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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. The following articles all discuss our trading Gysberts... http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/more-news/demons-exodus-continues-with-lucas-cook/story-e6frf9jf-1226465138150 http://www.afl.com.au/tabid/208/default.aspx?newsid=149034 http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/lions-make-late-bid-for-popular-pie-20121011-27foi.html etc so "On available evidence, Jordie is being shopped around for a worse pick than we paid to recruit him.", ...
  2. Potential is the peak that you could reach, if you have the drive to deal with everything that may stop you reaching that peak. It seems with some players they have the potential for a high peak, but not the drive to do whats required to get there. Other players don't have the same potential, but heaps of drive. Players with both become champions.
  3. I was bored. And now I am really bored. Read about the "Order merit effect" and think of Jordan as coal. QED.
  4. We're gonna go all the way in 2013!!! So excited. ;-)
  5. They are no longer part of our future.
  6. I'd agree he has/had potential, and assuming the FD also see this potential, then they must be put off by some serious flaws in order to be open for a trade, especially when his value is low. So the question with Jordan is, what are these flaws? Can they be fixed? and will it be worth the effort?
  7. Moloney, Green, Junior and Jurrah played some great games in 2010 as well.
  8. You and I will have to agree to disagree. A midfielder picked up at pick 11 after two years in the system should not be spending 14 games in the seconds trying to break into a team that finished 16th. Such a performance is simply below expectations and indicates a flaw in his ability to prepare and /or perform...
  9. Every time we contemplate losing a player for less than we paid, having never seen them deliver on their supposed potential it is painful. Jordan raised our hopes early on, but seems to have hit a brick wall with the new Coach, FD and demands this year. Have to trust the FD to make the call, and hope they get it right.
  10. You are clueless, he played 14 games for Casey.
  11. I figured you too would be using his performance since being drafted to the AFL as an indicator of his progress. Just in case you missed it... Jordan Gysberts' contribution to the MFC in 2012 was 1 game for 9 disposals, and the MFC finished 16th. Prior to that he was doing OK 2011 - 15 games 19.4 ave disposal. MFC finish 13th 2010 - 3 games 21 ave disposal. MFC finish 12th
  12. No change in criteria just a train of thought that you are unwilling or unable to follow: 1. MFC are disappointed in his progress/attitude/whatever, despite injuries etc... which leads to ... 2. "a result of him not performing as we (and the rest of the market) assumed he would when we picked him up in 2009" or put another way 3. '" a decline in his "market value"
  13. I hear what you are saying in regard to the additional teams etc... on one level, However, just like the property market may change over the years, it is not unreasonable to conclude you've done a bad deal if a house you purchased in 2009 for 1.1 mill is worth half as much 3 years later (even assuming deflation of 10% p.a. as a result of the two new clubs). Same year we picked up Gysberts at 11 we picked up Tapscott at 18. If Tapscott was on the market would we be asking for a higher than pick 30 in this draft? I think so, primarily because he has done enough to maintain his value. Jordan has not, as yet, warranted his high draft position in 2009.
  14. Not sure what you are talking about with Dawes.Jordan's market value in 2009 was pick 11. Jordan's market value in 2012 appears to be worth a pick in the early 30's To me this is a decline in his "market value" and a result of him not performing as we (and the rest of the market) assumed he would when we picked him up in 2009. Whats flawed in that logic?
  15. On available evidence, Jordie is being shopped around for a worse pick than we paid to recruit him. That seems to indicate to me that the MFC are disappointed in his progress/attitude/whatever, despite injuries etc... The coach creates an environment where professional sportsmen can be successfull, the individual players can then take full advantage of this environment, or not. Would be a shame if Jordie chose not to.
  16. Most commentators I've read put Melbourne as one of a couple of clubs that have "won" so far out of the trade period. Mooney and Denham are just trying to stand out by saying the opposite... Tiresome crap in my book, a career in their's. Each to their own.
  17. At the end of the day the result the FD delivered was awesome, and while there are fantasy scenarios that could have been slightly better, there were more scenarios that were much worse, namely: JV for pick 3. So credit where it is due, the the FD did good.
  18. We shall draft 3 top 10 kids (Viney, Hogan and Pick 4) and one estimated pick 30-50 kid in Barry. That equals a good haul of QUALITY kids in the draft. Plus we have tried to cover the loss of experience and position of recent years (Green, Maloney, Jurrah, Jnr, Rivers, Bruce etc) with the addition of Dawes (24) Bynes (28), Pedersen and Ray (assuming we get them). Too much media, not enough neurones.
  19. If you jump on the reality bus, it will take you through Central Jurrahtown, a ferry ride across to Wonna island, back to the coast and through Bate swamp and the small town of Dunn. To your right you might see the gleaming cities of Jollyville, Thompsontown and NextYearopolous. Finally you turn left at Crushedhopes and eventually you are in Realitytown. It's a bit drab at the moment, but we're hoping the town will thrive in years to come.
  20. Is "someone who can't be named" Voldermort aka Tom Scully?
  21. The purpose of the post was to tell us we don't have a clue whats going on. As if we didn't know that already. Stupidly I'm excited Crawf...
  22. We kicked 220 goals in 2012. You are suggesting 260 in 2013, which raises the question of how much better will we be in 2013. Is a 15% increase in goals OK? Was 2012 a down year for scoring given the absence of LJ, decline of Brad Green and Moloney's strike? I think we'll get close to 300 goals.
  23. "Who do you think you are kidding Mr Denham? If you think we're on the run." Loved Dad's Army.
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