get first use. Lightning strikes nearby late in the first didn’t stop the game immediately, but quarter time was lengthened by about 10 mins. Naturally, the delay saw the return of blue skies and sunshine. Melb 0.0.0 to Cwood 2.3.15 Q2 Kicking with the wind in the second, the Demons had better bounce off half back through Sherriff and Tarrant, and more midfield control. Goldie with a slightly nervous running bounce was enjoyable - calling to mind a practice match before her debut year in which she forgot to bounce at all while showing her now trademark dash. Just love how she takes it on. A ruck mix-up saw Parry nearly get a goal unopposed out of the ruck, while Daisy's forward pressure led the way. The Dees peppered the scoreboard, with points to Daisy, Harris, Bannan (an impressive attempted long bomb) and West (I'm fairly certain, squinting from the other end) and two goals to Hore in her typical out-the-back or round-the-corner fashion. Zanker became more prominent, pushing the ball forward and distributing well by hands. A couple more strong takes to Harris and Birch were notable. Melb 2.4.16 to Cwood 2.3.15 Q3 A stalemate of a quarter, with Collingwood failing to capitalise on the wind. The Dees tried to be smart going forward by short kicks edging closer. Our best chance for a major fell apart after a good set up by Scott to Daisy about 30m out on an angle, who then hit up Scott closer in, who took it a step too far trying to centre to 10m out. The idea was right though and showed the team's comfort with the conditions and ability to use different gears as required. Meanwhile, Harris cleaned up Scott as they both crashed a pack early in the quarter, both played on. Harris was later reported for a sling tackle on Bonnici (I think), the latter commiserating with Harris while they waited for the umpire to re-start play. A good sign was that she was equally as hard but with better technique in her next involvement. Livingstone then got Harris high and apologised, so it was good sports all round despite the supposed “feud” between those two. Collingwood got a late goal after a quick transition forward from a ruck free kick, contrary to Daisy's clear instruction to "Lock it in!" in the last few minutes, which was disappointing. Interestingly, Parry had some time in the ruck. Score: Melb 2.5.17 to Cwood 3.4.22 Q4 Caris, Petrevski, Magee joined the game, with both Pearces sitting out the last. My quest to see if every player was used resulted in me noting Gillard (backline) and Campbell (forward) also on the field, and working out the player I'd been mis-seeing as Lampard was actually Ali Brown, and likely both had been out there, perhaps all along... Fitzsimon - who played 1, possibly 2 games early last season - followed up a great tackle with a good kick to Harris as the target, which resulted in a goal to Hore out the back. That seemed to kick-start the Dees, and they were in control from there. Great link-up play in the midfield, including a nice centring kick by Zanker, led to another classic snap by Hore. Zanker again upped the ante after going missing a bit in the 3rd. Birch with more strong marks, Colvin mopping up some unconvincing forays by the Pies (though she needs to tidy up her kicking!). Harris another great mark but shot offline. A good tackle by first father-daughter Campbell, appropriately in the #1, set up a nice goal to West. Hanks piled on another one out the back, the Pies' pressure wilting and the Dees running out the game well. Score: Melb 6.5.41 to Cwood 3.4.22 Unsighted: Paxman. Resting? Injured? Really wanted to give Harris her #4 jumper? I have no clues. Considering they put on the "B-team" (no disrespect!) in the last with the wind to carry them home, a good result and a chance to see our depth in action. Really happy with Harris, everything you'd want in terms of contest, only a goal would have capped it off. Birch's game was impressive as well. In the first, she dropped a mark, and I thought at the time, "Would really love her to take more of those with conviction". Cue her clunking pretty much everything from then on! Always interested in the development of the Irish players. Goldie was her usual see ball, get ball, side-stepping self, which lead to some great defensive stops and rebounds, though she got caught a few times - par for the course for her style. Magee barely got near it due to coming on in the last and rarely seeing the ball enter the backline, which was a shame as match practice is crucial for her. Was good to see Caris get a go and she looks a serviceable back-up ruck. All in all, it was a pretty even performance. The gap between the stars of the team and the rest narrow every year, which is a pleasure to witness. As far as I could tell, Collingwood's key players were all involved, but I'm not across their list enough to really say if they were at full strength or might have been trying stuff positionally/strategically. Still, in terms of a practice game, I figure there are three things you want: 1. No injuries - TICK (in the sense that no one was stretchered off or obviously injured) 2. A close-enough standard to a real game - TICK 3. Not a demoralising loss that will throw out preparations - TICK Bring on Round 1!
  17. I'm a maybe at this stage! It's definitely open to the public. Here's the team for Saturday:https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/1041173/team-locked-in-for-official-practice-match It's a 28-player side, of a 30-player list, so it's easier to say who ISN'T playing: Purcell (still in ACL recovery) and Simmons (yet to debut). As such, five of the six recruits will take part: Georgia Campbell, Tayla Harris, Eliza West, Tahlia Gillard and Ali Brown.
  18. Tickets are now available for our away clashes in Round 1 and 2. Adults $10, under 18s free. Unlike last year, at this point tickets aren't zoned at all for general admission. Round 1 vs. Western Bulldogs (7PM, Saturday January 8th, VU Whitten Oval) [Ticketmaster] Round 2 vs. Richmond (7.10PM, Friday January 14th, Punt Road Oval) [Ticketek]
  19. Of course, as it turns out, it's at Casey. 10AM Saturday 18th of December. Teams to be announced on Thursday. Each club will play one practice match, so this is it!
  20. It's been a year for it, especially if you include Garry forgetting Fritta at the MCG medal presentation!
  21. I'd be extremely surprised if they get it in the W. Would definitely have the Pies making finals and certainly ahead of at least four teams at the bottom. But we can only dream, right?
  22. Conspiracy theory: maybe Salem did win the Anzac eve medal? Remember how there was a delay because the presenter hadn't been given the winner's name? Maybe someone yelled out "It's Christian" and the presenter just went with the better-known one... Also, just cause it's worth repeating, 96% disposal efficiency for 27 disposals in a Grand Final is unbelievable.
  23. It's really tempting to project all kinds of stuff onto that guy's reaction, but it was ALL just written so clearly on his face. That the cup was in reach and that we were maybe really finally going to do it, and all the elation of how we were playing...but also that familiar little voice saying, "But what if we lose it from here?", will I ever see us get so close again? I've said before, would love to know this guy's story. I hope he doesn't feel embarrassed by his display of such raw emotion because I find it very moving every single time and it brings me right back into that moment as it first happened.
  24. Strange goal umpire magic? Never noticed that before. Oh well, guess I'll just have to watch it again!
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